Academy of Sciences, 355
Acadia, 165
Achard, 171
Admiral, 328
Aigueperse, 149
Alexander I, 392
Algeria, 390
Allier, 250
Allies, advance of 1793, 24; plans to partition France, 57; discord among, 87-88, 336-39, 351
Alsace, 4, 57, 116, 177-99, 320, 350
Alvinzi, 354
Amar, 295
America, see United States, convoy
Andelys, 249
Angers, 252
Antwerp, 358
armaments, see munitions
Arms Administration, 241
Army, before Revolution, 7-8; disorganized by Revolution, 23-24, 78 ff., 212; reorganized, 81 ff., 96 ff., 182-85, 306; miscellaneous, 46, 74, 124, 339-40, 384
Army of Condé, 179
Army of the Alps, 103, 153, 251
Army of the Ardennes, 79, 97, 351, 352
Army of the Côtes de Cherbourg, 214
Army of the Eastern Pyrenees, 103, 251, 341
Army of Italy, 245, 251, 341-42
Army of the Moselle, 78, 91, 104, 180 ff., 341, 350, 351, 352
Army of the North, 78, 80, 82, 91-105, 183, 212, 245, 341, 350 ff.
Army of the Rhine, 79, 87, 91, 104, 180 ff., 341, 350
Army of the Sambre-Meuse, 352 ff.
Army of the West, 103
Arts Commission, 295
assignats, 61-62, 239, 284, 359
Augereau, 96
Austria, 5, 22, 57-58, 80, 87 ff., 357 ff., 351 ff.
Austrian Netherlands, see Belgium
aviation, see balloons
Baden, margrave of, 178
Bailiff, 249
Bank of Amsterdam, 358
Bank of Discount (Caisse d’Escompte), 114
Barbary coast, 250
Barère, before Revolution, 8-9, 16, 18, 20; election to C.P.S., 31; functions in C.P.S., 31, 109, 364; on June 2, 32; on September 5, 45, 53; economic nationalism, 225, 228-30; on England, 229, 239, 350, 394; on dictatorship, 298; on Robespierre, 40, 333, 370-81, 383, 395-96; laws of Ventôse, 286, 313; arts and literature, 318 ff.; education, 321; Vengeur, 346; law of 22 Prairial, 366; Thermidor, 369, 370-81; after Thermidor, 382-84, 393-96; character and personal details, 8-9, 31, 108-9; miscellaneous, 38, 55, 71, 91, 95, 100, 101, 106, 116, 118, 123, 124, 156, 163, 200, 238, 243, 253, 278, 282, 288, 292, 318, 333, 340
Barr, 191
Barras, 363; on Robespierre, 370, 376
Basel, 338
Basire, 346
Basques, 320
Baudot, 188-89, 191, 198-99, 256-57
Bavaria, 57
Bay of Biscay, 343
Beaulieu, 354
Belgium, 23, 24, 41, 57, 58, 337 ff., 350-60, 393, 394-95
Bengal, 211
Bernay, 249
Berthelmy, 94
Bignon, commission militaire, 220
Billaud-Varenne, before Revolution, 12-13, 17, 21; election to C.P.S., 54; functions in C.P.S., 55, 108-9, 125, 364; writings, 12, 18, 40, 285; on September 5, 43-55; law of 14 Frimaire, 124-27; on Danton, 269, 297, 389; at Saint-Malo, 280, 341; Chénier, 318; Sparta, 315; law of 22 Prairial, 366; Thermidor, 285, 369, 374-78; after Thermidor, 382-84, 388-89; character and personal details, 12, 172; miscellaneous, 40, 71-73, 101, 103, 118, 123, 172, 200, 239, 278, 292, 295, 313
Bitche, 187
blockade, British, 206, 227, 339-40, 343-50
Bois de Boulogne, 322
Bonaparte, made a brigadier, 96; plans for invading Italy, 342; on Robespierre, 370; on C.P.S., 386; miscellaneous, 3, 33, 87, 127, 214, 227, 304, 318, 334, 341, 356, 384, 389-94
Bourdon of the Oise, 256, 258, 262-63, 295, 367, 376
Bourges, 250
Boyd, 114
