ONCE I SAW A VIXEN and a dog fox dancing.
MY MOTHER AND MY SISTER could both be movie stars,…
I FOUND THE POND by following the stream that lies…
JILLY IS NOT SOMEONE who would stop and watch the…
I HAD TO THINK. I had to go right back…
THREE WEEKS AFTER I gave Theo the Lila note, I…
NOVEMBER’S DAYS are shorter than October’s. The sun hangs that…
IN DR. CHARMIN’S class I still could not guess if Rostand’s…
THAT AFTERNOON I went straight to the pond. I threw…
BEFORE JILLY became the world’s most accomplished couch potato, she…
IT SNOWED, and it snowed. I could hear the crystal…
THERE WAS NO SCHOOL the next day, and I was…
DR. CHARMIN HAD SAID that I was to report to her…
“IT’S UP TO YOU,” I was telling Theo, “to decide.”
WHEN A DAY STARTS like that one had, all you…
AFTER SCHOOL I was three of my eight blocks from…
I COULD NEVER TELL YOU all the names of every…
AT SCHOOL MOST PEOPLE kept their distance more than usual.
AN EPITAPH is what they write on tomb-stones. An epigraph…
I NEEDED THE SCORCH of the moon and the cold…
ONCE I HELD A BABY BIRD, but it was dying.
CHRISTMAS WAS ALWAYS my mother’s holiday. She started buying gifts…
I KNEW THINGS were different Christmas morning when I did…
I GOT A FEVER, then, and I couldn’t leave my…
THE FIRST FEW DAYS of January I stayed home from…
THERE’S A MIRROR in my parents’ room that runs floor…
YOU ARE BORN or you’re not born with a talent…
THAT AFTERNOON Dr. Charmin introduced the villanelle, another something French, she…
IT USED TO BE in winter that I dreamed of…
ONCE I SAW A PICTURE of Mom and Dad together…
THE NEXT MORNING Theo was at my locker with the…
I GOT TO THE POND as early after school as…
THE NEXT MORNING I asked Mom if she could clip…
THERE WERE DAYS after that when the only Theo I…
THE NEXT DAY was the thirteenth, a Friday. The sun…
THAT NIGHT Mom joined us downstairs for dinner. We had…
THERE WERE ONLY fifteen days between our soup and cheese…
ONCE DAD AND I went treasuring when I was nine…
AFTER CHRISTIAN DIES on the battlefield, Roxane retires to a…
ALL THROUGH the next several days I kept the poem…
THAT SATURDAY I rose before dawn, when the stars were…
THE PARKING LOT at the Border Road Rink was thick…
YOU EVER HAVE IT HAPPEN that a power so infinitely…