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“Here goes nothing.” Lexi let out a sigh before dialing Cheron’s number. They hadn’t spoken in over a year since they fell out. Despite all the drama that went down with Sonnet, Lexi still considered Cheron a friend and wanted her in her wedding. Hopefully she would find it in her heart to forgive her for not telling her about Kenterris cheating with Sonnet. If not, it least she’d given it a shot.
“Hello?” Cheron announced as she answered the phone. Lexi had gotten a new number so she didn’t recognize that it was her calling.
“Hello, Cheron?”
“Yes, this is she. Is this Lexi?”
“Yes it’s me. How have you been?” Lexi asked nervously.
“Oh my goodness Lexi, you don’t know how good it is to hear your voice!”
Cheron’s response caught Lexi off guard. She was totally expecting her to still be salty.
“It’s good to hear yours also. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I know you said not to call you again, but I just wanted to apologize again. I know that was some foul shit that went down with Sonnet, and I should have told you. Can you forgive me?”
“Apology accepted. I will admit that I was in my feelings at the time. I felt like I didn’t have anyone in my corner, like everyone had betrayed me. I realize now that your loyalty at the time was with Sonnet. In the end she crossed both of us. Let’s just put all of this behind us.”
“Girl, you just don’t know how happy I am to hear you say that. Guess what? Darrius and I are getting married. And I would love for you to be a part of our special day. Would you like to be a bridesmaid?”
“Oh Lexi! I’m so happy for you baby girl! Of course I will be in your wedding! I would be honored!”
Cheron was thrilled to say the least upon hearing about Lexi and Darrius’ engagement. In spite of all that she had been through, one thing remained certain. Cheron was a true friend. Even in the past, when she had just found out about Sonnet and Kenterris creeping, she was still able to be happy for Lexi when she told her about her and Darrius getting back together.
“Cool! Maybe we can do lunch this week and go over some of the details. Lord knows I need a break from my ghetto ass family trying to run shit.” True enough, Lexi was as hood as they came, but the last several months had shown her a different side of life that she was ready to embrace. She had transformed from the loud, gun toting bird to a woman who was ready to elevate herself to the next level of maturity.
Cheron let out a hearty laugh, “Damn I miss your crazy behind! I’m sorry but I can’t meet up now though. I was in a car accident and I’m still recovering.”
“Damn Cheron! Are you ok? Was it bad?”
“Yeah it was pretty bad, my car was broadsided at the intersection and completely totaled. It’s a miracle I’m even alive. I had a slight concussion, a broken leg, and a few cracked ribs. I also got bruised up pretty bad, but I’m getting back to myself slowly but surely,” Cheron replied before blowing her nose. Just the thought of what she’s gone through that night made her emotional.
“Thank God you are ok. Do you need anything?”
“Nah... I’m good. Thanks for asking though.”
“Where were you coming from?” Lexi asked.
“This sorry ass nigga’s house. I don’t even know what the hell I was thinking. I was still hurt over the breakup and I had been wilding out. Going out with all types of men, partying till all hours of the morning, dressing like a damn slut.....” Cheron paused to catch her breath and wipe her eyes. The memory of Quinn almost raping her came flooding back.
“I went to that asshole’s house and....”
“And what girl, take your time,” Lexi responded out of concern for her friend. She could hear that she clearly upset.
“He tried to rape me. It’s my fault. I led him on. He thought we were going to have sex and I changed my mind at the last minute. I should have never even gone over there. You know that’s not me. If I wouldn’t have been running around like a damn thot none of this would have happened.”
“Stop it!” Lexi demanded. “I don’t want to ever hear you say it’s your fault again. You have a right to change your mind. You can’t beat yourself because you decided to live a little. You are a grown ass woman Cheron. And you did what you felt you needed to do to get you through a rough patch. That didn’t give that jerk any reason to violate you.” At this point Lexi was becoming upset. She had been taken advantage of on more than one occasion by men when she was younger. And she knew all too well the destruction that harboring unwarranted guilt could cause. And she didn’t want to see Cheron go down that path.
