Chapter Thirty-Three

An hour later Ava was sitting under the stars on Chase’s to-die-for patio. He hadn’t broached the touchy subject of what would happen after this weekend and she assumed he was waiting for her to bring it up. It was cooler than last night and she cuddled on a comfy lounge chair. This was the first time she’d been out here, and she instantly fell in love with it. The pool was gorgeous, made with colorful tiles and a slate walkway around it. Tucked at the far end was a hot tub under a beautiful arbor draped with flowering vines.

It was wonderfully romantic and had the cozy feel of a magical grotto. Ava was bewitched and decided this was her favorite place, aside from the bedroom, of course. Just like the landscaping at the front of the house, back here the ambient lighting in the lush gardens ringing the pool gave a fairy-tale sparkle to the magnificent flowerbeds and waterfalls. She’d never seen anything like it.

“This is so beautiful, Chase. Did you design all this as well?” she asked, relaxing on the deep cushions.

“I’m glad you like it.” Chase settled in a chair beside her, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

“Mmm, yes, I do. It’s so peaceful and…just lovely.” She was a little tense and tried to calm herself. But it was time and she decided she may as well just dive in.

“What is this?” she pointed between her and him.

“What do you mean, ‘what is this?’” he asked her, his beer bottle paused at his mouth.

She would never tire of looking at him; she was absolutely blown away by how handsome and breathtaking he was. How he made her feel alive. How he was a one-of-a-kind guy—she knew they had broken the mold after they made him.

“Us. We’re two different people from two different worlds. We haven’t even really talked about us and life, and what’s next. Where we’ll go from here.” She watched to see if he would display any kind of expression.

He was silent, and it frightened her. He’d alluded to it earlier, but what if there was more to what he wanted to discuss than she’d originally thought? What if he hadn’t thought past the now? What if he was content with how things are and there was nowhere to go from here? Oh, she was just so damn confused.

He reached forward and put his bottle on the table between them then took her hand. “Ava, I’ve been thinking the same. I’ve had the best time with you and I’ll be upfront and honest.” He pulled his chair around and faced her. Her heart skipped a beat, waiting for the words she didn’t want to hear again. “I’ve been wanting to talk about this and I was kind of hoping it would be here, after we’d had a shower…together.” He gave her a teasing wink.

She felt a blush rush up her cheeks. “I needed time to think. I know more about you than you do me. Like, what I do for a living, where I live, my interests. Why have you never asked? Didn’t you really want to know?”

“Good Lord, no! I mean, yes, I wanted to know, not no I didn’t. But, you’re absolutely right. I haven’t asked you and I was wrong not to. It just seemed we were having such a great time and those sorts of details were just lost in the background. So I’m asking now. Tell me more about you, Boots.”

One moment she had wanted him ask her and now, a second later, she was tongue-tied. She didn’t know what to say. It surprised her.

“I live in middle of prairie belt, I’m under a contractual obligation to the company I work for. Been with them for a few years, working my way up. I’m a numbers girl—”

He raised his eyebrows. “Numbers?”

“Yup, numbers are my jam.” She gave him a quizzical look. “What, you don’t think I could be good with numbers?”

“I never said that. I just didn’t expect it. Ah, you’re a brainiac then?” The teasing look he cast her way calmed her down, easing the tension of the moment.

She laughed. “That’s exactly what my friends call me.” She remembered their jokey bantering back in Vegas when Bonni had won the jackpot and they insisted she go to make sure the money went through fine for Bonni.

“So, more about you, then. You admitted you’re a country girl. What made you go to the city?”

She searched his eyes in the low lighting and saw his genuine interest in knowing her answer.

She shrugged. “I needed to find myself. Small town, nothing going on, and I longed for the bright city lights. I danced when I was young and all through my teenage years, working toward my dream of Juilliard. But I had an injury and that was that.” Ava shrugged. “So I went to college and began a career I thought I wanted.”


She nodded. “Yeah, I wanted to climb the corporate ladder and break the glass ceiling but the higher I got, the more difficult it became.”


She let out a long, frustrated sigh and looked him dead in the eye. “Because the more I achieved, the less I realized I wanted it. Backwards, huh?”

“Not really. Sometimes we don’t know what we want until we don’t have it anymore.”

She met his gaze. Those words spoke volumes to her. It made her look back on how hard she’d fought and clawed her way to get where she was now, and these last few days had made her long for a simpler, less complicated way of life. A life with someone like Chase.

“But I never stopped. I was driven.” She swung her legs over the edge of the lounge chair and slipped her knees between his thighs.

“Your parents?”

She shook her head. “They decided to travel and see the world before they became ‘old and decrepit’—their words, not mine. Sold their home and headed off into the wild blue yonder, as they said. It was hard to say goodbye to them at the airport, and I feel terribly alone sometimes.”

“Good for them! You don’t have to feel alone, though. You have your friends.” He reached out and cupped her cheek.

She waited for him to say she had him, but he didn’t.

“Sooo—us? You were asking what we are?” His voice was low and intimate…it sent shivers along her spine.

