I.1 |
Emotions mapped by new geography |
xxvii |
1.1 |
Graph G |
3 |
1.2 |
A social network of 10 people |
5 |
1.3 |
(a) Undirected and (b) directed graphs |
7 |
1.4 |
Good Will Hunting solution |
11 |
1.5 |
Edge list and network diagram for homonyms |
12 |
1.6 |
Edge list and network diagram for four letters in common |
12 |
1.7 |
Edge list and network diagram for three letters in common |
13 |
1.8 |
Edge list and network diagram for two letters in common |
13 |
1.9 |
R&D organization formal structure |
14 |
1.10 |
R&D Organization informal structure |
14 |
1.11 |
Formal NCO chain of support |
15 |
1.12 |
Informal NCO network |
16 |
2.1 |
Core periphery graph |
30 |
2.2 |
Not-so-neat network |
30 |
2.3 |
Comparing graphs with nodes sized by (a) degree centrality and (b) eigenvector centrality |
31 |
2.4 |
Small world network with nodes sized by betweenness centrality |
32 |
2.5 |
A scale-free network with nodes sized by degree centrality, and isolate nodes are hidden |
32 |
2.6 |
(a) Star and (b) circle graphs |
34 |
2.7 |
Euler bridge problem: (a) map of Konigsberg and (b) graph of Konigsberg bridges |
35 |
2.8 |
Example graph for betweenness calculation |
36 |
2.9 |
Weighted graph |
41 |
2.10 |
Network of eight hyperlinked web pages |
44 |
2.11 |
Directed graph |
46 |
2.12 |
Network graph for the research organization |
47 |
2.13 |
Network graph for the research organization |
50 |
2.14 |
Network graph with the link between John and Fred removed |
51 |
2.15 |
Centrality example graph |
67 |
3.1 |
Network density chart |
70 |
3.2 |
Star graph |
72 |
3.3 |
Circle graph |
72 |
3.4 |
Two different networks: (a) network A and (b) network B |
73 |
3.5 |
The lattice network topology |
80 |
3.6 |
The mesh pattern in a lattice network |
80 |
3.7 |
Small world network topology |
81 |
3.8 |
Core-periphery network of 100 nodes |
83 |
3.9 |
Cellular network of 100 nodes |
84 |
3.10 |
Scale-free network of 100 nodes |
84 |
3.11 |
Scale-free network of 100 nodes |
85 |
4.1 |
Power in basic network exchanges: (a) two-node network, (b) three-node network, and (c) four-node network |
112 |
4.2 |
Eight possible signed triads |
118 |
4.3 |
Two signed graphs: (a) unbalanced network and (b) balanced network |
120 |
4.4 |
Pareto optimality space |
123 |
4.5 |
Four stages of link formation |
124 |
5.1 |
Example network |
135 |
5.2 |
Hierarchical clustering chart produced in ORA for the example network of Figure 5.1 |
138 |
5.3 |
Block model chart produced in ORA for the example network of Figure 5.1 |
138 |
5.4 |
Block reduced chart produced in ORA for the example network of Figure 5.1 |
139 |
5.5 |
Example network for Newman grouping |
140 |
5.6 |
Network with edge labels |
140 |
5.7 |
Highest betweenness edge removed |
141 |
5.8 |
Newman subgroup emerges |
141 |
5.9 |
Iterate of Newman algorithm |
141 |
5.10 |
Iterate of Newman algorithm |
142 |
5.11 |
Newman groups |
142 |
5.12 |
Empty hierarchical clustering diagram |
143 |
5.13 |
Hierarchical clustering diagram begins to fill |
143 |
5.14 |
Full hierarchical clustering diagram |
143 |
6.1 |
Moore's chasm and Rogers' diffusion curve [after Moore, 1991; Rogers et al., 2005] |
158 |
6.2 |
Actors involved in the diffusion process |
159 |
6.3 |
Opinion leaders in a network |
160 |
7.1 |
Multimode network of agents and resources |
174 |
7.2 |
Source to target with matrix X |
175 |
7.3 |
Source to target with matrix X and its transpose |
175 |
7.4 |
Source to target calculation for bidirectional link |
176 |
7.5 |
Two node types: agents and resources |
177 |
7.6 |
Dot product of networks X and Y: agent to resource to agent |
178 |
7.7 |
Dot product of networks X and Y: both agent to resource |
179 |
7.8 |
All possible combinations linking agents to a resource |
180 |
7.9 |
Bridging the gap between resources in network Z |
181 |
9.1 |
Undirected network graph |
208 |
9.2 |
Social network before the removal of Bill |
211 |
9.3 |
Fragmented social network after the removal of Bill |
211 |
9.4 |
Removal of the link between Bill and Alan |
212 |
9.5 |
John and Lee make a direct link |
213 |
9.6 |
Linking of knowledge and resources for Task 1 |
213 |
9.7 |
The network showing the spread of an interesting image by e-mail |
218 |
9.8 |
The three most critical nodes to the diffusion across the network, nodes 3, 8, and 65 |
218 |
9.9 |
The three most critical nodes if removed would most fragment the network, nodes 8, 52, and 69 |
219 |
9.10 |
Cellular structure associated with clandestine networks |
219 |
9.11 |
The efficient structure of InterSec Pty Ltd. in the agent × agent network |
221 |
9.12 |
Total network for InterSec Pty Ltd. as an efficient organization structure |
222 |
9.13 |
Learning organization structure in the Agent × Agent network for InterSec Pty Ltd. |
223 |
9.14 |
New total network for InterSec after changing structure to a learning organization |
224 |
9.15 |
Activities in identifying risks in organizations |
229 |