
The editors wish to thank the Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division for permission to reproduce images from the Daniel Murray collection; the University of Massachusetts Amherst Special Collections and University Archives for permission to reproduce material from the W. E. B. Du Bois Papers; Tiffany Atwater and the graduate student staff of the Archives Research Center at the Atlanta University Center Woodruff Library for assistance with archival documents; Eugene F. Provenzo Jr., David Levering Lewis, John H. Bracey Jr., Lauren Klein, Ruha Benjamin, Robert Paynter, and Lana Dever. At the University of Massachusetts Amherst: Carol Connare, Simon Neame, Rob Cox, and Danielle Kovacs of the UMass Amherst Libraries; the W. E. B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies; the students in Britt Rusert’s fall 2017 Du Bois Senior Seminar. At Princeton Architectural Press: Nina Pick, Nolan Boomer, Abby Bussel, Ben English, and Susan Hershberg. Aldon Morris would like to thank the editors for their valuable comments on his essay. Silas Munro thanks Stephen Munro, Ian Lynam, and Stan Kaplan, as well as the Vermont College of Fine Arts and Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts for support of early presentations of this research.