
Chapter 9 - It Takes A Fool


“Quit stalling and bring yo’ ass on man!” Red yelled from the kitchen as he grabbed himself a bottle of Dasani water from the refrigerator.

“I’m coming nigga damn,” Kenterris replied as he made his way to the front room. “Now explain to me again why I gotta ride with you.”

“Because yo’ ass been holed up like a damn recluse since you and your girl broke up. I told Craig and JT to meet us at the club. But I know yo’ punk ass will try to dip out after ten minutes if I let you ride by yourself.

“Shut the hell nigga, let’s go,” Kenterris gripped.

It was true; Kenterris’ days consisted of going to work, then coming home veg’ing out in front of the TV. He no longer went to the gym, or balled with his boys on the weekend. His six pack abs were now replaced with the makings of a miniature beer gut. This wasn’t like him to let himself go, but his numerous failed attempts at getting Cheron to come back to him left him feeling depressed and lonely. Not only was she ignoring his calls and texts, she even returned a card he sent her in the mail issuing one of his many apologies. He knew that he had messed up in a major way. But even still, he never thought they would be apart this long. His friends Red, JT and Craig were determined to get him out of his funk. He reluctantly agreed to go to out with them that evening.

Once they got their valet ticket the pair made their way into the packed club. The music thumped loudly as they weaved their way through the crowd, they were stalled every few moments by groupies looking for a come up.

“Damn the thirst is real with these broads. You shouldn’t have a problem pulling you some ass tonight,” Red grinned as he spied the two, half naked young females who had Kenterris hemmed up.

When he finally managed to pry himself away he headed straight to the bar and ordered a double shot of Remy VSOP and downed it. The ordered another to take with him.

“Damn nigga slow down, we got a long night ahead of us,” Red announced. “Come on, I see JT, he’s got a table for us.”

Once they were seated the men place a drink order. Craig, JT and Red scoped the room for their first target while Kenterris played with his phone.

“Do you believe this shit?” JT said to Red. “We finally drag this fool out the house and his punk ass is on Instagram.” He shook his head in disbelief.

“Man get yo’ bitch ass off that damn phone, she ain’t called you,” Craig chimed in.

“Fuck y’all, I told y’all I didn’t want to come,” Kenterris snapped. As far as he was concerned he could have stayed home.

“Well you here now muthafucka, so you may as well make the best of it. You can’t stay at home beating yo’ meat forever. We getting you some ass tonight,” JT replied.

JT’s remarks didn’t warrant a response from Kenterris, instead he gulped down his third shot when it arrived. When he finally did respond he was clearly drunk and slurring his speech.

“I don’t give a fuck what none of y’all niggas say..... my girl... coming back.... I ain’t.... fucking with these nasty hoes...,” he said, pointing at the women at the next table.

“This nigga is faded,” Red laughed, before his attention was drawn to a dime that was on the dance floor.

“Damn she sexy as hell, soon as she steps away from that busta’ ass nigga she dancing with imma holla,” he announced before checking his breath.

“Who you talking ‘bout?” asked Craig.

“That one right there,” he replied, pointing in the direction of the woman.

They all agreed that she was fine as hell. However once Kenterris came to his senses and actually took time to get a good look he realized that the woman on the dance floor was in fact Cheron and she looked amazing!

“Hold up, that’s Cheron,” he slurred.

“Nigga you seeing thangs,” Red laughed.

“Naw, I think he’s right,” Craig chimed in.

Upon closer inspection Red realized that his friends were correct. “Damn! That is her!”

The men were amazed at how different she looked. However, once her identity was confirmed that didn’t stop Red from wanting to pursue her.

“Oh yeah, Imma go holla at Cheron’s fine ass fa sho!” Red announced, rubbing his palms together.

“Nigga, you betta keep my woman’s name out yo mouth!” Kenterris snapped. He staggered to his feet and stood over Red. The nerve of this this fool. This was supposed to be his boy and here he was trying to push up on Cheron right in his face. True enough, they were no longer together but there were still rule to this shit.

Red jumped to his feet and squared off with Kenterris. “Man, get yo drunk ass out of my damn face! You see she don’t want yo ass back!” he yelled back at him over the music.

By now both JT and Craig were standing as well. Both men had a bit too much to drink and tempers were starting to flare. They worked to quickly defuse the situation before it got out of hand.

“Sit the hell down! Both of y’all drunk” JT yelled.

“I ain’t sitting no damn where!” Kenterris hissed. “I’m bout to go get my woman.”

Red waived his hand at the situation and walked off to get another drink while his friends attempted to keep Kenterris at the table.

“Man, you making a scene. Don’t take your crazy over there. Sit down.” Craig tried to hold Kenterris back from leaving the table but he pushed past him and ran out onto the dance floor. JT and Craig stood back in disbelief. They had never seen Kenterris this out of control. It was obvious that Cheron had that nigga sprung.

“Cheron!” Kenterris yelled as he pushed his way through the crowd.

Oh my God, no this fool is not trying to embarrass me, Cheron thought as she spotted Kenterris walking in her direction. Of all the clubs she could have hit tonight she would have to run into him.

“Cheron! Hey, wassup? Aye can I cut in bruh?” Kenterris asked the man Cheron was dancing with.

“Who is this?” the man asked Cheron.

“He’s nobody, don’t worry about him.”

“Nobody Oh that’s what you think of me now, as nobody?” Kenterris rocked back and forth trying to maintain his balance.

“Back off man, you see the lady don’t want to dance with you,” the man replied.

“Fuck you! Nigga this don’t concern you. This is my damn woman!”

By now Cheron was livid. “I am not your woman! You need to go home Kenterris, you acting like a drunk idiot.” With that advised her date that they should leave.

“Yeah its best I push on before I have to catch a case up in here,” he replied.

“Oh you want some of this? We can go right now!” Kenterris yelled.

The dance floor was now clearing and the bouncers were working their way through the crowd with JT and Craig following close behind. Kenterris tried to lung at Cheron’s date but he was too uncoordinated and lost his balance. He fell flat on his face.

Cheron looked on with disgust while her date laughed as the bouncers snatched Kenterris up by his arms and drug him to the exit. By the time Craig, JT and Red had made their way outside Kenterris was sitting on the curb puking his guts out.

“Look at this nigga!” Red laughed. “Come on fool, let’s go home.”

“Not so fast. Ain’t neither one of y’all fools in no shape to drive,” JT announced. “Red, I’ll drive you and Ken home in your car. Craig can follow me. Then we can come back and pick up my ride after we drop these lushes off.”

“Bet,” Craig replied before helping JT get Kenterris and Red in the car.

When they arrived at Kenterris’ house he apologized to Red and JT for fucking their night up.

“It’s all good man,” Red replied, half asleep. “I shouldn’t have tried to step to ya girl...”

JT laughed under his breath at the exchange, “y’all girl scouts finished yet?”

“Man shut the hell up, my head is killing me,” Kenterris replied.

Once he was in the house he passed out on the sofa. When he woke up the next day he was still fully dressed. His mouth was stuck together and his head felt like someone was beating it with a sledge hammer. He had a blurred memory of what had happened the night before. All he remembered was that he saw Cheron and that he’d made complete ass out of himself. If there were even a shred of a chance that he may have been able to get back with Cheron he’d blown it for sure.