“I know... you’re right... I guess I just felt guilty because I was acting so out of character.”
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Did he hurt you?” Lexi asked, with tears now forming in her eyes.
“He slapped me a few times. When I tried to get away he choked me till I almost passed out. I was so scared Lexi. I thought he was going to kill me.”
“What a fucking bitch made nigga! I hope his ass rots in jail!”
“I didn’t press charges...”
“What? Are you kidding me? He needs to be brought up on attempted murder charges as well as assault.”
“I know... but I haven’t told anyone. Just you. I just want to put this whole thing out of my mind,” Cheron replied holding her head. She was starting to feel a dull ache on the right side. And judging by the fact that she was now an emotional wreck she was sorry that she’s even brought it up to Lexi.
Lexi didn’t press the issue, at least at that moment. She had been where Cheron was. She would however take note to bring it up again at a later date when she wasn’t upset. There was no telling how many other women this guy had pulled this with. And not only did she need to press charges; she needed to go to counseling to talk about what she had gone through.
“I totally understand. And just know that I’m here for you if you need to talk, day or night.”
“Thanks so much Lexi.” Cheron had to admit that she did feel better after getting that off of her chest. “Now can we PLEASE change the subject?” She laughed to try and lighten up the mood.
“Yes we can. Lemme tell you how my baby proposed. He went all out!”
Lexi went on to give Cheron all the details of the proposal and how good things have been between her and Darrius.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Kenterris was really in my corner looking out for me after my accident.”
“What? Oh really? Spill the tea girl! Y’all getting back together?”
“No, nothing like that. I mean he wants to get together but I’m just not ready for all that. He hurt me really bad you know? That shit doesn’t just go away overnight. Its gon take a minute before I can ever trust him again, hell any man for that matter.”
“I feel you. That was some shady as shit that went down with him and Sonnet. If you do decided to take him back, make that ass work! He needs to recognize what he lost.”
“Oh he does. We had a moment a few months back when he was over here and he confessed that he’s been miserable without me and that he still loved me. I tried to be hard but I was under that nigga’s spell! Shit I ain’t gon lie, I still love him too. Plus he was looking fine as ever. We realized just how much we had been missing each other...” Cheron’s voice trailed off as she reminisced on the beautiful night they shared.
“Woo! Say no more! Makeup sex is the best! I remember when me and Darrius first got back together. That shit was so damn good.”
“I’m not gon lie, it was beautiful It was like it was out first time having sex with each other.”
“Well I tell you what, you can feel free to invite him to the wedding. I’m low key salty about the way that nigga did you but it seems like he still cares about you. I know y’all ain’t together so if you don’t want to invite him that cool too. It’s gon be plenty of fine ass brothas there, either way.”
“Hmm, I just may take you up on that offer.”
“Why not? You would have never thought that Darrius and I would end up at this point but sometimes love is better the second time around.”
Later that day
“Of course I’ll go,” Kenterris replied to Cheron’s question. “I can’t believe Lexi and Darrius are making it official.”
“I know right? Just goes to show, you never know how things are going to work out.”
“Yeah, I must admit that I misjudged Lexi. Use to be a time she was the most ratchet one in the bunch, but from what you are saying it sounds like she’s really coming into her own. And I gotta give it to Darrius. The brotha did his time and never looked back.”
“Yep, both of them have come a long way. I’m so happy for them,” Cheron gushed.
“Yeah, so am I. I’m actually surprised that you asked me to be your date.”
“You know how it goes, I needed some eye candy on my arm to keep all the wolves at bay,” Cheron joked.
“Oh so that’s it? You want to use me to keep the brothas from hounding you?” Kenterris laughed.
“You know I’m just kidding. We haven’t been out in a long time. I actually think it would be good for us.”
“Yeah, so do I....” he replied.
This was the first time she and Kenterris were being seen together in public since they had split up. And what better place to reignite an old flame but a wedding. What both of them were thinking, but neither was said, was they both secretly hoped that some of the happiness that Lexi and Darrius shared would rub off on them. Only time would tell.