
Chapter 4 - Settling In


“Are you sure this is the wall you want it on?” Darrius asked as he and his friend set down the heavy piece of furniture.

“Yes baby I’m sure,” Lexi replied.

She couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear as she and Quantez stood back and admired his newly remodeled bedroom. Moving in with Darrius so far proved to be one of the best decisions she could have ever made. Not only were they living in a beautiful neighborhood; it turned out to be one of the best school districts in the city. Not to mention the fact that the apartment complex not only offered a state of the art work out facility; there was also a huge play area for the children. And the fact that it was closer to her job didn’t hurt one bit either.

This was a far cry from the beat up neighborhood Lexi was used to. Darrius had promised to try and make a better life for her and Quantez and so far he had kept his word. Not only was he staying out of trouble and going to work every day; he was treating her better than ever. Lexi couldn’t help but choke up when she thought about all that she and Darrius had been through, and all the heartache he had caused her in the past. Their relationship had now come full circle and he was finally proving to be the man that she could see her future with. For the first time in a long time she could truly say that she was happy.

Her joy soon turned sadness when she thought about her friends. No could have ever told her that Sonnet and Cheron wouldn’t be right there to celebrate her new place, helping her decorate, throwing her a housewarming. The way everything ended was truly fucked up but she had no choice but to let Sonnet go on her way. After Lexi moved on with her new life with Darrius she also decided that this would be a good time to make some other positive changes in her life as well. She decided go back to school for her degree in media marketing as well as start taking better care of herself and getting in shape. She even cut down on her drinking and weed smoking. With Darrius in her corner supporting her she felt like she could conquer the world.

As much as she loved Sonnet she knew that she had no place for her in her new life, considering all she brought was drama and negativity. As far as Cheron was concerned, that ship had sailed as well. She tried to explain herself the last time they spoke but Cheron wanted nothing else to do with her once she found out that she knew about the affair between Sonnet and Kenterris. It was just as well. Sometime friendships are like picking up the pieces of broken glass. The more you try to put the pieces together, the more you get cut.