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Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations
Abarbanell, Lina, 190
Abbott, Eleanor Hallowell, Molly Make-Believe, 19
Abbott, George, 532n97
Abbott, Gwynne, 164
Abbott, Mather A., 164n57, 210, 214, 217
TNW letter to, 175–76
Action in the North Atlantic (film), 407n84
Actors Equity, 451
Actors Studio, 627n90, 627n91, 640
Adams, H. Austin, ’Ception Shoals, 91n155
Adams, Maude, 155, 178, 520
Ade, George, 82
Adrian, Gilbert, 267
Akins (Rumbold), Zoë:
The Furies, 382
TNW letter to, 382
Alba, Jacobo Stuart-Fitz-James y Falcó,
Duke of, 487
Albanese, Meggie, 609
Albee, Edward:
The American Dream, 638
The Sand Box, 638
Tiny Alice, 670
TNW letters to, 516–17, 554–55
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 618
The Zoo Story, 554–55
Albers, Josef, TNW letter to, 277–78
Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni, 671
Alcestiad, The, or A Life in the Sun (Wilder):
casting of, 434, 527n88
and The Drunken Sisters, 482, 546n125
and Edinburgh Festival, 527–28, 531
European performances of, 482, 546, 548, 582, 593n17, 598, 624n83
evolution of, 327n198, 364–65, 406–7, 440, 453, 481, 483
libretto for, 581
readings of, 532n98, 532n99
and Rudolf Bing, 563, 565–68
Talma’s score for, 483, 536n105, 550–53, 562–63, 565–68, 580n184, 598, 622
TNW’s thoughts on, 435, 626–27
Alcibiades, 17
Aldrich, Richard, 343–44
Alexander, Sir George, 520
Allen, Arthur, 334n208
Allen, John, 106
Ameche, Don, 403
American Academy, Rome, TNW in School of Classical Studies in, 125–26, 133–36, 141–42
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 480, 560
American Anti-Slavery Society, 2
American Arts and Crafts Movement, 108n179
American Field Service (AFS), 80n140
American Laboratory Theatre, New York, 129, 179, 197n119, 201n129, 206, 241
American Mercury, The, 207
American National Theatre and Academy’s Salute to France, 532n97
American University Union, Paris, 147
American Youth Orchestra, 389
Ames, Harry, 623, 624
Ames, Rosemary, 218
TNW letter to, 178–79
Anderson, Ava Bodley, Lady, 450
TNW letter to, 486–88
Anderson, Clark, 223n175
Anderson, Sir John, 450n152
Anderson, Judith, 491, 619n76
Saturday’s Children, 590n9
TNW letters to, 461–62, 543–44
Anderson, Peggy and Roy, TNW letter to, 688–89
Andrews, Helen, 253
Andrews, O. B., Jr., 207
Anglin, Margaret, 301, 520
Anouilh, Jean, 548
Becket, 577n176
Anthony, C. L., Autumn Crocus, 255n45
Appollinaire, Guillaume, 464
Ardrey, Robert, 396n64
Aristophanes, 301
TNW’s letters from, 604–27
TNW’s time in, 666–67
Army Air Force, U.S., TNW’s service in, 357, 358, 359, 396, 397, 400–402, 403–7, 411, 418–36
Arnold, Matthew, 495
Arnold, Thurman, 384
Arthur, Jean, 590
Art Institute of Chicago, 277
Ascher, Joseph, “Alice Where Art Thou?,” 20
Aspen Institute; Aspen Music Festival, 366n8, 470n181
Asquith, Margot, 223
Astor, Mrs. Vincent, 384
Aswell, Edward C., 203
Atlantic Monthly, The, 102, 153n33, 164, 209–10, 480, 482, 483
Attlee, Clement, 435n121
Atwood, Bishop Julius W., 384
Audoux, Marguerite, Marie Claire, 31
Augustine, Saint, 413
Austen, Jane, 609, 613, 635
Bach, J. S., 286–87, 352, 467, 614, 667, 684
Bacon, Delia, 605
Bacon, Francis, Essays, 382
Baer, Lewis S., TNW letters to, 191–92, 215–16
Bagnold, Enid:
Lottie Dundass, 681n182
TNW letter to, 679–82
Bailey, Percival, 251
Baitsell, George A., 616
Baker, Barbara, 225
Baker, Christina Hopkinson, TNW letter to, 341–42
Baker, George Pierce, 43, 102, 341n219, 519
Balanchine, George, 602, 603
Ball, William, 652
Balzac, Honoré de, 200, 632
Bankhead, John H., 544n119
Bankhead, Tallulah, 260, 281, 544n119, 617, 691
in The Eagle Has Two Heads, 590
in Here Today, 619
in The Little Foxes, 417
in The Skin of Our Teeth, 395n62, 406, 407, 408n85, 409, 416, 417, 533, 590n9
Bankhead, William Brockman, 544n119
Barber, Samuel, Vanessa, 566
Barillet, Pierre, and Jean-Pierre Gredy, The Amazing Adele, 490n13
Barnes, Djuna, 560
Barnes, Margaret Ayer “Peggy,” 261, 264
Barney, Danford, 147
Barrault, Jean-Louis, 458
Barretts of Wimpole Street, The (film), 281n104
Barrie, J. M., 92, 94
A Kiss for Cinderella, 91
The New Word, 103–4, 162–63
Old Friends, 103n173
The Old Lady Shows Her Medals, 103n173
Barry, Philip, 7, 341
Barrymore, Ethel, 338
Barrymore, John, 119, 121, 338
Barth, Karl, 258
Baskin, Norton, 551
Bates, Ana “Tia,” 625
Bates, Blanche, 167
Bates, Esther W., TNW letter to, 507–8
Baudelaire, Charles-Pierre, 516
Baxter, Cynthia, 546n125
Beach, Sylvia, 192, 195, 196, 198
Beardsley, Aubrey, 119
Beaton, Cecil, 591
Beatty, Warren, 650n132
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron, 520
Beaumont, Hugh “Binkie,” 444, 453, 527–29
Beauvoir, Simone de, 518
La Vieilesse, 681
Becher, John, 546n125
Beckett, Samuel, 555
Krapp’s Last Tape, 554n144
Waiting for Godot, 538, 556
Beerbohm, Max, 305, 495, 591, 642
Beer-Hofmann, Richard:
Jacob’s Dream, 360
TNW letter to, 377–78
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 24, 26, 352, 416, 460, 673
Behrman, Elza Heifetz, 603
Wine of Choice, 331n204
Belasco, David, 156, 308, 417
Bel Geddes, Norman, 168, 257
Bellows, George, 63
Belmont, Eleanor Robson, 566
Benét, Rosemary Carr, 147n25, 198
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 7, 117n202, 147, 195, 201n130, 242, 492–93
Benét, William Rose, 117–18, 177n86, 492–93
Bennett, Arnold:
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, 30
Milestones, 28, 30
The Truth About an Author, 30
Bentley, Eric, TNW letter to, 539–41
Bérard, Christian, 458
Berdan, John M., 161n47
Berea College farm, 6, 103, 105, 109, 313n170
Berenson, Bernard, 363
Bergman, Ingmar, 703
Bergner, Elisabeth, 254, 434
Berkeley, California:
TNW’s letters from, 34–37, 40–50
Wilder family in, 3, 5, 9, 10, 37, 40
Berlioz, Hector, 684
Bermann-Fischer, publisher, 471, 472
Bernhardt, Sarah, 113
Bernstein, Leonard:
at MacDowell Colony, 601–2
TNW letter to, 698
Besant, Annie, 641
Besier, Rudolf, The Barretts of Wimpole Street, 254n43
