

action-centred leadership    39

Point of No Return (PNR)    28, 32

alternatives    21

analysing    7–8, 15, 47, 69

applied thinking    1

aptitudes    78–79

assumptions    64–65

Bismarck, Otto von    22

brain    3–5

brainstorming    55–60

Churchill, Winston    75

Comino, Dimitri    78

competence    40, 50

consequence assessment    25–27, 32

conversation    44, 83

cost containment    20


depth mind    67–68

imagination    61

incubation    69, 72

insight    69, 72

meaning    1

more creative approaches    63–65

preparation    68, 72

synthesising    10, 15, 69

thinking process    69

validation    69, 72

wider solutions    65–67

criticism    10, 58

de Bono, Edward    65

decision making

bridge model    47, 50

classic approach    23–27

consequence assessment    25–27, 32

effective decision making    17–33

five step approach    17, 19, 31–33

meaning    1

pain    22

problem solving compared    45–47

risk assessment    24–25, 32

selection/success criteria    23–25, 32

unified model    47


bad decisions    26

decision sharing    35–44

depth mind    27–30

evaluation    28–30, 32, 49–51

implementation    28–30, 32, 49–51

wrong decisions    27

deduction    8

delegation    40

depth mind

brainstorming    57–59

case study    12

checklist    13–14

creativity    67–68, 72

decisions    29–30

development    14

principle    12, 15

Dewey, John    16

Edison, Thomas    61

Einstein, Albert    53, 56, 73

evaluation, decisions    28–30, 32, 49–50

fallacy exercise    8

field of work    78–79

five step decision making    17, 19, 31–33

Ford, Henry    66

Forster, E M    72

functional fixedness    57

Galileo Galilei    83

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von    53

group personality    35

Grove, Andy    67

Hilton, Conrad    12, 28

holism    10


case studies    58, 60

generation    55–61

imagination    9

implementation of decisions    28–30, 32, 49–50

individual needs    37

induction    8


categories    20

collection    18–21, 32

Information Overload Syndrome    19–20

time/information curve    21–23

insight    69, 72

interests    78

knowledge    3–4

latent consequences    25–27, 32


case study    42

checklist    43

consistency    41

decision sharing    35–44

functions    38–41

overlapping needs    36, 37–41, 44

planning    40–41

roles    35–36

learning strategies    79–82

lobster pot model    23

logic    8–9

manifest consequences    25, 32

mental roadblocks    70–71


analysing    7–8, 15, 48, 69

brain distinguished    3

functions    6–11

mind at work    3–16

synthesizing    9–10, 15, 48, 69

valuing    10–11, 15, 32, 48, 69

see also depth mind

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus    70

nine dots problem    5, 45, 64, 66

objective, definition    19, 32, 47

options, generating feasible options    21–23, 32, 47, 53


outcomes window    27

process compared    27

overlapping needs    36, 37–40, 44

Petrach    30

planning continuum    40–41

Ploner, William    61

Point of No Return (PNR)    28, 32

probability theories    25

problem solving

case study    52

competence    49

decision making compared    45–47

meaning    1

nine dots problem    5, 45, 64, 66

procedures    48–49

six matchstick problem    5, 45, 64, 65, 66

strategies    45–53

systems problems    50 52, 53

understanding    48, 50

unified model    47

W5H formula    52

zebra problem    5–6, 8, 45, 85–87

questions    48, 49, 53

risk assessment    24–25, 32

Roosevelt, Franklin D    17

St Augustine    83

Sartre, Jean-Paul    58

selection criteria

decision making    23–24

must/should/might    24, 32

Shakespeare, William    29

six matchstick problem    5, 45, 64, 65, 66

Sloan, Alfred    22

Smuts, Jan    10

synthesising    9–10, 15, 47, 69

task need    36


competence levels    40

leaders see leadership

maintenance need    36, 37

temperament    79


applied thinking    1

case study    67

conversation    44, 83

effective practical thinkers    75–76

importance    2, 15

lateral    66, 72

pain    2, 50

personal thinking skill mentors    76–78

skill development    75, 83

thinking outside the box    63–73

vertical    65–66

Thompson, Roy    2, 14, 42, 50

three circle model    36, 38, 44

time/information curve    21

trial and error    8–9

truth    11, 15, 51, 61

Tull, Jethro    66

values at work exercise    11


feasible options    21–22

mind    10–11, 15, 32, 69

Wordsworth, William    10

zebra problem    5–6, 8, 45, 85–87