Absent Fathers, Lost Sons: The Search for Masculine Identity, by Guy Comeau. Closeness in Personal and Professional Relationships, edited by Harry A. Wilmer. Foreword by Maya Angelou.
Cross-Currents of Jungian Thought: An Annotated Bibliography, by Donald R. Dyer.
*Dreams, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
Ego and Archetype: Individuation and the Religious Function of the Psyche, by Edward F. Edinger.
The Female Ancestors of Christ, by Ann Belford Ulanov.
The Feminine in Fairy Tales, Revised Edition, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
*From Freud to Jung: A Comparative Study of the Psychology of the Unconscious, by Liliane Frey-Rohn. Foreword by Robert Hinshaw.
Gathering the Light: A Psychology of Meditation, by V. Walter Odajnyk.
The Golden Ass of Apuleius: The Liberation of the Feminine in Man, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
A Guided Tour of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung, by Robert H. Hopcke. Foreword by Aryeh Maidenbauxn.
In Her Image: The Unhealed Daughter's Search for Her Mother, by Kathie Carlson.
*The Inner Child in Dreams, by Kathrin Asper.
The Inner Lover, by Valerie Harms.
Knowing Woman: A Feminine Psychology, by Irene Claremont de Castillejo.
Lingering Shadows: Jungians, Freudians, and Anti-Semitism, edited by Aryeh Maidenbaum and Stephen A. Martin.
Masculinity: Identity, Conflict, and Transformation, by Warren Steinberg.
The Old Wise Woman: A Study of Active Imagination, by Rix Weaver. Introduction by C. A. Meier.
Power and Politics: The Psychology of Soviet-American Partnership, by Jerome S. Bernstein. Forewords by Senator Claiborne Pell and Edward C. Whitmont, M.D.
*Psyche and Matter, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
*Psychotherapy, by Marie-Louise von Franz.
The Way of All Women, by M. Esther Harding. Introduction by C. G. Jung.
The Wisdom of the Dream: The World of C. G. Jung, by Stephen Segaller and Merrill Berger.
Witches, Ogres, and the Devil's Daughter: Encounters with Evil in Fairy Tales, by Mario Jacoby, Verena Kast, and Ingrid Riedel.
*Published in association with Daimon Verlag, Einsiedeln, Switzerland.
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