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 177
Biddle, Francis, 603
Biddle, Katherine Garrison Chapin, 603n46
Bing, Rudolf, 467n175, 488–89, 563, 565–68
Bisson, André, Le Rosaire, 549
Black Mountain College, 274n92
Blaker, Richard, 199, 223
Bleibtreu, Helen and Jacob, TNW letter to, 689–90
Bohlen, Avis Thayer, 602
Boles, John, 286
Boleslavsky, Richard, 129, 179, 194, 197n119
Bolívar, Simón, 544
Boni, Albert & Charles, 199, 222, 231, 271, 276
and The Bridge of San Luis Rey, 191–92, 207, 212–13, 217, 218, 222n171, 528, 568, 702
and The Cabala, 128, 184, 188, 191n109, 203, 702
and The Trumpet Shall Sound, 206
and Heaven’s My Destination, 222n171, 233, 283, 568, 702
and The Woman of Andros, 222n171, 229–30, 702
Booth, Shirley, 490
Bori, Lucrezia, 276
Borkle, Inge, 598
Boston Transcript, 121
Boswell, James, 556
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, 610
The Life of Samuel Johnson, 32, 72, 74, 703
Boulanger, Nadia, 600
Bourget, Paul, 171
Bousquet, Marie-Louise, 316
Bowen, Elizabeth, The House in Paris, 309
Bower, Roy, 199–200
Bowles, Jane, In the Summer House, 490n13
Boyle, Kay, TNW letter to, 556–57
Brahms, Johannes, 239, 476
Brando, Marlon, 590
Brandt, Carol, 686, 702
TNW letter to, 703
Brandt & Brandt, 255, 325, 341, 390, 393, 686n193, 691
Braque, Georges, 277
Brecht, Bertolt, 640
Brett, Dorothy, 286, 614
Brice, Fanny, 390, 532
Brick Row Book Shop, New Haven, 160–61
Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (Wilder):
and Boni & Boni, 191–92, 207, 212–13, 217, 218, 222n171, 528, 568, 702
film of, 396n66
and Mme. de Sévigné, xxxiv, 220
publication of, 129, 130, 209–10, 217
public responses to, 219–20, 536, 701
Pulitzer Prize for, xxxiii, 130
success of, xxxiii, xxxvii, 130, 222n171, 229, 230, 231
TNW’s thoughts on, 211, 240, 434, 536–37, 700
translations of, 144n19, 471n185
writing of, 188, 191, 196, 199, 201–2, 204, 207, 215, 237
Bridgman, Ray, 203
Bridie, James, A Sleeping Clergyman, 279n100
Bromwell, Frank, 33
Bronte, Anne, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 33
Jane Eyre, 31
Shirley, 31
Villette, 30, 33
Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 33 Brooke, Rupert, “The Great Lover,” 96
Brooks, Rev. Raymond C., 50
Brooks, Van Wyck, TNW letter to, 379
Brown, H. Leggett, 306
Brown, Martin, A Very Good Young Man, 119n209, 121
Browne, E. Martin, TNW letter to, 659–61
Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, 72
Brownell, Frank, 147
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 31
Browning, Robert, 31
Bruckner, Anton, 258, 684
Bruerton, Courtney, 464n170
Brunauer, Dalma H., TNW letter to, 700–701
Buber, Martin, 640
Budapest String Quartet, 475
Bull, Ole Bornemann, 253n39
Burckhardt, Jacob, 572
Burgtheater, Vienna, 247n23
Burke, Edmund, 311
Bushnell, Horace, 116
Bute, Mary Ellen, 691
Bynner, Witter, 285–86
Cabell, James Branch, 220
Caesar, Julius, 49, 440, 450, 453–54, 461
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 540, La Vida es Sueño, 636–37
Campbell, Ellie Jones, 181
Campbell, Gladys, 313n171
Campbell, Joseph, 412n91
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, 264, 301, 609
Camus, Albert, 442
Canby, Mrs. Henry Seidel, 248
Canfield, Cass, 271, 686
TNW letters to, 221–22, 250, 552–54, 595–96, 653–54
Capote, Truman, 560
Carew, Helen, 328n200
Carr, Rosemary, 147n25, 198
Carré, Michael, Pierrot the Prodigal, 91
Carroll, Paul Vincent, The Strings, My Lord, Are False, 394n58
Carter, John F., Jr., 117n202
Catelier, Jacques, 286
Cather, Willa, 492
Death Comes for the Archbishop, 237
Catherine the Great, 493n23
Catullus, 543
Cecil, Lord David, 591, 642
Century Club, New York, 360
Century Magazine, The, 191
Cerf, Bennett, 306
Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 634
Chagall, Marc, 640
Chamberlain, Neville, 366
Champion, Gower, 618
Chandlee, Harry, 368n12
Channing, Carol, 618n72
Chapin, Schuyler, TNW letter to, 651–53
Chaplin, Charlie, 242, 243–44, 384, 396
Chappell, Delos, 350
Chatterton, Ruth, 167
Chautauqua Institution, 66n121
Chavadjadzies, Paul, 614
Chefoo, China:
China Inland Mission Schools in, 4, 18, 125
TNW’s letters from, 11–25
Chekhov, Anton, 226, 510, 695
The Three Sisters, 204, 399n70, 407, 685
Cherry Lane Theatre, New York, 691n203
Chesterton, G. K., 223
Chicago Evening Post Literary Review, 189n106
Chicago World’s Fair, 261n66
Manchu dynasty in, 20n31
TNW’s father with consulate in, 3, 23n34
TNW’s years in, xxxiv, 3, 4, 11–25, 125
Chopin, Frédéric, Preludes, 24, 26
Churchill, Winston, 435
Cicero, 29, 49, 79n139, 450
Cincinnati Little Theatre, 112
Circle in the Square, New York, 483, 581, 600n34
Civic Repertory Theatre, 204n136
Clair, René, 399
Claire, Ina, 691
Clark, Eleanor, 602n41
Claudel, Paul, 592
L’Oiseau noir dans le Soleil Levant, 589
Clay, Lucius D., 598
Clift, Montgomery, 444–45, 498, 506
TNW letter to, 415–16
Clurman, Harold, 627n91
Cocteau, Jean, 310n165, 365
The Eagle Has Two Heads, 590n9
La Machine infernale, 491
Codman, Charles R., 338
Coffin, Catherine, 498
TNW letters to, 612–14, 621–23, 656–58
Coffin, Edmund, 623n81
Coffin, Margot (Lindsay), 623n81
Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., 623n81
Cohan, George M., 390
Hit-the-Trail Holiday, 77
Cohn, Harry, 350
Cohn, Janet, 393n57
Colefax, Sibyl, 306, 444, 490, 553, 554, 591
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 391, 430
TNW letters to, 237–40, 246–47, 255–59, 307–10, 328–31, 363–66, 376–77, 380–81, 405–7, 433–36, 449–50, 465–67
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 315, 357
Coleman, Roger, 181, 201, 207
Colette, 304, 635
Coley, Thomas, 444
Collinge, Patricia, 399
Colman, Ronald, 267
Colonna, Vittoria, 134
Colum, Padraic, 379
Comden, Betty, 698n218
Compagnie des Quinze, 258
Compton, Fay, 388
Comstock, Polly, 146
Conant, James B., 376, 379
Congreve, William, 520
Connolly, Marc, 257, 274, 332, 338, 380, 440n129
Constant, Benjamin, Cécile, 502
Coolidge, Philip, 444
