
Chapter 19 - Old Habits Die Hard


Despite Derrick taking Sonnet in and offering her better life, her old ways slowly started to resurface. Just when she had begun to make progress towards becoming a nurturing and caring individual her narcissistic personality began to creep back out.

Ironically, the very things that Derrick did to boost her confidence also went to her head. And the sad part was, he had no idea of the monster he was creating, better yet, the one she always was.

Whenever she and Derrick had an encounter in the past it was always when she came in his shop. Therefore he thought she was a sweet, beautiful girl that he had a crush on. Little did he know she never had any intentions on giving him the time of day, based on the fact that he was a blue collar man.

Her wicked ways slowly make themselves known she starts over spending and basically defeating every plan Derrick has to make a better life for them. True enough, he had given her his platinum card to use on several occasions, but that was because she was his lady and he didn’t feel like she should have to ask him every time she wanted to make a trip to the salon, or went grocery shopping.

However, with that added perk also came the responsibility of knowing when to say no. Derrick was business man first and foremost. But he also believed in saving for the future. When Sonnet was given the privilege of using his card she was also informed to stay within a budget. She agreed but that was short lived.

Her trips to the hair and nail salon started becoming more expensive. And the trips to the mall would become more frequent.

When Derrick suggested that Sonnet put her degrees to work and find something that interested her besides shopping, it pissed her off. Little did he know that’s all she ever wanted to do. They would eventually have their first big argument after Sonnet remodeled the house and he comes home to all new furniture. In an attempt to get rid of his tacky style, as Sonnet called it, she even moves some of his personal belongings to the garage. Needless to say this doesn’t sit well with him. Not only does he make her return the new furniture; he also confiscates his card.

In Sonnet’s true fashion she run a guilt trip on him. Telling him that he said that this was her home also, and that he said he wanted her to be comfortable there.

Her only mission was to regain his trust and have full use of his card once again. To sweeten the pot she eventually agrees to start working at the shop to help him out in the office with her accounting skills. As time passes he forgives her and gives her the card back.

Working at the shop also caused Sonnet to realize what she had been missing out on. Once she saw the luxury vehicles that made their way in and out on a daily basis she began making her way out of the office and in front of the car owners every chance she got. Derrick had even begun to take notice that Sonnet never seemed to want to stay at her assigned station at certain times a day, when they were at their busiest. The real shocker would come when she was caught sitting in one of the customer’s cars after hours, admiring the interior. When Derrick asked what she was doing. She just chalked it up to the same reason she went on her spending sprees, she had been homeless, and forgot what it felt like to have nice things. Just as she suspected Derrick fell for her little show, hook line and sinker.

In fact when the invitation came from one of his friends who actually played in the NBA to come to a game, then party with the ballers afterwards he couldn’t wait to tell Sonnet. He felt like this would be a good outing for her. Little did he know this was the icing on the cake.

Once Sonnet got a taste of the elite crowd it only served to remind her of her past life and all that she had lost. When she met his friend Tree, it was like fate.  She knew that she had to have him the moment she laid her eyes on his sexy 6’7 frame. As far as she was concerned she’d lucked out getting with Derrick. In the past she would have never come this close to meeting a REAL baller in person. Now, through his connections she had a front row ticket to the NBA smorgasbord.

The only thing that put a damper on that evening was the fact that the other groupies and basketball wives turned their nose up at Sonnet because of her basic appearance. She knew the look because she’d given it to many other females in the past that didn’t measure up to her standards. Needless to say this caused her insecurity to skyrocket. But they could best believe when they saw her again she wouldn’t be caught slipping. One thing was now for certain, she couldn’t have Derrick’s baby. Now that she’d met her future boo it was time to set her plan into motion.