Brest, 203-9, 217-19, 251, 343, 349-50, 369
Breton language, 320
British, see England, blockade, Allies
Brittany, 4, 23, 204-5, 320; Saint-André and Prieur in, 202-24
Brune, 96
Brunswick, 180
Bulletin des lois, 127
Burgundy, 7
Burke, 338
calendar, revolutionary, 111-13
Carnot, Hippolyte, 75, 392, 393
Carnot, Lazare, before Revolution, 7-8, 16, 17, 18; election to C.P.S., 41; functions in C.P.S., 108-9, 364; strategic ideas, 88-91; Hondschoote, 92 ff.; Wattignies, 97-103; Fleurus, 350-60; on public management, 226; speech on arms manufacture, 238; speech on executive reorganization, 307; laws of Ventôse, 286; break with Robespierre and Saint-Just, 309, 364, 369, 372; balloons, 355; program for occupied territories, 358; after Thermidor, 382, 391-92; character and personal details, 7, 81, 108; miscellaneous, 55, 63, 78, 81-83, 163, 200, 237, 288
Carrier, at Nantes, 116, 205, 220-24, 256; in Paris, 281, 287, 292, 294, 384
Catalonia, 341
Catholic and royal army, 205, 213
Catholic church, 5, 11, 12-13, 18, 111, 117-18, 142 ff., 208, 324-26, 358, 368, 388-89, 394; see Dechristianization, religion
Cato, 112
Cayenne, 388
censorship, 283-84, 290, 317-18
Chabot, in Foreign Plot, 114-15, 256; as a Dantonist, 257-58, 269, 295; miscellaneous, 35, 38, 66, 377
Chalier, 147, 153-54, 164, 166
Channel Islands, 219, 280, 341
Chappe, 236
Charleroi, 353
Chateauneuf-Randon, 133 ff., 151-53
Chaumette, 27, 43, 45 ff., 257, 288, 294, 316
Chénier, M. J., 317-18, 327, 331
Cherbourg, 205, 256; Saint-André at, 214-17
circumstance, thesis of, 271-72
class struggle, 145, 149, 153 ff., 166 ff., 358, 395
Clermont-Ferrand, 13, 130 ff., 147 ff., 249-51
Cloots, Anacharsis, 114, 120, 123, 257, 261, 292-93
Coblentz, 299
Coburg, 64, 87 ff., 100 ff., 339, 350 ff.
codification of law, 111
Collot d’Herbois, before Revolution, 15-16, 17, 21; election to C.P.S., 54; functions in C.P.S., 55, 108-9; Enragés, 37; hoarding law, 40, 244; ideas, 157 ff., 164-66, 285; at Lyons, 106, 159-76; attitude to Robespierre, 174, 369; Ventôse disturbances, 266, 281-92, 294, 313; Chénier, 318; shot at, 328, 367; Thermidor, 364, 374-78; after Thermidor, 382-84, 388-89; character and personal details, 15-16, 159-60; miscellaneous, 43, 68, 101, 114, 118, 123, 129, 200, 261, 278, 364
Committee of General Security, origin, 28; reorganization, 65-67; and Dantonists, 297-98, 300; and Dechristianization, 365; rivalry with C.P.S., 308-10, 363 ff., 367 ff., 371; miscellaneous, 84, 110, 113, 245, 262, 295, 319, 328
Committee of Public Instruction, 321
Committee of Public Safety, origin, 28; quarters, 3-4; methods of transacting business, 3, 108-10, 309, 364; Dantonist period, 31-38; membership, 31, 38, 39, 42, 261, 381 ff.; attacks on, 48, 53, 65, 71, 253, 261-63, 365 ff.; powers, 28, 66, 71-75, 123-28, 232 ff., 305 ff.; discord within, 116, 309, 310, 364, 368 ff.; as Decemvirs, 201; attitude to Lyons, 154 ff., 171-73, 201; to noyades, 220 ff.; to factions, 259 ff., to war, 278; monthly renewal of powers, 75, 262, 289; loss of powers, 380 ff.