Cooper, Merion C., 272, 276
Copeau, Jacques, 126, 589
Copeland, Charles Townsend, 102
Copenhagen, Otto von, 693
Copland, Aaron, 622
TNW letter to, 488–89
Cordoba, Pedro de, 346
Corneille, Pierre, La Mort de Pompée, 648n130
Corneille, Thomas, 648
Cornell, Katharine, 180, 232, 259n63, 260n64, 591, 681
in Alien Corn, 263n71
in The Barretts of Wimpole Street, 254–55
in Ethan Frome, 308
in Romeo and Juliet, 308n154
in Saint Joan, 308n154
in The Three Sisters, 407
TNW letter to, 254–55
Couperus, Louis Marie Anne, 170
Coward, Noël, 264
Blithe Spirit, 388
In Which We Serve, 388n51
“London Pride,” 388
TNW letter to, 388
Coward-McCann, 191n110, 221, 222, 231
Cowl, Jane, 353
Cowley, Malcolm, 316
TNW letters to, 501–3, 701–2
Craig, William C., 496
Crane, Josephine Porter Boardman, 366
Craven, Frank, 325, 328, 333, 335, 339, 348, 368n12
Crawford, Cheryl, 356, 435, 627
TNW letter to, 639–41
Crews, Laura Hope, 167
Croce, Benedetto, 258, 426
Cross, Wilbur L., 181, 556
Cukor, George, 272, 399
Culp, Julia, 45
Cunard, Lady, 258
Curtis, Roy, 205n137
Curtius, Ernst, 465
Czerny, Karl, 26
Dakin, Arthur Hazard, 675
Dakin, Janet Wilder, see Wilder, Janet Frances
Dakin, Winthrop Saltonstall, 403n77, 675
TNW letter to, 573–75
Daly, Arnold, 520
Daly, James, 546n125
Dana, Anna English, 351
Dana, J. Dwight, 230
death of, 499n40
TNW letters to, 271–72, 275–76, 290–91, 293–94, 324–26, 337–38, 339, 343–44, 350–51, 389–90
Dane, Clemence, Granite, 206
Dante Alighieri, 197, 245, 247, 342, 507
Da Ponte, Lorenzo, 680
Dark Angel (film), 267
Darrach, Marshall, 37
Dart, Capt. Rollin, 341n218
Davidson, Eugene, 518 Davies, Hubert Henry:
Doormats, 164, 165n60
The Mollusc, 165n60
The Outcast, 80n142, 164, 165n60
Davies, Marion, 284
Davis, Owen, Jezebel, 260
Davis, Robert Frederick, 293–94, 298n134, 301, 303–4, 372–73
Day, Huntington T., TNW letter to, 367–68
de Bosis, Adolfo, 126, 144, 145, 463
de Bosis, Lauro, 144n19, 257
Delsarte, François, 551
de Mayo, Margarita, TNW letter to, 485
De Mille, Cecil B., 350, 455
Joseph Vance: An Ill-Written Autobiography 25, 30
Somehow Good, 30
de Sica, Vittorio, 464, 473–74, 480, 545n122
Deslys, Gaby, 56, 57
Devil and the Deep (film), 281n105
de Wilde, Brandon, 650n132
Dial, The, 154, 155
Dickens, Charles, 353
David Copperfield, 19
Dickinson, Emily, 495, 579
Dickinson, William Austin, 580n183
Dietrichstein, Leo James, 94
Diggers, TNW’s thoughts on, 647
D’Indy, Vincent, Symphony on a French
Mountain Air, 119
Disney, Walt, 282
Fantasia, 389
Disraeli, Benjamin, 374
Distant Thunder (film), 703, 704
Dodd, Lee Wilson, The Changelings, 167
Dodd, Martha Eccles, 268
Donn-Byrne, Brian, Messer Marco Polo, 191
Donne, John, 104
Donovan, Grace, 569
Doolittle, Hilda (H. D.), TNW letter to, 300–301
Dos Passos, John, 400n72
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 171
The Brothers Karamazov, 203–4, 634
Double Dealer, The, 155, 158
Douglas, Melvyn, 384
Douglas, Stephen A., 20n30
Douglas, William, 146
Dowson, Ernest, 86, 119
Dramatist Guild, 324, 341
Draper, Muriel, 274
Draper, Ruth, 253, 257
Dr. Ehrlich’s Magic Bullet (film), 399n71
Dreiser, Theodore, Sister Carrie, 489n10
Du Bos, Charles, 257
Ducreux, Louis, 549, 550
Duhamel, Georges, 315
Dukes, Ashley, Jew Süss, 270
Duncan, Isadora, 551
Dunham, Katherine, 270n85
Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Lord, The Lost Silk Hat, 105
Echegray, José, El Gran Galeoto, 180n92
Eckstein, Gustav, 591
Eddy, Mary Baker, 257
Eddy, Nelson, 384
Edge of Darkness (film), 407n84
Edinburgh Festival, 480, 481, 527–28, 531, 655n143
Edington, Vincent, Inc., 275
Edward VII, king of England, 467
Einstein, Albert, TNW letter to, 351–52
Eldridge, Florence:
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 394n59, 406, 407, 409–10, 417n96
in Years Ago, 444
El Greco, 211
Eliot, T. S., 666, 695
“Modern Education and the Classics,” 616n70
Sweeney Agonistes, 588
The Cocktail Party, 491
Elser, Frank B., Mr. Gilhooley, 308
Ely, John, 290–91
Embree, Etta Parsons, 110
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 502
Empson, William:
Milton’s God, 597
“The Theme of Ulysses,” 695
Epstein, Jacob, Nina Forrest, 240n9
Eulenberg, Herbert, 77
Euripides, 301, 416
Medea, 619n76
Evans, Edith, 242, 245, 247, 609
Evans, Rowley Turbeville, 22, 45
Ewell, Tom, 538
Fairbank, Janet Ayer, 264
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 384
Farquhar, George, The Beaux’ Stratagem, 356, 371
Farrar, John, 7
Farrell, James T., 651
Farrow, Mia, 667, 668, 673–74, 681
in The Great Gatsby, 686
in The Three Sisters, 685–86
TNW letters to, 669–71, 682–85
Farwell, Byron, TNW letter to, 436–38
Faulkner, William, 155, 471, 556
Absalom, Absalom!, 578n178
Fäy, Bernard, 591
Fellowes, Daisy, 304, 306
Fénelon, 238
Fenollosa, Ernest Francisco, 588
Ferber, Edna, 269n80, 380
Ferguson, Elsie, 80, 91
Fielding, Henry, 556, 654
Findley, Timothy:
The Butterfly Plague, 655n144
TNW letter to, 655–56
First Coast Artillery Corps:
TNW in, 123n216, 123
TNW’s letters from, 123–24
Fiske, Minnie Maddern, 308, 681
Fitts, Norman, TNW letter to, 240–41
FitzGerald, Edward:
correspondence of, 31
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám (transl.), 31
Fitzgerald, Frances Scott “Scottie,” 224n178, 225, 602
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 227, 633
All the Sad Young Men, 225n181
The Great Gatsby, 220
TNW letters to, 220–21, 224–26
Fitzgerald, Geraldine, 681n182
Fitzgerald, Zelda, 227
TNW letter to, 224–26
Flanagan, William, 516n72
Flandreau, Charles Macomb, Viva Mexico!, 665
Fontanne, Lynn, 306, 376, 568
TNW letter to, 391–93
TNW’s friendship with, 239, 259n63, 261, 264
Footner, Hurlbert, Shirley Kaye, 91
Forbes-Robertson, Jean, 239
Forbes-Robertson, Johnston, 42
Foresman, Edwin Clyde, 644
death of, 129, 211n150, 214–15
as housemaster at Davis, 127, 152, 157–58, 176
Foresman, Emily, 127, 157, 215n156
Foresman, Grace Christy, 127, 157, 176, 645
TNW letters to, 214–15, 326–27, 643–44
Forrest, Nina (Lamb), 240n9