“Yes. Us. What are we? Just a weekend fling, or something more?” She quietly held her breath.

“I know I want more. I mentioned this earlier and you didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so—”

“I’m sorry, it’s just that…I’ve been through this before.” Her voice was soft and he leaned in to her.

He looked at her from under his eyebrows and she couldn’t pull her gaze away from him. Ava waited for his next words.

“How have you been through this before?” he asked, and he didn’t give any of his thoughts away; the expression on his face didn’t change at all.

“Years ago.” She wasn’t entirely sure how much to share. “I was away, at a conference, and met someone. We hit it off, but he lived in London and I was here.” She let out a deep sigh and told him the story, ending with, “I vowed never to put myself through it again…and here I am.”

Chase reached over and took her hand, curling his fingers around hers. “But that’s a different situation and not me. You’re painting me with the same brush and that’s not fair.”

Ava let out a shaky breath and looked at him. “How can it work? It’s hard to see how it can.”

“Why not? Many people make a long-distance relationship work.”

Ava shook her head vigorously.

“Your friends—”

“Just because it worked for them doesn’t mean it will work for me—us. Not to mention, I’d have to break my contract, which would carry significant financial penalties, I signed a non-disclosure agreement, and the loss of privacy. I’ve seen what you go through when we’re out. I’m not sure I could deal with all the trappings of fame.”

Chase let out a deep sigh and sat back in his chair, letting her fingers fall from his. Ava’s heart shattered a little bit more. She had known this was how it was going to be and was about to suggest she go back to her hotel.

“Okay, then, we have this weekend, right? Let’s put all that away. No more talk about the future, let’s just enjoy our time now. Confine what we have to this weekend.” She heard the disappointment in his tone, but Ava was relieved.

“I would like that.” She tried not to feel guilty.

They looked at each other for a long moment, the silence of the night surrounding them.

“Then let’s make the most of it.” He stood and held his hand out to her. “I’m starved. Shall we cook?”

Ava laughed, and relief flooded through her. “Yes, I’m hungry, too.”

He pulled her up and wrapped her in a hug. It felt so damn good to be in his arms and the feelings he roused in her pushed her worry aside. They had more time together, and she would enjoy it. Enjoy him and take the memory of them home with her.

She reached for her glass of beer and let him lead her over to an outdoor kitchen she was ashamed to admit she hadn’t noticed before.

“My goodness, what a set-up. I think Chef Ramsay would be envious of this.”

Chase’s deep laughter warmed her from the inside out and she began to feel a little better. “I’m pretty sure his kitchens are way more impressive than this one. What do you say I fire us up a couple of steaks?”

“You cook on an open fire and on a grill! You are full of surprises.” Ava let her gaze linger on him. She leaned on the counter and watched him move around the kitchen and prep the grill.

“Of course I cook anywhere. I’ve been on my own for quite some time. If I didn’t cook, I’d be long dead.” He pulled out a tray that had obviously been put in the refrigerator earlier. “Like rib steaks?”

Her mood was lifting and Ava began to feel the way she had before their conversation had gotten all serious.

“I’m good with whatever you’re cooking. Don’t go to any trouble, though.”

“No trouble at all. I planned on grilling for you.” Chase placed the tray on the counter and gave her a wink. Ava sighed, so glad that they were getting past the heaviness. She didn’t want their time to be full of tension, she wanted the carefree fun they’d had.

“Do you always have food out here? Is that normal?” Ava took a deep drink of her beer and put the glass down on the mosaic countertop. She slid on to a stool.

“I asked my housekeeper to bring the food out, since I thought we might eat outside. I much prefer being outside than inside anyway.” He seasoned the steaks.

It was weird hearing him say he had a housekeeper or staff, even though she knew he did, but it seemed so unreal, since she hadn’t seen anyone when she’d been here.

She raised the glass and said, “This is good beer.”

“It is. It’s a local brewery run by a friend of mine.” He wiped his hand on the tea towel tossed over his shoulder. “He’s starting to make a name for himself. I do what I can to help him out.”

“Shop local. I support it.” She liked his loyalty. “My friends and I have discovered that Nashville has quite an active craft-brewery scene.” She took a couple big gulps of the beer then selected a few potato chips out of the bowl he’d pushed toward her. “Mmm, chips and beer.” She popped a chip into her mouth and her tongue nearly caught fire. “Oh my God!” Ava grabbed her beer and guzzled, trying to quell the heat on her tongue. “What is that spice?”

Chase laughed. “Don’t like spice?”

“I do, but that’s crazy.” She waved her hand in front of her mouth then drank some more. Slowly, the heat began to fade, leaving a rather nice taste in her mouth. “Man-o-man.”

“Here, have some more beer.” He filled her glass. “There are a lot of micro-breweries in Nashville and area. Caesar salad okay with you?” He opened the fridge and held up big head of romaine.

“Yes, Caesar would great. I must say, you’re impressing the hell out of me right now.” He was obviously very handy in the kitchen. What wasn’t sexy about a man who could cook? “Is there anything I can do?”

“If you’d like, how about you melt down some butter and smash a few garlic cloves to simmer?”