committees of surveillance, 27, 28, 66-67, 127, 233
Commune of Paris, defined, 26; influence, 28, 32; uprising of September 5, 43 ff., 69; and army, 80, 99; and Dechristianization, 117 ff.; attacks of C.P.S. on, 123, 259; economic practices, 240-41, 245-46, 281; in Ventôse disturbances, 260, 288, 295; replacement of Hébertist commune by Robespierrist, 306; policies of Robespierrist commune, 315, 324, 371, 377-81. See Hébertists.
Condorcet, 318
Constituent Assembly, 170
constituted authorities, 26, 72, 74, 124 ff., 185, 192, 306
constitution, theory of, 18, 264
constitution of 1791, 20, 26, 132
constitution of 1793, origin and adoption, 15, 34-38, 42; suspension, 75, 127; miscellaneous, 86, 261, 297, 319
constitution of 1795, 357, 384
Continental System, 227
Convention, National, origin, 20-21; and national unity, 24; creation of revolutionary government, 28 ff., 74-75; expulsion of Girondists, 32, of Girondist sympathizers, 113; uprising of September 5, 43-54; crisis of September 25, 71-72; and Dantonists, 256, 258, 262-63, 296, 298, 363, 374; and Hébertists, 294 ff.; relation of C.P.S., 310, 361; and law of 22 Prairial, 367; regicides in 1816, 391
convoy from America, 206, 219, 343-50
Corday, Charlotte, 38
Cordeliers club, 36, 168, 260, 281; insurrection, 287-89, 294; closed, 306
Corsica, 320
Courtrai, 341
Couthon, before Revolution, 13-14; election to C.P.S., 32; functions in C.P.S., 364; June 2, 32-33; attitude to Robespierre, 40, 252, 326; in Puy-de-Dôme, 133-51; at Lyons, 141, 153-59; on Christianity, 142 ff., 323, 326-27; on Vendéans, 222; subsistence in Puy-de-Dôme, 249-51; ill, 280 ff.; Police Bureau, 309; Chénier, 318; School of Mars, 323; Worship of Supreme Being, 144, 326-27; law of 22 Prairial, 365-66; Thermidor, 369-81; character and personal details, 13-14, 142, 158; miscellaneous, 38, 69, 91, 118, 123, 126, 171, 252, 263, 278, 289, 292, 328, 338, 364
Créquy, duke of, 38
Curtis, E. N., 180
Danton, on C.P.S., 31-32, 38, 58; uprising of September 5, 45-55; return to Paris, 256, 259; policy in winter 1793-94, 257, 278; fall and death, 295-303; consequences of death, 363 ff., 374; miscellaneous, 25, 66, 115, 125, 333, 377, 389
Dantonists, 194, 200, 253, 256-60, 266-69, 290, 328, 362, 295-304
David, 303, 317, 319-20, 327-28
Davout, 96
debt, national, 62
Dechristianization, 117-22, 270, 323 ff., 365; in Auvergne, 142-52; at Lyons, 164, 168; in Alsace, 188 ff., 197; in Normandy, 215-16
Declaration of the Rights of Man, 128, 288-89, 319, 320, 380
Delacroix, 297
Delbret, 92
democracy, in constitution of 1793, 34; Robespierre on, 275-76, 334; and the war, 277-78; means of founding, 306 ff., 311 ff.; and Thermidor, 363, 380, 385-87
Desmoulins, 258-60, 263, 266-69, 287, 295, 297, 303, 316, 333, 377
Deux-Sèvres, 251
dictatorship, growth of, 66, 69, 72, 75, 127, 181, 209; economic controls, 225-53; Robespierre’s theory of, 264 ff.; culmination, 305 ff., 310 ff., 385; fall of, 360-84; Robespierre as dictator, 333, 370, 372-73
Diderot, 119
Dijon, 393
Dinan, 213
Dol, 212
Dorfeuille, 170
Drouet, 65
Ducher, 228
Dunkirk, 87 ff.