Forster, E. M., 591n10
A Passage to India, 315
Foster, Joe, 269
Fowlie, Wallace, Mallarmé, 552
France, Anatole, 310n165, 316
Francis, Graham, 547
Francis of Assisi, Saint, 87, 114n190
Frankfurter, Felix, 384
Frantz, Sarah Morton, 189
TNW letter to, 287–88
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke, assassination of, 39n76
Frazer, James G., The Golden Bough, 182
Frazier, William, TNW letter to, 295–96
Freedman, Harold:
TNW letters to, 393–95, 626–28
as TNW’s agent, 255, 325, 341, 343, 364n3, 417
Freeman, Douglas Southall, Tee’s Lieutenants, 426
Freiman, Elizabeth Goodman, 563n154
Freud, Anna, 303, 429
Freud, Sigmund, 145, 299, 302–3, 304, 449, 642, 702
Friedell, Egon, 257
Fröbel, Friedrich Wilhelm August, 136
Frohman, Charles, 408, 417
Frost, Robert, 642
TNW letter to, 411–12
“West-Running Brook,” 412
Frost, William Goodell, TNW letter to, 109
Fry, Wilfred, 75
Gable, Clark, 403
Gahagan, Helen, 384
Gallup, Donald, 499
Gameliel, Rabbi, 103
Gammon, Agnes, 82
Gammon, Mary Stanley, 59, 82
Gannett, Lewis Stiles, TNW letter to, 294–95
Garbo, Greta, 282
García Lorca, Federico, 541
Garnett, Constance, 634n103
Garnett, Richard, 144
Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn:
Cranford, 31
Life of Charlotte Brontë, 31, 32–33
Genet, Jean, 502
George, Grace, 59, 62n112, 77
Gershwin, George, 260
Gibson, Violet, 201n128
Gide, André, 458
Gielgud, John, 450, 523, 622, 670
Gilbert, Susan, 580n183
Gillmore, Margalo, 417n96
Gingold, Hermione, 686
Giorgione, Pastoral Concert, 63
Giotto di Bondone, The Virgin’s Meeting with St. Anne, 671
Giraudoux, Jean, 365, 548
Bella, 404
Siegfried et le Limousin, 164
Gish, Lillian, 118, 266, 546n125
TNW letter to, 454–56
Glasheen, Adaline, xxxvii
TNW letters to, 694–95
Glazer, Benjamin, 340n217
Glenn, C. Leslie, 212, 384
TNW letters to, 210–13, 291–93, 687–88
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 127, 216
Glenn, Georgiana, 384
Gluck, Alma, 45
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 292–93, 299, 469–70, 475, 584, 681–82
Die Wahlverwandtschaften, 631n100
Elective affinities (transl.), 631
Faust, 298n133, 401n74
Goethe Bicentennial Festival, Aspen, Colorado, 361, 464, 465, 466n173, 468–70, 469, 477, 485n1
Goldbeck, Eva, 190
Golden, John, 451, 453
Golden Boy (film), 350
Goldoni, Carlo, 520
Mirandolina, 56
Goldsmith, Oliver, She Stoops to Conquer, 163n51
Goldstone, Richard:
TNW letters to, 642–43, 661–63
unauthorized biography of TNW by, 595–96, 642–43, 661–63, 687n196, 701–2
Goldwyn, Sam, 232, 267, 278, 279, 282, 339
Goodenough, Erwin R., 616
Goodnow, Edward P., 332
Gordon, Max, 417
Gordon, Ruth, 458, 523, 544, 691
in The Amazing Adele, 490n13
in A Doll’s House, 234, 324n192, 338
in Ethan Frome, 308
and Findley, 655n143
and Harris, 251, 408
and Kanin, 441n130, 576, 680
as letter writer, 553, 554
in The Matchmaker, 480, 504, 538n109, 549, 553, 611, 680
and movies, 282, 407n84, 490
in Saturday’s Children, 590
singing lessons for, 618
in A Sleeping Clergyman, 279n100, 285n114
in Three Sisters, 407
TNW letters to, 259–62, 345–47, 387, 398–99, 441–42, 443–46, 522, 548–50, 590–92, 619–21, 685–86
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 257, 263, 274, 285, 330, 506, 586, 680, 693
Gottlieb, Morton, 653
Graham, Martha, 206n141, 330n203
Grainger, Percy, 45
Grant, Cary, 281, 473–75
TNW letter to, 473–75
Granville-Barker, Harley, 47, 48n92, 94, 301
Grass, Günter, 640
Graves, Robert, 194, 634
Great Depression, 230, 232
Green, Adolph, 698n218
Green, Paul, 278
The House of Connelly, 251
Greene, Graham, 700
Greenway, Isabella, 624
Greet, Sir Philip “Ben,” 9
Grenfell, Sir Wilfred, 213
Grey, Orpha, 59
Griffith, D. W., 118n205
Gris, Juan, 277
Gropius, Walter, 496
Guinan, Texas, 265
Guinness, Alec, 670
Guiraud, Edmond, La Bonheur de Jour, 549
Guitry, Sacha, 310
Guthrie, Tyrone “Tony,” 504, 527, 531
Gwyn, Eleanor “Nell,” 81
Haas, Robert, 372–73
Hadden, Briton, 646
Hadley, Arthur Twining, 172
Hagen, Beulah, 601, 686
Hague, Eleanor, 73
Haight, Gordon, 696n217, 697
Haight, Mary M., TNW letter to, 696–97
Hale, Nathan, 116
Hamilton, James Hamish, 239
Hammerstein, Oscar, 502
Hammond, Kay, 388n49
Handel, George Frideric, 681
Handel Festival, Newport, 467
Hanna, Leonard C., Jr., 285
Hardy, Thomas, 226
Far From the Madding Crowd, 575–76
The Return of the Native, 613
Harper & Brothers, 221–22, 233, 271
and Heaven’s My Destination, 283, 568
and The Merchant of Yonkers, 364n2
Harris, Jed, 251, 261–62, 333, 399, 435, 491
and A Doll’s House, 324, 330, 338, 343–44
and The Fifth Column, 340, 341
and The Green Bay Tree, 262n69, 269n81
and Our Town, 234, 322, 323, 324–25, 328, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 342, 348, 553
and Skin of Our Teeth, 389n52, 391–93, 408
TNW letter to, 332
TNW’s friendship with, 257, 274, 308
Harris, Sam H., 269n80, 408, 417
Harrison, Betsy, 674
Harshe, Robert B., 277n98
Hart, Clive, 694n212
Hart, Jerry, 207
Harvard College, TNW’s wish to attend, 90, 102
Harvard University, TNW on faculty of, 479, 494
Harvard University Press, 479, 480
Hawks, Howard, 474, 475
Hawley, Helen, 426
Haydn, Franz Joseph, 684, 694
Hayes, Helen, 282, 308
in The Merchant of Venice, 345–46
in The Skin of Our Teeth, 532n97, 692
TNW letter to, 457—59
in Victoria Regina, 309
Hayman, David, 694n212
Hazard, Paul, 315
Hazelton, George C., and J. Harry Benrimo, The Yellow Jacket, 91
Hazzard, John E., and Winchell Smith, Turn to the Right, 91
Hearn, Walter, 14
Hearst, William Randolph, 9n5, 232, 284
Hearts of the World (film), 118
Hecht, Ben, 464n171
Miracle in the Rain, 545n122
Heifetz, Jascha, 614
Hellman, Lillian, 370, 667
The Little Foxes, 417n98
Hello, Dolly! ( Broadway musical), 364n2, 582, 583, 618n72
Helmensdorfer, Urs, TNW letter to, 592–93
Hemingway, Dick, 279
Hemingway, Ernest, 155n35, 461, 472, 633
The Fifth Column, 340, 341n218
“Fifty Grand,” 210
The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta), 128–29, 195, 201, 238–39
TNW letters to, 193–95, 227–28, 340–41
