Let the wind speak is the last novel of the cycle that Juan Carlos Onetti dedicated to the dying inhabitants of the city of Santa María.

Let the wind speak tells the story of Medina, a frustrated man who decides to go elsewhere to take up his true vocations: those of a doctor and a painter. Protected by a prostitute, he quickly discovers that his new life is nothing more than the sad parody of an impossible dream. He will never be a good painter, and his dedication to medicine is reduced to performing the tasks of a nurse. Mortally wounded, Medina returns to the place that has been his condemnation, Santa María, where he will act as commissioner; mere pastime of what he will really occupy from now on: his own destruction.

Julio Cortázar said about Let the wind and Juan Carlos Onetti speak...

«Once again I found here everything that makes you different and unique among us.»