Dutch Republic, see Holland
East India scandal, 114-15, 256, 295
école normale, 321
economic regulation and control, 60-61, 69-70, 124, 225-53; in Auvergne, 138, 145; in Alsace, 186-87, 189; Ventôse and after, 282, 311-16
economic theory of Revolutionaries, 40, 61-62, 70, 149, 166-67, 226 ff., 239 ff.
education, 117, 148-49, 208, 283, 312, 321-23
Egypt, 334
Elba, 391
émigrés, 5, 24, 179-80, 205 ff., 336, 337-38, 390
England, French plans to invade, 203, 218-19, 341, 344; English plans to invade France, 205-6, 209, 214, 219; economic policy against, 228-29; arrest of British subjects, 230; Jacobins on English government, 267, 278; miscellaneous, 5, 14, 22, 57, 80, 86, 126, 165, 328, 337-54, 360
English language, 320
Estates-General, 20
evacuation agencies, 341
Executive council, 31, 109, 262, 307
Fabre d’Eglantine, and revolutionary calendar, 111-13; and Foreign Plot, 113 ff., 123, 198, 266; as a Dantonist, 257-59, 269, 281, 295
factions, 266, 290-91, 299; see Dantonists and Hébertists
fascism, 361
federalists, defined, 23; rebellion, 33, 37; at Lyons, 153 ff.; in Brittany, 205; miscellaneous, 26, 126, 132, 320
Femmes révolutionnaires, 63
Fleurus, 354 ff.
Floral Games, Academy of the, 9, 110
foreign policy, Danton’s, 38, 58; relation of Poland, 57; recall of ambassadors, 59; in 1794, 278, 340-42, 358
Foreign Plot, 113-15, 120 ff., 173, 256, 265, 269, 289-90, 295, 299-300, 328, 368
Fouché, 142, 151, 222, 224; at Lyons, 159-76, 284; ideas, 175-76; Thermidor, 363, 367, 371, 376
Fouquier-Tinville, 366, 368, 384
Fourcroy, 234
Fox, 338
freedom of the seas, 229; see blockade
Frei, 114
Frimaire, law of 14, 127-28, 132, 151, 197, 199, 224, 245, 306, 308, 326
Fromentin, 102
Galicia, 337
Gasparin, 38
General Police Bureau, 308-10, 315, 333, 369, 370
Geneva, 16
Gerle, 368
German language, 189, 192, 320
Germany, 57, 80, 95, 178 ff., 199, 337, 350, 351, 390
Girondists, defined, 25; expulsion from Convention, 32 ff., 72; execution, 113; at Lyons, 154, 169; in Brittany, 205, 210; miscellaneous, 38, 52, 281, 293-94, 316, 328, 362, 378, 389
“Glorious First of June,” 345-46
Gracchus, 119
Grand Army, 390
Granet, 54
Granville, 213
Gratien, 102
Grégoire, 324
Guyardin, 188
Guzmán, 114
Haiti, 389
Halles, 63
Hamel, 357
Hanoverians, 92 ff.
Hapsburg dominions, 57, 104, 237
Hassenfratz, 234
Hébert, 27, 43, 65, 69, 86, 122, 125, 174; and Enragés, 257; and Desmoulins, 266-67; economic ideas, 269-70; in Ventôse, 287, 289; death, 292-93; death of Mme. Hébert, 316; consequences of his death, 363 ff.