TNW’s friendship with, 192–93, 196, 198, 200–201, 207, 220, 492
Hemingway, John Hadley Nicanor “Bumby,” 197n121, 201
Hemingway, Mrs. Ernest, 197–98, 201
Hennessey, Joseph, 304
Henry Miller Theater, New York, 338
Hepburn, Katharine, 261, 262n69, 272, 273
Heraclitus, 72n126
Herlihy, James Leo:
All Fall Down, 650
Midnight Cowboy, 668
TNW letters to, 649–51, 666–69, 671–74
Herlitschka, Herberth, 570
TNW letter to, 471–73
Herodotus, 17
Histoire, 631
Herriot, Edouard, 314n173
Hersey, John, A Single Pebble, 542n116
Heyward, DuBose, Porgy, 237
Heywood, Thomas, A Woman Killed with Kindness, 597
Hichens, Robert, The Fruitful Vine, 171
Higginson, Rebekah, 426
Higginson, Sally, 506
TNW letter to, 509–10
Hilton, Conrad “Nicky,” 498
Hinckle, Bill, 244
Hindemith, Gertrude, TNW letter to, 569–70
Hindemith, Paul, and The Long Christmas
Dinner, 483, 569–70, 577, 581, 622
Hirsch, Sidney, 344
Hitchcock, Alfred, and Shadow of a Doubt, 357, 358, 395, 396, 397, 399, 401
Hitler, Adolf, 307, 648
Hobson, Archibald, 637
Hobson, Verna Harrison, 637n110
Hobson, Wilder, 637n110, 644
Hofmann, Heinrich, 41
Hohenlohe, Furstin, 472
Hokusai, Katsushika, The Great Wave at Kanagwa, 28
Holliday, Judy, 590
TNW as screenwriter in, 232–33, 266–67, 272, 273–76, 282, 284–85, 291, 311, 350, 357–58, 395, 397, 397, 401, 455, 473–75
TNW’s letters from, 241–44, 278–82, 395–402
Holm, Celeste, 619
Holt, Hamilton, 274n92
Homer, 346
Odyssey (transl.), 245
Hopkins, Arthur, 118–19
Hopkins, Miriam, 331, 417
Hopwood, Avery, 474
Horowitz, Vladimir, 243
Hosmer, Helen, 701
Hotchkiss, Edwin DeWitt, 59, 116
Hotson, Leslie, Mr. WH, 631
Housman, Laurence, Victoria Regina, 309
Howard, Sidney, 341
Alien Corn, 263n71
Hubbard, Elbert, 108n179
Hubbard, Katharine, 108
Hudson Review, 609
Hull, Cordell, 384, 386
Humphrey, Doris, 389n53
Humphrey-Weidman dance company, 389
Hunt, James Leigh, “Abou Ben Adhem,” 470
Hunter, Sir Ian Bruce Hope, 527–28
Huntington Hartford Foundation, 521, 553
Hu Shih, 658–59
Huston, Walter, 247
Hutchins, Franja, 253, 309
Hutchins, Maude, 252–53, 284, 285, 309, 373, 402, 405–6, 511
Hutchins, Robert M., 373, 379, 437n124, 495, 596
career of, 113n189
government service of, 276, 284, 289, 381, 406
and the humanities, 466
at Oberlin, 6, 313n170, 675
second marriage of, 466n174
TNW letter to, 400–402
and TNW’s lectures, 360, 361, 468
and University of Chicago, 231, 247, 252, 260, 288, 294, 466
at Yale, 7, 645
Hutchins, William J., 313n170
Hutton, Barbara (Reventlow), 399
Huxley, Aldous, 379, 438
Ibsen, Henrik, 519
A Doll’s House, 234, 324, 330, 338
Hedda Gabler, 72
The Master Builder, 72, 119
Ickes, Harold, 276
I Married a Witch (film), 394n59
Indig, Otto, The Bride of Torozko, 232, 256
Inge, William, Come Back, Little Sheba, 490n14
Institute for Intellectual Cooperation, 234
Isaacs, Edith J. R., 177n83
TNW letter to, 165–68
Istomin, Eugene, 603
It Happened One Night (film), 369
Jackson, Mary, 676
Jackson, Rose, 498
James, Henry, 695
“The Altar of the Dead,” 114n191
The Golden Bowl, 460
The Wings of the Dove, 504
James, William, 206, 695
Jane Eyre (film), 369
Jarry, Alfred, Ubi Roi, 533
Jaws (film), 693
Jeffers, Robinson, Medea (adapt.), 619n76
Jerome, Jerome K., Passing of the Third Floor Back, 30, 42
Joan of Arc, 232, 272, 273, 275–76
John, Augustus, 239
Johnson, Lady Bird, 583
Johnson, Lamont, 546n125
Johnson, Lyndon B., 582, 628
Johnson, Mrs. Hobart, 289
Johnson, Thomas H., 579n180
Johnson, Walter Willard “Spud,” 286n119
Jolas, Eugene, 379
Jones, Clifton, 261n68
Jones, Frederick Scheetz, 113, 181n96, 511
Jones, Robert Edmond, 256
Josset, André, Elizabeth la Femme Sans Homme, 310n163
Jouve, Pierre-Jean, Paulina, 216, 217
Joyce, James, 379, 560, 579, 695
death of, 502
Finnegans Wake, 355, 358, 360, 371, 372, 412–14, 480, 483, 495, 595, 598, 609n59, 691, 694n211
James Joyce’s Ulysses: Critical Essays (Hart and Hayman, eds.), 694n212
Ulysses, 695
Jung, Carl, 206n141
Kafka, Franz, 555, 640
The Trial, 458
Kahn, Michael, 371n16
TNW letter to, 691–92
Kanin, Garson, 523, 554
Born Yesterday, 446n144, 590n9
Do Re Mi, 576n172
and Gordon, 441n130, 680
The Live Wire, 490
The Marrying Kind, 490n13
Pat and Mike, 490n13
The Rat Race, 490
TNW letters to, 440–41, 443–46, 522–24, 590–92, 619–21, 685–86
TNW’s friendship with, xiii, xxxvi, 506, 586, 680, 693
Years Ago, 444n143
Kaufman, Beatrice, 380
Kaufman, George S., 269n80
Kazan, Elia, 394, 395, 398n69, 407, 590n9
Keats, John, 135, 140, 144
Keedick, Lee, see Lee Keedick Agency
Keller, Ruth, 75
at Oberlin, 6, 68–70, 108
TNW letter to, 100–101
Kelman, John, 169
Kendall, Beatrice, 515
Kendall, Mrs. Sergeant, 146
Kennedy, John F., 582
Kennedy, Stanton, 250
Keyserling, Alexander, South American
Meditations, 378n29
Kierkegaard, Søren, 435–36, 449, 502, 584
Kilty, Jerome, 582, 622
King, Harold, 95
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 655
King’s Theatre, Edinburgh, 431n116
Kirkpatrick, Jack, 196
Knee, Ernest and Gina, 285n117, 286
Knickerbocker, H. R., 268
Knight, Marion E., 57
Kokoshka, Oskar, 496
Kommer, Rudolf, 82–83, 94, 166–67, 168, 201, 331
TNW letter to, 76–78
Koppelman, Bill, 691
Kwong Ling, 35, 37, 48
La Argentina (Antonia Merce), 242
La Bruyère, Jean de, 171
La Follette, Mrs. Philip F., 253n39
Lahr, Bert, 538
Lamartine, Alphonse-Marie-Louis de, 134
Lamb, Charles, 659
Lamb, Henry, 240n9
Lanchester, Elsa, 282
Landowska, Wanda, 621
Langner, Ruth, 256n47
Lansbury, Angela, 650n132
Lardner, Reginald “Rex,” 225
Lardner, Ringold “Ring,” 225n180
Latin America, TNW’s travels in, 357, 385–87
Laughton, Charles, 253, 279, 311, 455
TNW letter to, 280–82
Laurence, Dan H., ed., Bernard Shaw: Collected Letters, 641
Law, William, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, 177
Lawrence, D. H., 173, 206n141, 286n120, 608, 614
The Plumed Serpent, 665
Women in Love, 60
Lawrence, Frieda, 286n120
Lawrence, T. E.:
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 245
TNW letter to, 244–45
transl., Odyssey (Homer), 245
