
Started from the Top- Now I’m here 3

An Urban Tale Of Riches To Rags




Chapter 1 - Scratching And Surviving

“That’s right suck it bitch!”

Sonnet’s eyes watered as her head was forced down further and further onto her John’s massive erection. It had been three months since she walked away from Sista Bessie’s place wearing only the clothes on her back with Gucci in tow.

When she said that she would sell pussy if she needed to survive, she never actually thought that statement would come to pass.

Since losing everything and everyone she was forced to take refuge at the local shelter whenever she could manage to get in. However at the end of the day that wasn't all it was cracked up to be and it proved to have its own set of challenges. When she couldn’t get in, she would resort to riding the red line train for hours. This was the only place she felt remotely safe since living on the streets. Plus it gave her somewhere to sleep until someone reported her and she got put off.

She took showers at the local YMCA and food was whatever she could get her hands on that day. If she couldn’t manage to turn any tricks she had to resort to asking for had outs or trash picking behind the local restaurants. If she was lucky that day she could get in the soup kitchen before it was at capacity.

Her current life was a far cry from the lavish surrounding that she was once accustomed to. You could not have told her in a million years that she would go from living like a pampered princess one day, to a gutter rat sucking a stranger’s dick for food the next. Her life had truly taken a turn for the worst and she had nobody to blame but herself.

“Suck it harder!” Dice, her John demanded as he pushed her face into his crotch.

Sonnet almost vomited from the stench of musty balls and the taste of the dried up secretions from the last trick that rode his dick. It smelled like he hadn’t bathed in days. Her stomach reeled as she took him further into her mouth but she had no choice. She had eaten a full meal in almost three days and she was starving. She attempted to get him to clean himself first with a few of the wet towelettes she carried in her bag but her request was met with an open hand to the back of her head.

When she was finally done with the dirty deed she wiped her mouth and asked him about the $20.00 bill he’d promised her.

“Git yo’ skinny ass out this car, you ain’t got shit coming!” Dice barked.

“Come on Dice you promised, I’m starving,” Sonnet pleaded. If he didn’t pay her she didn’t know how she would eat that day.

“You lucky I’m having pity on yo’ ass, here, take this damn sandwich,” he hissed as he grabbed the half eaten Subway foot long from his back seat and tossed it in her lap.

No this asshole didn’t, Sonnet thought. It was clear that she was going to have to show him she meant business.

“You know I don’t play that shit! Gimme my damn money now!” Sonnet demanded.

The other tricks tried to warn her about Dice, they had problems getting their money out of him in the past. But seeing as she was starving and he was the only one to take the bait she had no other choice but to give him a chance.

“Bitch you betta’ git yo’ ass outta my car!” Diced spat before reaching over Sonnet and opening her door.

“I ain’t going nowhere till I get my money!” she yelled.

“Oh yeah? We gon’ see about that.”

Dice sprang out of the vehicle, came around to Sonnet’s side of the car and snatched her out onto the ground.

She quickly regained her composure and snapped back on her feet. After slamming the passenger door shut he headed back to the driver’s side of the car, only to be met with blows to his back from Sonnet’s fists.

“Pay me what you owe me you son of a bitch!”

Dice threw his elbow back connecting with Sonnet’s face, knocking out her front tooth. “Git da fuck off of me!”

She covered her mouth as the pain radiated through her face. She stood silently weeping as she watched him peel off, leaving her face bloodied and bruised and not a penny richer.

After her failed attempt at finding her tooth, she picked up the Subway bag from off the ground and sought refuge behind a nearby dumpster to eat in peace. She used the napkins to apply pressure to her bleeding gums before giving in to the loud grumbles coming from her belly.

Once the wrapper was opened the twang of the fluorescent lunch meat hit her nostrils. The sandwich had been in Dice’s backseat for two days. The lettuce was soggy and the mayo had turned to a rubberlike consistency.

Sonnet braced her stomach and took a huge bite. She winced in pain and she tried to avoid hitting the open wound in her mouth. Needless to say the sandwich tasted as bad as it smelled. After a few bites she began to vomit. She threw the remainder of it to the ground and wept. She’s just sucked a stranger’s dick for nothing. She was still starving and not a penny richer. This was possibly one of the worst days of her life.