Backstage at Hawk Creek Middle School swarmed with activity.
Using my bassoon case as a wedge, I inched my way through the knots of excited students. Olivia was right behind me, dressed in a sequin-spangled sailor costume.
How appropriate for the USS Laryngitis, I thought bitterly.
My stepsister spotted Piper and peeled off toward her. Half a dozen other tap dancers in identical costumes joined them, and a minute later the sound of their shoes tapping on the wooden floor rose above the hubbub of the crowd as the Hawk Creek Tappers began warming up.
I passed two magicians, a flock of ballerinas, a comedy act (at least, I assumed it was a comedy act, since it consisted of three football players in helmets, pink leotards, and matching tutus), a baton twirler, a juggler, and a skinny kid with two fluffy little dogs on leashes and a big sign that said STUPID PET TRICKS R US.
Finally I made it to where my friends were standing.
“There you are,” said Rajit. “We were starting to get worried about you.”
Rani held out a copy of the program. “We’re on right after your stepsister and her friends,” she told me. “We’ll be closing the show.”
“That’s because they’re saving the best for last,” Juliet said with a smile.
I looked around, wishing there were someplace we could go to warm up. With all the excitement at home this evening, I hadn’t even had time to tune my instrument.
“People!” said Mrs. Bonneville, lifting her voice to be heard above the buzz of excitement backstage. “Listen up! Is everyone in their assigned places?” She marched down the checklist on her clipboard, calling out the acts and checking them off when someone replied. I felt sorry for anyone who didn’t answer “Present.” Mrs. Bonneville didn’t take any guff even from kids who weren’t her students.
“Five minutes to showtime!” she said when she was done. “Mrs. Bonneville suggests you visit the girls’ and boys’ rooms now, because there won’t be time later.”
“Good idea,” said Rani. “I’m getting nervous, how about you?”
I nodded vigorously. I always get nervous before concerts.
Juliet joined us, and the three of us left our instrument cases with Rajit, then headed out the stage’s exit door and down the hallway. There was a line inside the bathroom. I spotted Olivia at the sink, adjusting her sailor hat. Piper was standing next to her, clutching a fistful of pink tulips. I caught her eye in the mirror and she gave a start, then elbowed Olivia and nodded in my direction.
Olivia turned around and I scowled at her. I know exactly what you’re up to, I thought, with a significant glance at the flowers. My stepsister hadn’t been at school five minutes and she’d already broken her promise to Dad and Iz.
My first instinct was to go and find them and tell on her. I knew it wouldn’t work, though. By the time I tracked them down and wrote out an explanation, the flowers would be long gone.
Olivia gave me the stink eye, then flounced out. A few minutes later, when Rani and Juliet and I emerged back into the hallway, she was waiting for me, along with the rest of the Hawk Creek Tappers.
My stepsister pinched her nose with her fingers.
“Catbox!” cried Piper, right on cue.
Their friends laughed and held their noses too, backing away from me as if they smelled something horrible. Dissolving into giggles, they tapped away down the hall toward the backstage door.
I had no choice but to stand there in silence, stifling the urge to tell Olivia off in front of everyone. I couldn’t, of course. I couldn’t say a word. I might as well have been wearing a gag. Hot tears of rage welled up in my eyes.
“Don’t pay any attention to them, Cat,” said Rani, with a glance at my burning face. “Sometimes they still call me Curry Head Kumar. Especially if there aren’t any teachers around.”
We made our way back to where Rajit was waiting for us, careful to keep our distance from my stepsister and her friends. Olivia thought she was so smart, getting all her friends to gang up on me like that. It would serve her right if I did tell my father and Iz about the tulips in the bathroom.
But there wasn’t time now. The curtain was going up.
The first act was the baton twirler. As she went onstage, I stood in the wings, watching Olivia. My stepsister made me so mad I could just spit. Suddenly I realized that I could do better than spit. I could toad.
Emboldened, I considered the idea. Maybe it was time to unleash the weapon that would allow me to even up the score. Maybe it was time for a little guerrilla toad-fare. I was Cat Starr, Toad Huntress, after all.
Olivia had no idea who she was dealing with.
I bided my time as act after act went out onstage. Some of them, like the juggler and the kid with the fluffy dogs, were awful. The juggler dropped everything he flung into the air, and the dogs wouldn’t do anything except sit, and kept scratching themselves and wandering off the stage. The audience thought this was funny, but the skinny kid was practically in tears by the time he was finished. A few of the other acts were pretty good, though, especially the football players in the tutus. They’d worked up a ballet routine, and they were really funny.
Finally it was time for the Hawk Creek Tappers. I crept forward as my stepsister and her friends ran onstage and took their places, concealing myself in the folds of the heavy velvet curtain. As their music started, I bent down, pretending to tie my shoe as I quietly whispered, “Olivia stinks.”
Out popped a toad. I caught it and held its squirming body to my chest. Good thing I’m not squeamish. Then I did the same thing two more times, figuring a trio of toads was enough to do the trick.
By this time the dance routine was well under way. I placed the toads on the floor and lifted the hem of the curtain. The toads blinked in the spotlights. I gave them each a nudge with my foot, and as they hopped off toward the line of dancers, I casually walked back to rejoin my friends.