Lawrenceville School, New Jersey:
Davis House, 127, 129, 151, 214
TNW on faculty of, 126, 127, 130, 149, 210–11
TNW’s letters from, 150–77, 219–28
Layton, William, 445
League of Nations, 234, 314n173
Lederer, Francis, 255
Lee Keedick Agency, 223n174, 229, 242, 261, 374
Le Gallienne, Eva, 203
Léger, Alexis (Saint-John Perse), 465, 521, 602
Léger, Fernan, 277
Le Grand, Eileen, TNW letters to, 427–29, 439–40, 545–47, 610–12, 678–79, 704–5
Le Grand, Julian, 429n112, 547, 678–79
TNW letter to, 545–47
Le Grand, Roland, 424n106, 427–29, 451n153
TNW letters to, 439–40, 545–47, 610–12, 678–79, 704–5
Lehmann, Lotte, 614
Lehr, Wilson, TNW letter to, 370–71
Leigh, Vivien, 431, 435
in Caesar and Cleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra, 501n43, 684
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 429, 430n114, 433
TNW letter to, 489–91
TNW’s friendship with, 443, 444, 450, 489, 577n175, 684
Leinsdorf, Erich, 683
Leopardi, Giacomo, 309–10
Pensieri, 309
Lesser, Sol, 399
and Our Town (film), 367–68, 374–76
TNW letters to, 368–70, 374–76
Lewis, Rosa, 239, 240n9
Lewis, Sinclair, 220, 322, 379, 650
Lewis, Wilmarth Sheldon “Lefty,” 158
Lewis and Smith, eds., Horace Walpole’s Correspondence with Madame du Deffand and Wiart, 374
Leyda, Jay, 579–80
Libman, Emanuel, 264
Library of Congress, 357
Lillie, Beatrice, 339
Lillie, Helen M., 313n172
Lillie, Ralph S., 250, 313n172
Lincoln, Abraham, 20n30, 48
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow, 602
Link, Franz, TNW letter to, 536–37
Lippmann, Walter, 381
Littlefield, Catherine, Philadelphia Ballet, 389
Little Foxes, The (film), 399
Little Night Music, A (musical), 686
Logan, Spencer Hancock, 33
London Mercury, 209n147
Longman, Richard, 223
Longmans, Green & Co., 276
and The Bridge of San Luis Rey, 217
and The Cabala, 128, 197n120
and Heaven’s My Destination, 233
and TNW’s translations, 216
Lonigan, Studs, 651n134
Lope de Vega, see Vega, Lope de
Lord, Pauline, 308, 455
Louis XIV, court of, 164, 571
Lowry, Howard, TNW letter to, 493–96
Lucas, F. L., Tragedy, 258
Luce, Clare Booth, 542, 645
Luce, Henry R., 140, 596
at Chefoo, 4
death of, 645n128
TNW letter to, 541–42
tributes to, 645–46, 658–59
at Yale, 7, 645
Ludwig, Ken, 371n16
Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 268
death of, 614n65
salon of, 372
Taos ranch of, 206, 232, 233, 272, 389n52
TNW letters to, 266–67, 273–75, 283–87, 297–98
Luhan, Tony, 614n65
Lukács, George, 641
Lull, Richard S., 616n69
Lunt, Alfred, 376, 568
TNW letter to, 391–93
TNW’s friendship with, 239, 259n63, 261, 264
MacDonald, Margaret, 428n111
MacDougall, Ainslie, 242
MacDowell, Edward Alexander, 217n159, 237
MacDowell, Marian, 216–17n159
MacDowell Colony, 521, 553, 567
TNW’s acquaintances from, 192n113, 237–38, 481, 507n55, 516n72, 517n73, 601–2
TNW’s letters from, 237–40
TNW’s residencies in, 128, 129, 185n102, 188, 229, 231, 234, 273, 356, 378, 480, 650
MacGowan, Kenneth, 276
Macht, Evelyn, TNW letter to, 456–57
MacKaye, Percy, 86, 274
Jeanne d’Arc, 274n91
MacKenzie, Compton, Sinister Street, 113
MacLeish, Archibald, 379, 395n60, 401, 432
Macy, Gertrude, 259n63
Madariaga y Rojo, Salvador de, 314n174
Maeterlinck, Maurice, The Blue Bird, 346
Magee, Joe, 446
Magic Flute (film), 703
Magni, Eva, 614
Mahler, Gustav, 496, 701
Malden, Karl, 650n132
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 516, 552
Malraux, André, 602
Mamoulian, Reuben, 279
Mann, Thomas, 299, 503, 695
Mansfield, Katherine, 509, 614
Mantegna, Andrea, 240n9
March, Fredric:
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 394, 406, 407, 409–10, 417, 528
in We Live Again, 278–79
in Years Ago, 444
Marcin, Max, Cheating Cheaters, 91
Marcuse, Herbert, 656–57
Marivaux, Pierre de, Les Fausses Confidences, 458
Marquand, John P., 380
Marsh, Mae, 118, 201
Martin, Mary, 532n97
Martineau, Henri, 631n100
Marvel, Ik (pen name), 104
Marvell, Andrew, “The Garden,” 622n78
Massey, Doro, 384
Massey, Raymond, 308, 384
Massingham, Dorothy, and Murray
MacDonald, The Lake, 262
Match Girls, The (musical), 641
Matheson, Edith Wynne, 520
Matzenauer, Margaret, 389
Maugham, Somerset, The Circle, 270
Mauriac, François, 700
Maynor, Dorothy, 468
McAfee, Helen, 248, 251n34, 498
McArthur, Charles, 308
McCarthy, Daniel Clifford, 285n117
McCarthy, Lillah, 47, 48n92
McClatchy, J. D., 587n1
McClintic, Guthrie, 260, 263, 308
McCormick, Cyrus, 207n144
McCormick, Muriel, 207
McCormick, Renée de Fontarce, Little Coquette, 426
McCullers, Carson, 560
McCullough, Duff, 223n175, 374
McGinley, Phyllis, TNW letter to, 633–35
McMein, Neysa, 590, 591n10
Mei Lan-Fang, 589
Melville, Herman, 494, 502, 579
Mendelssohn, Eleanora von, 305, 576
Mendelssohn, Felix, 683
Menotti, Gian-Carlo, 566n160
Menzies, Alan Wilfred Cranbrook, 189
Merande, Doro, 444
Meredith, George:
Evan Harrington, 156
General Ople and Lady Camper, 155
The Ordeal of Richard Feveral, 613
Mérimée, Prosper, Le Carosse du Saint-Sacrement, 220
Merrick, David, 577n176
Mexico, TNW in, 355, 363–64, 541–42, 664–65
Meyer, Conrad F., 476
Michelangelo, 503
Miles, Margaret, 11
Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 195
Aria da Capo, 587
Miller, Alice Duer, 380, 591
Miller, Arthur, 560
Miller, Gilbert, 231, 256
Miller, Henry, 167
Milosz, Czeslaw, 465
Milstein, Nathan, 468
Milton, John, 597
“On His Being Arrived at the Age of 23,” 298n135
Mitchell, Donald Grant (Ik Marvel), 104
Mitford, Nancy, 591
Modern Language Association, 463–64
Moe, Henry, 493
Molière, 539, 550, 613
Amphytrion, 458
L’Avare (The Miser), 322n189, 382
Molina, Tirso de, 462
Molnár, Ferenc, 173
Monhegan Island, Maine, 76n130, 90, 92, 106, 153, 166
Monnier, Adrienne, 198
Monroe, Marilyn, 560n149, 561
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 61
Montaigne, Michel de, 681, 694, 702
Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède et de, 381
Montgomery, James, Nothing But the Truth, 91
Moody, Dwight Lyman, 65, 111n183
Moore, George, 93–94, 667
