National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Avison, Margaret, 1918-
              Concrete and wild carrot / Margaret Avison

ISBN 1-894078-24-1

              I. Title

PS8501.V5C65 2002      C811’.54      C2002-902871-X
PR9199.3.A92C65 2002

Copyright©Margaret Avison 2002.

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for
the Arts, the Government of Canada through the Book
Publishing Industry Development Program (BPIDP),
and the Ontario Arts Council for their support of our
publishing program.

The cover photograph was taken by Paul Best.
The photograph of the author was taken by Joan Eichner.

Brick Books
Box 20081
431 Boler Road
London, Ontario
N6K 4G6