Praise for Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic

‘All the renowned qualities of Ilan Pappe’s scholarship and craft as a historian are in evidence here: his comprehensiveness, his utter dedication, his command of the range of sources and material, his integrity and his humanism. Above all, this latest work on lobbying demonstrates Ilan’s lifelong commitment to establishing the truths necessary to enlighten citizens across the world – so that they can change it to a more just one.’

Professor Karma Nabulsi

‘Ilan Pappe is a magnificent historian and storyteller. He narrates a chilling yet illuminating saga of the systematic denial of Palestinian history and humanity. Lobbying for Zionism on Both Sides of the Atlantic is a haunting and powerfully instructive tale of deliberate investment in injustice and obfuscation. Essential reading.’

Professor Ussama Makdisi

‘A tour de force, comprehensive, authoritative and fair-minded, unveiling the lobby’s politically and ethically dubious methods that have ensured unparalleled amounts of Western military aid and a shield of diplomatic immunity for the Israeli state’s apartheid-like policies for seventy-five years, as well as Zionist control of the global narrative about Palestine.’

Peter Shambrook, author of Policy of Deceit