Moore, Harry Thornton, 608
Moore, Marianne, 521
Morand, Paul, 154
Morgan, Mike, 440
Mörike, Eduard Friedrich, 258
Morini, Erika, 468
Morley, Robert, 281n103
Morton, Michael, The Fatal Alibi, 253n40
Mount Hermon School farm, Massachusetts, 6, 64n118, 72–76
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 352, 378, 416, 460, 614, 618, 621, 623n80, 667, 671, 680, 684
Mugnier, Abbé Arthur, 310
Murray, Gilbert, 301, 315
Murry, John Middleton, 509n61
Mussolini, Benito, 200, 201n128, 307
Myerberg, Michael, 389–90, 537
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 393–94, 407, 408–10, 416–18, 429, 430n114, 590
TNW letters to, 408–10, 416–18
Nagel, Conrad, 417
Nardi, Marcia, TNW letters to, 517–18, 525–26
National Book Award, 584, 653n142
National Book Committee, 583
National Theatre Company, 631
Naylor, George Sawyer, 162
Nazimova, Alla, 91, 119
Nepos, Cornelius, 49, 450
Nestroy, Johann, 258
Einen Jux will er sich machen, 322n189, 323–24, 331, 352
New Dramatists, 519n76
New Gulliver, The (film), 474n192
New Haven Journal-Courier, 127, 160, 230
Newman, John Henry Cardinal, 102, 104, 226, 238
New York Post, 189–90
New York Times, 381, 584
Nichols, Anne, Abie’s Irish Rose, 206
Nichols, Beverly, 365
Nichols, Robert, 194n116
Nichols, William I., TNW letters to, 202–7, 646–49
Niemoeller, Martha, TNW letter to, 588–89
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 257–58
Nikisch, Arthur, 145
Nitze, Paul, 470
Nitze, Phyllis Pratt, 470n181
Niven, Charlotte Tappan (aunt), 13n14, 21n32, 140n15, 157, 604
in Europe, 4, 126, 130, 149, 197, 357
in Florida, 552, 583, 631, 641
TNW letter to, 605–7
Niven, Elizabeth Lewis (grandmother), 4
death of, 168–69
TNW letters to, 9, 42–43, 98–100
Niven, Grace (aunt), 243, 405
Niven, Thornton MacNess III, 9, 243n17, 405
Noh plays, 588–89, 593
Norman, Ruth, 641n124
Noy, Henry, 223n175
Oberlin College:
Amos as student in, 5, 36–37, 43, 44–45, 46, 106
Hi-O-Hi student yearbook, 105
military instruction in, 97–98, 105
philosophy of, 5–6, 40–41, 90
TNW as student in, 5–6, 52–57, 65, 83–86, 95–96, 101, 106, 107–8
TNW’s letters from, 52–70, 76–109
TNW’s plans to attend, 40–44, 46, 49
Oberlin Literary Magazine, 56n103, 79n138, 82n147, 86, 112, 118n208, 663n155
Obey, André, 258n61, 592–93
Le Viol de Lucrèce, 232, 254
Odets, Clifford, Paradise Lost, 309
O’Flaherty, Liam, Mr. Gilhooley, 308
O’Hara, John, TNW letter to, 632–33
O’Harra, Michaela, TNW letter to, 519–22
O’Keeffe, Georgia, 206n141
Olivier, Laurence, 435, 437
in Caesar and Cleopatra/Antony and Cleopatra, 501n43, 684
and National Theatre Company, 631n99
and the Old Vic, 684n186
in Othello, 631
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 429–31, 433, 533
TNW letters to, 429–31, 489–91, 575–77
TNW’s friendship with, 443, 450, 489
O’Neil, F. J., 686
O’Neill, Eugene, 367, 471, 519
Mourning Becomes Electra, 301
Oppenheimer, George, Here Today, 619
Oprescu, M., 315
Orczy, Baroness Emma, The Scarlet Pimpernel, 16
Origo, Iris, Leopardi: A Study in Solitude, 310n162
Ortega y Gasset, José, 465, 468
Osborne, Paul, 519, 576
Otto, Rudolph, 211
Ottoline, Lady Caroline, 614
Our Town (Wilder), xxxiv
Boston production of, 330 -36, 337, 528
casting of, 325n194, 328, 335–36, 444n142, 660
film of, 356, 367–71, 372, 374–76, 386
and Harris, 234, 322, 323, 324–25, 328, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 342, 348, 553
New Haven production of, 330, 339, 342
New York premiere of, 323, 325, 328–29, 330–31, 338, 528
as opera, 488n6, 587n1
other performances of, 364, 423–24, 440, 446, 479, 659–60
Princeton production of, 325n194, 330, 336, 337, 339
public response to, 337, 338
Pulitzer Prize for, xxxiii, 234, 359
radio broadcast of, 360
success of, xxxvii, 234, 235, 339
technical aspects of, 357
TNW acting in, 348, 349, 355, 444n142, 483, 490
TNW’s thoughts on, 333–35, 476–77, 501, 507–8, 638, 651–52, 654, 679
writing of, 321, 324–25
Ouspenskaya, Maria, 179n89
Paepcke, Elizabeth N. “Pussy,” 470n181, 475
TNW letter to, 366–67
Paepcke, Walter, 366n8, 470
Page, Thomas Nelson, In Ole Virginia, 110n181
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi de, 352, 467, 495
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 42
Pankhurst, Leonard Thomas, 440n129, 523–24
Panoffsky, Erwin, 542
La Maison des Amis des Livres, 198n124 Shakespeare and Company, 192, 198n124
TNW in, 128–29, 314–16
TNW’s letters from, 146–49, 195–202
Vieux-Columbier theater, 126
Paris Review, The, 595–96
Parker, Cecil, 388n49
Parker, Dorothy, 274, 560, 561
Pascal, Blaise, 198, 681
Pensées, 89
Peabody, Rev. Harry Ernest, 56–57, 81n143
Peabody, Leonard Clough, 81
Pearn, Violet, Hush!, 91
Peck, Clara Boardman, 498
PEN, 357, 400n72, 464
Perkins, Maxwell, 472
Perse, Saint-John (Léger), 465n172, 521, 602
Peterkin, Julia, Scarlet Sister Mary, 237
Peyton, Myron, 496
Phelps, William Lyon, 7, 17, 102
Phoenix Theatre, London, 431n116
Piatagorski, Gregor, 468
Picabia, Francis, 466
Picasso, Pablo, 277, 306, 466, 681
Pickford, Mary, 259, 265–66
Pinchot, Rosamond, 336
Pinero, Arthur Wing, The Second Mrs. Tanqueray, 680n177
Six Characters in Search of an Author, 652
Plato, 104, 381
Plautus, Titus Maccius, Menaechmi, 82
Plowright, Joan, 577n175
Plutarch, Parallel Lives, 17
Poe, Edgar Allan, 495, 515
Poiret, Paul, 180
Poole, Ernest, 73
Porter, Cole, 258, 399
Porter, Delia Lyman, 421
Pound, Ezra, 126, 463, 465, 588, 695
Powers, Lieutenant, 403
Praskins, Leonard, 278
Pratt, John Thomas, 270–71
Preminger, Otto, 348
Preston, June, 253
Previn, André, 668, 669–70, 671, 673, 683, 684
Priestley, J. B., The Inspector Calls, 453
Princeton, New Jersey, Our Town
performed in, 325n194, 330, 336, 337, 339
Princeton University, 127, 128
TNW at graduate school, 175–76
TNW’s letters from, 182–90
Private Life of Henry VIII, The (film), 280–81
Proust, Marcel, 154, 310n165, 316, 443, 681
Ptushko, Aleksandr, 474n192
Punch magazine, 203
Purcell, Henry, 467
Rabelais, François, Gargantua and Pantagruel, 144
