An afterthought? When all but one, 44
And always, the damp blond curls, 69
And Sometimes, 26
Arbor, An, 61
As sometimes, in the gentler months, the sun, 7
As when, in bright daylight, she closes, 98
At the foot of the download anchored, 9
At the Window, 160
A wandering husband, 5
Bad Physician, The, 49
Because she had been told, time and, 80
Bicameral, 145
Bleedthrough, 98
Bright Shadow, 154
Bunting, 74
Ceres Lamenting, 22
Choose any angle you like, she said, 145
Cloud cover like a lid on, 170
Constitutional, 186
Copper and ginger, the plentiful, 173
Cord, 117
Creation Myth, 84
Dark still. Twelve degrees below freezing, 134
Dearest, we filled up the woodroom, 117
De Arte Honeste Amandi, 33–34
Dewpoint and a level field. Or slick, 176
Dido Refuses to Speak, 195
Dolphins, The, 12
Elegant, 176
Eyes Like Leeks, 111
Father Mercy, Mother Tongue, 156
Fire in the Conservatory, 42
Font, 9
For Emma’s three samples, 22
For My Father, Who Would Rather Stay Home, 52
For the Taking, 69
From the Life of Saint Peter, 204
Geometry, 35
Getting and Spending, 191
Good News, 65
Grammatical Mood, 135
guessing a lot, 188
“Halfe a Yard of Rede Sea,” 44
Heliotrope, 16
Her Argument for the Existence of God, 213
His ears his mouth his, 215
Horses Run Back to Their Stalls, The, 123
How Love, When It Has Been Acquired, May Be Kept, 33
If faith is a tree that sorrow grows, 36
If the English language was good enough for Jesus, 156
If the lines are not lovely in two, 84
Indications That One’s Love Has Returned, 34
In payment for those mornings at the mirror while, 90
I remember going door to door, it must, 120
is doing her usual for comic relief, 114
It had almost nothing to do with sex, 111
I think you must contrive to turn this stone, 166
It’s another sorry tale about class in America, I’m sure, 123
It’s a wonder they didn’t all of them die of the, 186
It’s the children nail your heart, 14
I’ve had a couple the oblique way, 38
I was his favorite, simply that, 16
Just then, when already he’s trying, 162
Lately, I’ve taken to, 188
Linda, 141
Maculate, 120
Make-Falcon, 150
Maudlin; Or, the Magdalen’s Tears, 36
Much Missed, 40
My Father Comes Back from the Grave, 166
Narrow Flame, 134
Night. Or what, 3
Noah’s Wife, 114
No deadfall in these woods of yours, 52
Not whipstitch nor blindstitch, 103
Of the oil gland . . . Of the down . . . , 150
Over Easy, 170
Pass Over, 129
Prodigal, 173
Pythagorean, 19
Resurrection of the Body, The, 71
Safe, 57
Salt, 80
Selvage, The, 183
She must have been thirteen or so, her nascent, 71
Slight Tremor, 185
So door to door among the shotgun, 183
Sostenuto, 3
Square of the square of the, 19
Still Life, 215
Suppose, we said, that the tumult of the flesh, 160
Sweet, 141
Target, 92
thank heaven, the question includes, 26
That was when the war was on, the one we felt good, 33
The body in health, the body in sickness, 49
The fine fourth finger, 185
The forestays, the sternsheet, 195
The hobbled, the halt, the hasten-to-blame-it-on-, 65
The indiscriminate light comes home, 40
The panes of glass arrived by boat, 42
There is, to her mind, only one, 135
There’s an illness, of the sort that’s named for a man, 34
The river is largely implicit here, but part, 125
The tendons sewn together and the small bones, 57
The world’s a world of trouble, your mother must, 61
They brought us out on the pavement then, 204
“They’re sleeping,” said Emma, “they’re very, 74
This one then: the, 213
Turning, The, 162
Waterborne, 125
Weavers, The, 7
We’re told it was mostly the soul, 191
What I like best about the snowplow is morning, 35
What is, says the chorus, this human, 92
Wherever they come from whether the all-, 154
Wife, 38
With Emma at the Ladies-Only Swimming Pond on Hampstead Heath, 90
Woman Who Died in Her Sleep, The, 103
Wrath of Juno (Echo), The, 5
Wrath of Juno (the house of Cadmus), The, 14
You point a camera at a kid, the kid, 129
You think these powers began with you?, 12