
The next day is Sunday. It rains all day. It rains so hard that Billie can’t go outside to play. She tries to play with Noah, but he is too annoying. Billie gets mad at him.


Then Noah begins to cry. ‘Mum!’ Billie yells. ‘Noah is messing up my game!’

‘He is only little,’ Billie’s mum says. ‘And he is feeling cranky because he has a cold.’ She takes Noah to have his nap.

Now Billie is really bored. She doesn’t want to do any more craft. And Dad says, ‘No more screens.’ Billie really wants to go outside and play.

She is so wriggly it feels like she has ants in her pants.

That afternoon, the rain begins to clear. ‘Dad, look!’ Billie shouts. ‘Now can I go outside?’

‘All right,’ Dad says. ‘But put on your coat and hat. It’s cold and wet outside.’

Yay!’ Billie says.

She runs outside to find Jack. But she has forgotten something very important. Something her dad told her to do.


Can you remember what it is?

Billie and Jack ride their bikes up and down the lane. The wind whooshes through their clothes. It feels good to be outside after being stuck inside all morning.

‘Look at me!’ Billie yells.

She rides through a deep puddle. The muddy water splashes all around her. Now she is spattered with brown spots.


Soon it starts to rain again. At first it rains lightly. Then it rains harder.

‘I’m going inside now,’ Jack says. ‘I don’t want to get wet.’

It’s only water!’ Billie yells.

But by the time she goes back inside she is as wet and muddy as a puppy.

That night at the dinner table, Billie starts to sneeze. Her eyes water and her nose feels stuffy.

Even though Billie’s dad has cooked her very favourite dinner, Billie doesn’t feel hungry at all.


Billie’s dad tucks her into bed. Billie’s face feels hot. Her head has begun to hurt.

‘Hmmm …’ her dad says.

‘It looks like you have caught a cold, Billie. You might have to stay home from school tomorrow.’

‘I can’t stay home tomorrow,’ Billie says. ‘It’s the hat parade!’

‘Well, let’s see how you feel when you wake up,’ her dad says.

He gives her some medicine for her headache. Then he tucks her into bed and kisses her goodnight.
