chairlift (CHAIR-lift)—a line of chairs hanging above the ground that carries skiers and snowboarders to the tops of the hills

chalet (shal-AY)—a lodge at a skiing resort, for visitors to go when they are not skiing

course (KORSS)—a track or route on which a race of some kind is run

frontside (FRUHNT-side)—a snowboard trick that starts with the rider facing forward

grind (GRYND)—to glide across a rail on a snowboard

halfpipe (HAF-pipe)—a U-shaped ramp used by snowboarders to provide a takeoff for jumps and tricks

mogul (MOH-guhl)—a mound of hard snow

rail (RAYL)—a bar that is raised above the ground that snowboarders use to glide across

straightaway (STRAYT-uh-way)—a straight course or track