Hébertists, on war, 58; and Foreign Plot, 115, 160-63; influence on economic régime, 227, 239, 253; disorders of Ventôse, 253, 281 ff., 287-95; fall, 292-94; miscellaneous, 43, 47, 55, 58-59, 82, 172, 181, 187 ff., 215-16, 222, 256-57, 260-61, 269-70, 290, 316, 328, 364
Helvétius, 197
Hentz, 93
Hérault-Séchelles, before Revolution, 14-15, 16, 18; election to C.P.S., 32; June 2, 32; constitution of 1793, 34; attitude to Robespierre, 40; in Foreign Plot, 114, 116; in Alsace, 106, 116, 192-98; Carrier, 220-21; Saint-Just on, 193, 299; Mathiez on, 194-97; dropped from C.P.S., 200-1; at Revolutionary Tribunal, 269, 292; imprisoned, 295; executed, 303; character and personal details, 14-15, 193, 201; miscellaneous, 38, 42, 100, 101, 158, 256, 263
hoarding, law on (accaparement), 40-41, 243-44, 281, 311
Hohenlohe, 95
Holbach, 197
Holland, 5, 15, 22, 80, 212, 337, 358
Hood, 203
Houdon, 319
Hungary, 237
India, see East India, Bengal
Inquisition, 320
Institute of France, 391
Invalides, 237
Isambert, 183
Issoire, 147
Italian language, 320
Jacobin club of Paris, 25, 33, 35-37, 43, 52, 65-66, 114, 117-22, 126, 129, 157, 174, 235, 266-69, 281, 361, 370 ff., 374-75, 383, 390, 392
Jacobin clubs, 12, 25, 33, 79, 125, 325, 383; in Auvergne, 134, 141 ff., 250; at Lyons, 156; in Alsace, 85, 186, 376; in Brittany, 210-12, 215-18
Javogues, 198
Jesuits, II, 130
Jourdan, 96-106, 184, 350, 352-54
Karl, archduke, 354
Kosciuzko, 337
labor policies, 238, 240-43, 253, 281, 288, 311, 315
Lacoste, Elie, 374
Lacoste, J. B., 189, 191, 198-99, 256
Lamarck, 235
Languedoc, 23
La Rochelle, 12
Latour, 354
Lavater, 15
Lavoisier, 234
Law of Suspects, 67, 115, 146, 365; see suspects
Le Bas, in Alsace, 177-201; and School of Mars, 323; on northern frontier, 352; death, 378-81
Le Carpentier, 213
Le Creusot, 17
Lefèvre, 96
Legendre, 298
Legion of Honor, 390
Leo X, 257
Levy in Mass, 43, 59 ff., 79, 99, 134 ff., 163, 339; naval aspects, 208 ff.; economic aspects, 226 ff., 234 ff., 241 ff., 315
Lévy-Schneider, 218
Library of Congress, 303
Liége, 351
Limagne, 130
Lincoln, 254
Lindet, before Revolution, 14, 16, 17, 18; election to C.P.S., 31; function in C.P.S., 108-9, 124, 227, 364; at Lyons, 31, 37, 163; laws of Ventôse, 286; and Dantonists, 227, 300; evacuation agencies, 341; Thermidor, 364, 370, 372; after Thermidor, 382, 388, 392-93; personal details, 108; miscellaneous, 250-51, 253, 254, 292, 340
Lorraine, 57
Louis XIV, 23
Louis XV, 328
Louis XVI, 3, 6, 21-23, 57, 205, 278, 363, 391
Louis XVIII, 391, 392; see Provence, count of
Louis-Philippe, 395
Low Countries, see Belgium
Lower Rhine, 178 ff.
