Pork steaks in mustard sauce

These are wonderfully quick and easy to prepare. The creamy mustard sauce soaks up the juices and complements the pork deliciously.

Serves 2

1/2 tbsp olive oil

2 boneless pork steaks

2 generous tsp mustard (wholegrain or Dijon)

2 level tbsp crème fraîche

Small handful of parsley, chopped



 FAT 20G



Fry the pork steaks in the oil in a small frying pan for 15-20 minutes, or until the juices do not run pink. Take the pan off the heat, allow the meat to cool for a few minutes and then add the mustard and crème fraîche, stirring them into the juices. Season and scatter the parsley over.

Serve with 2 tbsp cooked grains such as quinoa or bulgar wheat to soak up the juices (see here) and green veg.