Ava got up and carried her beer around to the other side of the counter. Since he was busy with the salad, she looked around for what she needed. Soon the aroma of sizzling butter and garlic rose on the air and Ava sliced a loaf of Italian bread.

“Can’t beat homemade garlic bread,” he commented when Ava turned and shook the pan to keep the garlic from sticking. “You seem to know your way around a kitchen as well.” Chase placed the steaks on the platter and showed them to her.

“Oh, look, you’ve put them in the shape of a heart!” He caught her gaze and she drew in a soft breath. Had he done it just for her? She liked to think he had. Boy, he was really working the charm.

Chase put the platter down and snaked his arm out around her waist and drew her in. She didn’t even have time to think before his mouth covered hers. She melted in his arms. Oh, she was in so much trouble. She knew her heart was going to be broken. But right now, with his mouth slanting on hers, his hands holding her tight and her fingers pushing into his hair, she had no will to refuse him.

Her body reacted to him, as it did whenever they were close. Her breasts pressed his chest and her nipples hardened into aching points. All she could think of was how he’d suckled on them before and how badly she wanted him to do it now. Heat and desire boiled low in her belly and that sweet ache between her thighs—for him—grew to a fever pitch.

He was romancing the hell out of her, wanting to make her forget their conversation…and it was working. Ava closed her eyes and lost herself in him. Behind her eyelids she saw all the things she dreamed about: the diamond engagement ring, lace, satin and pearls, babies, and the shadowy face of the man always lurking on the edge of her visions, never allowing himself to be seen, suddenly materialized. And it was Chase.

Stop it, Ava!

He lifted from her and turned back to the counter. Ava didn’t like the empty feeling that lingered. He was quickly becoming so much a part of her it was almost frightening. His deep voice snapped her from her wedding-bells daydream.

“I think steaks should be marketed this way around Valentine’s Day.” Chase stared into her eyes

“W–what? Steaks…oh.” She was befuddled, then remembered the heart shape he’d made with the steaks and what had started her romantic daydream in which he played the starring role.

He covered the meat with wrap and placed them beside the grill, which was warming up. “I like to use charcoal—better flavor—and it won’t be too much longer until the coals are ready.”

“I can wait. There’s a bowl of chips here, and they are my weakness.” To prove her point, she reached for one, dragged it through the dip and popped it in her mouth. She was doing her best to regroup after that kiss.

“Now there’s a girl after my own heart. No shame in eating chips and dip and drinking beer.” He took a big chip and scooped out an impressive amount of dip.

She laughed and let the happy feeling wash over her, doing her best to let go of the tension from earlier. He was incredibly easy to be around and she was relieved they were falling back into their easy-going ways. She checked the simmering garlic and turned the heat down under the pan as he checked the grill. That done, he pulled another growler out of the fridge and topped up their glasses.

“Why don’t we go and sit by the fire for a bit?” he suggested.

“Fire?” Ava turned around and saw a fire pit she’d noticed earlier, now glowing with flames licking up through the rocks.

The fire pit seemed carved out of stone. It was close to the edge, overlooking a small hill that fell away to a cedar rail fence separating the forest on the other side from creeping across the wooden boundary. The pool was on the other side of them and shone a lovely aqua from the submerged lighting.

“I’m just stunned how beautiful all this is. My eyes see it but my words can’t describe it. It’s simply magical.” She followed him to the grouping of chairs around the stone fire pit. “When did you get the fire going?”

“It’s gas.” He almost looked guilty when he said that. “On-and-off switch back in the bar, and a remote here on the table. I much prefer a wood fire, but this is just easier here.” He put their glasses down on the iron table between two chairs.

Ava crawled on to the lounger. Night birds sang in the trees behind the fence. It was very secluded and the deeper the night grew, more twinkling lights materialized in the shrubbery and flowers. Fireflies began their mystical dance between the leaves and a horse neighed in the distance. She heard the thumping of hooves. It was wonderful.

Ava bloomed with happiness when he draped a throw blanket over her legs. She snuggled down into the coziness. “Thank you.” She was touched and brushed her fingers over the soft weave of the blanket, at the same time snared by the heated look in his eyes.

“In case you get chilly,” he said, leaning down to tuck the blanket around her hips. He didn’t stand up, staying partially bowed over her. He was so close. Yet so far away.

Impulsively, she reached up with her hands and took the sides of his face in her palms, stroking her thumb over his beard. She pulled him down. He didn’t resist and their eyes remained locked on each other the closer they got. Chase rested a knee on the edge of the chair and steadied himself with one hand on the chair back.

Ava held her breath as he lowered his face to hers, inhaling his scent and the wildness of the land around them.

“I wasn’t expecting this,” he said in a low and crazy sexy voice that twisted her belly into a tight knot of arousal.

“Neither was I.” Ava tugged on him, drawing him closer. The pool lights reflected into his eyes and she melted even more.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, Chase decreased the distance between them until she felt the heat of his lips. It took only one little tug for their lips to meet.

The simple power his voice had over her was nothing compared to how much he rocked her world with a kiss.