Luther, 323
Luxembourg, 60, 236-37, 281, 295, 378
Lyons, 16, 17, 31, 33, 100, 129, 133 ff., 153-76, 250, 270, 284, 297, 369
Machiavelli, 76
Mack, 351
Madagascar, 314
Magdeburg, 392
Maignet, 133 ff., 148, 153, 316
Maintenon, 249
Malesherbes, 316
Mallet du Pan, 336
Manchester, 153
Marat, 25, 38, 119, 188, 287, 325, 382
Maréchal, Sylvain, 327
Marie-Antoinette, 10, 24, 53, 113, 303, 339
Marly, 319
Marx, 167
Masonic lodges, 13
Masséna, 96
Mathiez, 116, 117, 193-97, 271-72, 284, 357, 367
Maximum, first, 32; second or General, 69, 163, 184, 208, 233, 239-41, 244, 253, 314; third or revised General, 239, 253, 282, 311, 314-15, 359, 384
Méda, 379
Menin, 91
mercantilism, 227
Merenveüe, 99
mesmerism, 141
métayage, 314
Metternich, 293
Metz, 185
Meuse, 351
Mézières, 235
Mignot, 141
Milhaud, 188
Ministry of the Interior, 65, 245
Ministry of War, see War Office
Mirabeau, 297
Moira, 214
Möllendorf, 351
money policy, see assignats
monopolies, see hoarding
Montauban, 10
Montesquieu, 15, 197, 276, 283, 307
Montgerout, 335
Montgolfier, 354
Moreau, 96
Moscow, 390
Mountain, defined, 25; division in, 201, 255 ff., 291
Müller, 194
munitions, 60, 99, 139, 209, 236-38, 321, 339
Muscadins, 38
museums, 319
Napoleon, see Bonaparte
nationalism, 19, 23, 80-81, 86, 185, 187 ff., 192, 216, 225-32, 320 ff., 332, 353-54, 385
navy, 203-9, 218, 340, 343-50, 369
New England, 326
Nicolas, 171
Nord, 58
Normandy, Lindet in, 31; Vendéans in, 213; Saint-André in, 214-17
Oise, 41
Orange, commission of, 307, 316, 366
Organt, 10
Orléans, 395
Pache, 45
Palais-Royal, 38
Paris, see Commune
Pascal, 130
peasants, 131, 146, 168, 179, 204-5, 217, 240, 246, 281, 312-14, 319
people, idea of, 33-34, 47-48, 75, 126, 166, 276-77
Perdieu, 183
Père Lachaise, 393
Pérignon, 96
Philippeaux, 258, 262, 266-67, 297
Philippe-Egalité, 395
philosophy—philosophes, 19, 46-47, 119, 143-44, 197, 276-77, 331-32, 395
Phipps, 352
Picardy, 9
Pichegru, 96, 105, 180, 191, 198, 350 ff.
Piedmont, see Sardinia
Pitt, 53, 64, 87, 212, 213, 338
Place Bellecour, 159
Place de la Révolution, 3, 303
Plymouth, 349
Police Bureau, see General Police Bureau
Polytechnic, 235
popular societies, see Jacobin clubs
Porte Saint-Denis, 63
Prairial, law of 22, 362, 363, 364-66, 369, 370, 378, 382
preemption, 226 ff.
price control, 62-63, 69-70, 134, 145; see Maximum
Prieur of the Côte-d’Or, before Revolution, 14, 16, 17; election to C.P.S., 41; functions in C.P.S., 108-9, 364; at Nantes, 106, 221; on public management, 226; and scientists, 234; on Philippeaux, 258; laws of Ventôse, 286; language, 320; balloons, 355; Thermidor, 369, 372; after Thermidor, 382, 388, 392-93; personal details, 108; miscellaneous, 56, 100, 237, 253, 288, 364
Prieur of the Marne, before Revolution, 14, 20; election to C.P.S., 39; in Brittany, 203-4, 210-13, 219-20, 222-24; at Brest, 343, 349-50; speech against England, 211-12; after Thermidor, 382, 388, 392-93; miscellaneous, 71, 85, 106, 341, 369
Propaganda, the, 187 ff.