A minute later I heard squeals and shrieks from the stage, followed by laughter from the audience. The dancing stopped abruptly, replaced by the rat-a-tat-tat of a dozen pairs of tap shoes as the Hawk Creek Tappers scattered.
Take that, Miss Prissy Pants, I thought smugly. You don’t mess with the Stealth Toader.
Everyone waiting backstage crowded forward to see what was going on. When they spotted the toads and the shrieking girls, they started laughing too.
My homeroom teacher clutched her clipboard to her chest and sent in the football players, still in their tutus, for toad control, causing another wave of laughter to sweep through the audience.
“Oh man, that was hilarious!” said Rajit after everything finally calmed down.
People were still giggling as he and Rani and Juliet and I took our seats. We set our music on our stands, and Rajit took out his electronic tuner. Flute, check. Clarinet, check. Oboe, check. Then it was my turn. I closed my eyes as I always did when I tuned up, shutting out the world and listening intently for the pitch. As I played the note and adjusted my bassoon to match it, I heard a gasp from the audience, then a giggle. When I opened my eyes to see what was so funny, though, the only thing I saw was Rajit’s nod, signaling us to begin.
The audience stilled as the first haunting notes of the fugue echoed across the stage. I sat back, counting the measures and waiting for my cue. The bassoon was the last voice to join in. Finally it was my turn. As soon as I lifted my instrument to my mouth and began to play, though, the giggles started again. I frowned, concentrating on the music. The snickers grew into guffaws, then belly laughs.
The fugue limped to a finish, drowned out by howls of delight from the audience.
My friends were looking at me strangely.
“Cat!” whispered Juliet, pointing urgently at my feet.
I looked down at the floor and gasped. I was surrounded by a sea of toads. They could only have come from one place—me. I played a tentative note, just to check, and sure enough, a toad popped out the end of my bassoon.
My face went scarlet. No wonder everyone was laughing! Only Mr. Morgan looked unhappy. He was standing in the wings with his face buried in his hands.
“How was that for a grand finale?” cried Mr. Randolph, our principal, bounding up the steps onto the stage and facing the delighted audience. He shook his head and chuckled. “What a showstopper! I don’t know how you kids did it—or what you’re planning to do with all these, uh, frogs, are they? I’m sure the Biology Department can find a use for them. At any rate, congratulations!”
He beckoned to Mrs. Bonneville, who minced carefully across the stage to join him. She let out a squeak as one of the toads sprang onto her shoe, which set the audience off again.
“If you’d all care to join us in the cafeteria,” she said stiffly, flicking it off, “we’ll be serving refreshments in just a few minutes.” She turned to head for the stairs, and as she passed me and my fellow Hawkwinds, she whispered, “Mrs. Bonneville expects you to clean this mess up!”
The tutu-wearing football players came back onstage as the auditorium started clearing out. While they gleefully herded toads, my friends and I packed up our instruments. Rani, Rajit, and Juliet were strangely quiet. None of them would meet my gaze.
I was so embarrassed I didn’t know what to say—not that I could say anything. I had no intention of opening my mouth ever again.
“Thanks a lot, Cat,” said Rani bitterly, as she stood up to go. “That toad in the locker room was funny, but this? I thought you were my friend. I don’t know how you did it, or why, but way to ruin everything for us.”
“Yeah, some practical joke,” her brother added.
I gaped at them. They thought I’d deliberately sabotaged the quartet! I started to explain but caught myself just in time. I gave Rani a beseeching look. She ignored it and turned her back on me. Before I could reach for my pen and paper, Juliet and Rajit turned away too. My heart sank as the three of them stalked off.
Feeling worse by the minute, I went to look for my father and Iz. All I wanted to do right now was go home.
“You!” shrieked Olivia as I stepped through the door into the cafeteria. “I just know it was you who put those toads onstage and wrecked our dance number. You … you— Catbox, you!”
The crowd fell away like Moses parting the Red Sea, leaving me and my stepsister facing each other amid a drift of bright red roses, complete with angry-looking thorns. Olivia’s hands were on her hips, and she was spoiling for a fight. Fine, I thought. The heck with the consequences—it was time to let her have it.
Before I could open my mouth and launch a toad at her, though, Iz broke through the perimeter of the crowd and swooped in, reaching for my stepsister.
“Olivia,” she warned.
My stepsister backed away. “You had no right to mess us up like that!” she hollered at me over her mother’s shoulder.
The crowd gasped as they watched the scarlet blossoms arc from her lips. Olivia made no move to try and catch them; she just let them tumble to the floor. It was almost as if she wanted everyone to see.
“That’s enough!” said her mother sternly. “Hush, now. We’ll straighten this out at home.”
“I will NOT hush! I hate Cat!” Olivia stormed.
The baton twirler’s little brother dived for her feet. “Look, Mommy!” he piped, holding up a gemstone. The diamond glittered like a comet under the cafeteria’s fluorescent lights.
A hush fell over the crowd. Iz grabbed Olivia and hustled her out the door. My father snatched Geoffrey up and followed. Clutching my bassoon case to my chest, I ran after them.