B. = Birch, Cartularium Saxonicum, London, 1885–7–93.

D. B. = Domesday Book.

E. = Earle, Land Charters, Oxford, 1888.

E. H. R. = English Historical Review.

H. & S. = Haddan and Stubbs, Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, vol. iii, Oxford, 1871.

K. = Kemble, Codex Diplomaticus Ævi Saxonici, London, 1839–48.

T. = Thorpe, Diplomatarium Anglicanum, London, 1865.


See endnote 1170. Instances of the periodic reallotment of the whole land of a vill, exclusive of houses and crofts, seem to have been not unknown in the north of England. Here the reallotment is found in connexion with a husbandry which knows no permanent severance of the arable from the grass-land, but from time to time ploughs up a tract and after a while allows it to become grass-land once more. See F. W. Dendy, The Ancient Farms of Northumberland, Archaeologia Aeliana, Vol. xvi. I have to thank Mr Edward Bateson for a reference to this paper.