property, ideas for redistributing, 284-86, 312-15, 372, 395; see laws of Ventôse, Temporary Commission
Protestants, 10-11, 17, 204, 323, 390
Provincial Assemblies, 13
Prussia, 5, 22, 57, 80, 278, 337 ff., 350 ff., 392
purifying scrutiny, 122-23, 174, 269, 281
Quasdanowich, 354
Quimper, 217
Reason, worship of, at Paris, 119; at Strasbourg, 188; at Cherbourg, 215-16; in general, 325; see Dechristianization
refugees, 198-200, 341; see émigrés
Reims, 10
religion, ideas of Revolutionaries before Revolution, 11, 12-13, 18-19; attitude toward, 111, 187 ff., 211, 317, 326, 368; Revolution as a, 323-34; see Dechristianization, Supreme Being, Catholic church
Renault, 328
representatives on mission, 28, 66, 72 ff., 86 ff., 124, 132-33, 181-82, 188, 191, 199-200, 217, 270, 306, 325
republic, theory before 1792, 19, 23, 73; contemporary ideas of, 125, 144-45, 150, 216, 257, 268, 275-77, 282-84, 310, 324, 396
revolutionary army, 47 ff., 53, 63, 74, 124, 127, 163, 168, 194, 246, 292, 306
revolutionary government, 75, 127, 261, 277, 306-10, 357; Robespierre’s theory of, 264
Revolutionary Tribunal of Paris, origin, 28, expansion, 46, Hébertists, 292-93; Dantonists, 300-3; Robespierrists, 370, 380; and labor disputes, 315, 379; and law of 22 Prairial, 365-66; miscellaneous, 96, 145, 220, 269, 295, 305, 371
revolutionary tribunals (outside Paris), 141, 150, 306-7; at Lyons, 155, 165, 169, 174; in Alsace, 185, 189; in Brittany, 217-18, 220
Rhine, 357
Richard, 353
Robespierre, Augustin, 266-67, 284, 341-42, 377-81
Robespierre, Maximilien, before Revolution, 6-7, 18, 20; election to C.P.S., 39; functions in C.P.S., 108-9, 364; ideas in summer 1793, 39, 58; on bourgeoisie, 34, 68; September 5, 45 ff.; on war, 58, 342; speech of September 25, 71; on revolutionary calendar, 112; Foreign Plot, 113 ff., 265-66; Dechristianization, 117-22, 326; Lyons, 157, 163 ff., 171; ideas in winter 1793-94, 257; on Danton, 58, 269, 296-97; on Desmoulins, 259-60, 267-68, 271, 288; on revolutionary government, 264; on purpose of Revolution, 275-76; toleration, 271, 327, 368; democracy, 276, 279, 311, 381; illness, 280 ff.; laws of Ventôse, 284, 313; factions, 289-303; Police Bureau, 309; attempts on his life, 328, 367; worship of the Supreme Being, 323-34; as seen by foreigners, 327, 337; Genoa, 342; Thermidorians, 362 ff.; law of 22 Prairial, 366; withdrawal from C.P.S., 369 ff.; ideas in summer 1794, 370-71; Thermidor, 371-81; character and personal details, 6, 108, 280-82, 333, 370; posthumous reputation, 382-83, 388, 389, 395-96; miscellaneous, 4, 35, 98, 100, 101, 106, 171, 197, 200, 254, 278, 287, 338, 352
Rochambeau, 18
Rome, 19
Ronsin, 168-69, 171, 173, 261, 269, 281, 292-93
Rossignol, 214
Rousseau, 15, 19-20, 33, 74 ff., 143, 197, 268, 291, 295, 310, 319, 323, 332, 389
Roussillon, 37
Roux, 36
Rutledge, 114
Saarbrücken, 187
Sables d’Olonne, 251
Saint-André, Jeanbon, before Revolution, 10-12, 17, 18; election to C.P.S., 38; functions in C.P.S., 109; attitude to Robespierre, 39-40, 369; September 5, 45, 48 ff.; in Brittany, 106, 203-9, 213-19, 221, 280; religious ideas, 215-16; visits to Paris, 270, 369; naval expedition of 1794, 343-50; Thermidor, 369, 389; after Thermidor, 382, 388, 390-91; character and personal details, 11, 108; miscellaneous, 36, 63, 66, 85, 91, 234, 263
