Conor and I would like to thank the many kind and wise souls who aided in this work. To David Allen for his encouragement and support. To Lincoln Bergman for his vast knowledge and experience. To Mat Callahan and Dennis O’Neill for their continued and heartfelt support of our project. To David Pugh for his key insights allowing us to understand the Revolutionary Union and the Revolutionary Communist Party. To the Tamiment Library and the staff who make it such a treasure. To the staff of the National Archives for their vital assistance. To the Queens College Library and their critical files on James Forman. To the Hoover Institute at Stanford University and their files on Morris Childs and the Ad Hoc Committee. To the late David Sullivan for his pursuit of the truth on Don Wright and the Ad Hoc Committee. To Professor Johanna Fernandez for taking the time to talk and her insights on the Young Lords Party. To Ron Jacobs for his valuable assistance. To Kim Elliot, Kaitlin McNabb at, Leslie Thatcher, formerly of Truthout, and Rick Shenkman of the History News Network, who have been unstinting in publishing things others will not. To the numerous independent bookstores that welcomed Conor and I to talk about Heavy Radicals, allowing us to engage and be challenged by their patrons, and to those who came to our programs and presentations for their probing questions and invaluable insights. To Allen Yee and Ashvi Dave for taking the time to read our manuscript and their helpful and thoughtful insights. To Doug Lain for his support of our first book. To Tariq Goddard for taking a chance on us only to turn around and take another chance. To the team at Repeater Books for their thoughtful and crucial work that brought this book to fruition. To Susanna Kearney for her generosity in supplying a writing sanctuary. Finally to Emily Paige, Jarina De Marco, Amawta De Marco, and to Irka Mateo, their love gives me cause for hope.
In the end, though, this book, its facts, analysis, and any shortcomings are mine.
Aaron J. Leonard
is dedicated to the creation of a new reality. The landscape of twentyfirst-century arts and letters is faded and inert, riven by fashionable cynicism, egotistical self-reference and a nostalgia for the recent past. Repeater intends to add its voice to those movements that wish to enter history and assert control over its currents, gathering together scattered and isolated voices with those who have already called for an escape from Capitalist Realism. Our desire is to publish in every sphere and genre, combining vigorous dissent and a pragmatic willingness to succeed where messianic abstraction and quiescent co-option have stalled: abstention is not an option: we are alive and we don't agree.