Saint-Denis, 249
Sainte-Foy, 153
Saint-Hilaire, marquis of, 185, 197
Saint-Just, before Revolution, 9-10, 16; election to C.P.S., 32; functions in C.P.S., 73, 109, 364; attitude to Robespierre, 40, 364, 374; law of October 10, 73-77; Foreign Plot, 113, 116; in Alsace, 104, 177-201; economic ideas, 186, 284; national ideas, 230-32, 353; factions, 282, 286 ff., 299-300, 371; writings, 10, 73, 282-84; laws of Ventôse, 284-87, 308, 312-14; Police Bureau, 308-10; on northern front, 309, 350-54; Chénier, 318; supposed speech on propaganda abroad, 338; break with Carnot, 364; Thermidor, 285, 371-81; character and personal details, 9-10, 73-74, 108, 180, 190, 282, 367; miscellaneous, 71, 101, 118, 158, 243, 277, 340
Sané, 209
Sardinia, 57, 80, 86, 154, 337-39, 341-42
Sarrebourg, 85
Savenay, 219
scarcity, 27, 36, 40, 46-47, 63-64, 145, 146, 226, 251-52, 290; see economic regulation, hoarding
Scheldt, 87
Schmertzing, 354
Schneider, 187, 189, 190, 191, 194
sections of Paris, 26-27, 43, 51-52, 120, 124, 237, 294, 378; see Commune, Hébertism
sections of Lyons, 155
Serrurier, 96
socialism, 46, 157, 226, 260, 304, 394
social legislation, 312 ff.; see laws of Ventôse, labor policies, property, economic regulation, economic theories
Somme, 57
Soulet, 65
Soult, 356
Spain, 5, 57, 80, 86, 337-38, 341
Sparta, 19, 54, 180, 190, 252, 276, 282, 315
Speir, bishop of, 178
Stalin, 120
Strasbourg, 85, 178 ff., 270, 376
Subsistence Commission, 70, 109-10, 124, 226, 232 ff., 245-52, 270, 282, 307, 311-12, 340, 343, 384
Supreme Being, 34, 118, 144, 323, 325; worship of the, 327-33, 363, 364-65, 368
suspects, 66-67, 305, 314, 340, 371; see Law of Suspects
Switzerland, 11, 59, 116, 237, 391
Sybel, von, 352
Temporary Commission, 167-68, 171
Terror, beginning, 44 ff.; nature of, 56 ff., 103, 128-29, 160, 218, 254-55, 272, 316, 362, 370-71, 385, 392; contemporary theory of, 75-77, 129, 259, 276-77; Robespierre on purpose of, 264, 272 ff.; at Lyons, 170-76; in Alsace, 192, 200; at Nantes, 220-24; in Belguim, 359; Grand Terror, 305-6, 316-17, 362 ff.; after Thermidor, 382
Texier, 183
Thermidor, 285, 312, 361-84, 395; day of 8 Thermidor, 372-75; of 9 Thermidor, 375-79; of 10 Thermidor, 379-81
Thermidorians, 362 ff.
Thévenard, 207
Thiers, 131
Thorin, Mme., 74
Timoléon, 317
Toulon, 43, 86, 154, 158, 174, 203, 369
Tours, 212
Tribunate, 391
Trotsky, 122
Tuileries, 3, 25, 45, 60, 110, 236, 319, 329
Turreau, 220
Ulm, 351
United Provinces, see Holland
United States, 59, 212, 234, 250, 343, 389
Ushant, 343
Valenciennes, 41, 87, 306, 350
Valmy, 24
Vandermonde, 234
Vendée, 23, 37, 43, 105, 129, 163, 168, 174, 205-24, 258; English plans for intervention, 205-6, 209, 214
Vengeur, 346
Venice, 338
Ventôse, laws of, 187, 284-87, 288, 296, 308, 312-14, 371
Vieux Cordelier, 259-60, 263, 267-68
Villaret-Joyeuse, 207, 209, 344 ff.
Vincent, 261-62, 269, 281, 287, 292-93
Virginie, 389
Volney, 318
wages, see labor policies
War Office, 46, 51, 79, 82, 86, 110, 191, 236, 238, 262, 281
West Indies, 343
Whigs, 338
Wight, isle of, 341
Wordsworth, 323
York, duke of, 87 ff., 100, 351
Zopf, 354
Zuider Zee, 357