Racine, Jean, 198, 539
Raeburn, Henzie, 660
Raimu (Jules-Auguste Muraire), 280
Raimund, Ferdinand, 258
Rains, Claude, 455
Raphael, 211, 618, 694
Rauschenbush, Walter, 49–50
Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, 551
Ray, Satyajit, 703, 704
Read, Sir Herbert, 518
Récamier, Jeanne Françoise, 60, 61n111
Reed, Florence, 406, 407, 408n85
Reeves, Ruth, 388n49
Régnier, Henri de, 316
Reinhardt, Karl, Die Ilias und ihr Dichter, 601
Reinhardt, Max, 167, 168, 201, 251, 254n41, 258, 282, 321
and The Alcestiad, 327, 364n3
and The Blue Bird, 346
and Faust, 298, 299
and The Merchant of Yonkers, 235, 323, 325, 330, 342, 346–47, 350, 352–54, 353, 553
at Monhegan, 76n130, 166
and The Skin of Our Teeth, 393, 408
TNW letter to, 323–24
Réjane, Gabrielle, 308
Remarque, Erich Maria, 320
Renaud, Madeleine, 458
Rennie, Tom, 423
Ribicoff, Abraham, 602, 603
Ricci, Renzo, 613
Rice, Elmer, 384
Rice, John A., 274n92
Rich, Daniel, 277
Richardson, Lee, 600n34
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 492
Rimbaud, Arthur, 516
RKO Pictures, 232, 275
Robbins, Jerome, 698n218
Robinson, Edwin Arlington, 192, 222, 492
at MacDowell Colony, 192n113, 237, 507n55
Tristram, 237
Robinson, Graham, 307
Robinson, Henry Morton, 412n91
Rockefeller, John D., 207n144, 500n42
Rogers, Emmett, 437
Rogers, William G., 702
Romains, Jules, 315
Rome, TNW’s letters from, 133–45
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 380n35, 384, 627
Roosevelt, Franklin D.:
election campaign of, 380–81
and Hutchins, 284, 289, 381
inauguration of, 357, 383–84
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, 384
Rorem, Ned, TNW letter to, 587–88
Rose, Sir Francis, 373n20, 591
Rosebery, Lord, Napoleon: The Last Phase, 378
Rose, Leonard, 603
Rosenstock-Huessy, Eugen, 442
Ross, Thomas W., 334n208, 335
Rossini, Giocchino, 684
“Stabat Mater,” 44–45
Rostand, Edmond, L’Aiglon, 119
Rostova, Mira, 498
Royal Shakespeare Company, 670
Royce, Josiah, 206
Roycroft Community, East Aurora, New York, 108n179
Rubinstein, Artur, 468
Rubirosa, Porfirio, 598
Ruggles of Red Gap (film), 281n104
Russell, Bertrand, 614
Rutherford, Margaret, 388
S4N1, 240n10
Sackville-West, Vita, 591
Sagawatha Lodge, Connecticut, 170, 171
Saint, Eva Marie, 650n132
Saint-Denis, Michel, 258n61, 593
Saint-Gaudens, Augusta Homer, 155
Saint-Gaudens, Homer, 155, 178n88
Saint-Saens, Charles-Camille, 11
Saint-Simon, Memoirs, 164, 238, 247
Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus), 49
Salzburg Festival, 234, 297, 299
Sankey, Ira, 110, 111n183
Santayana, George, 177
Character and Opinion in the United States, 206
Sargent, Franklin H., 179n90
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 359, 440
Mort sans sépulture, 360, 361, 441n131
No Exit, 638
Saint Genet: Actor and Martyr, 502n45
Sassoon, Sir Philip, 258
The Third Route, 238n5
Saturday Review of Literature, The, 358–59, 412–15
Schiller, Friedrich von, 539
Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 274n91
Wilhelm Tell, 44
Schneider, Alan, 537–38
TNW letter to, 532–33
Schnitzler, Arthur, Anatol, 94
Schubert, Franz, “Erlkönig,” 20
Schuman, William, 653
Schweitzer, Albert, 465, 468–69, 469
Scott, Lizabeth, 417n96
Scott, Martha, 336
Scott, Sir Walter, 19
Scott, Winfield Townley, 508
“Our Town and the Golden Veil,” 507n56
Scott (Metcalfe), Evelyn, TNW letter to, 422–23
Scribner’s magazine, 239
Serato, Arr igo, 45
Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley:
Robert Frost: The Trial by Existence, 596, 642
TNW letters to, 503–5, 608–9
Willa Cather: A Memoir, 505n50
Sévigné, Marie de, xxxiv, 174, 220, 250
Shadow of a Doubt (film), 357, 358, 395n63, 396n67, 399, 401
Shairp, Mordaunt, The Green Bay Tree, 262, 269n81
Shakespeare, William, 285, 302, 306, 416, 595, 597, 615, 635, 636–37
Hamlet, 458, 680
King Lear, 443, 540
Measure for Measure, 540
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 683, 684
The Merchant of Venice, 345–46
Shakespeare and Company, Paris, 192, 198n124
Shaw, Charlotte Payne-Townshend, 641n122
Shaw, George Bernard, 520
Getting Married, 91
Saint Joan, 308n154
You Never Can Tell, 27
Shaw, Mary, 77
Shaw, Robert (actor), 693
Shaw, Robert (conductor), 467, 496, 676
Shearer, Norma, 281, 311
Sheldon, Edward, 257, 337, 338, 554
TNW letter to, 262–66
Shelley, Carole, 691
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 144, 160
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 135, 161
The Cenci, 144
Epipsychidion, 144n20
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 520
Sherman, Hiram, 546n125
Sherman, Stuart, 189
Sherrill, Gibbs, 213
Sherwood, Madeleine, 384
Sherwood, Robert E., 380
Shields, Francis X., 286
Shikibu, Murasaki, The Tale of Genji, 635
Shortall, Harrington, 27
Sidgwick, Ethel, 83
Sill, Edward Rowland, 116
Simenon, Georges, Le Fils, 558
Simon, Neil, The Odd Couple, 691
Simonds, Bruce T., 7, 198
TNW letter to, 117–19
Sims, Mrs. Admiral, 156
Sixties generation, TNW’s thoughts on, 584–85
Skinner, Cornelia Otis, 253, 590
Skin of Our Teeth, The (Wilder): casting of, 406
European productions of, 429–31, 691–92
film of, 395, 691
and Harris, 389n52, 391–93, 408
and Lunt/Fontanne, 391–93, 568
Myerberg as producer of, 393–94, 407, 408–10, 416–18, 429, 430n114, 590
and Olivier/Leigh, 429–31, 433, 533
as opera, 698
premiere of, 358
reviews of, 358–59, 409, 412–15, 528
revivals of, 532–33, 537n106
TNW acting in, 360, 444n142
TNW’s thoughts on, 378, 391–93, 477, 508, 532–33, 697
writing of, 356–57, 392
Skirball, Jack H., 396, 399
Smilin’ Through (film), 369
Smith, Walter, 65–66
Smythe, Dame Ethel, 599
Socrates, 687
Sophocles, 245, 301, 416, 571
Oedipus Rex (TNW’s introd.), 356
Speiden, Jack, 614
Spengler, Oswald, 206
The Decline of the West, 188
Spore, Harold, 116
Sprigge, Elizabeth, 642
Squire, J. C., 209
Stallman, Robert W., xxxvii
TNW letters to, 492–93
Stanislavski, Konstantin, 167
Stanley, Mrs. Charles A., 115n195
Stanwyck, Barbara, 445
Stein, Gertrude, 319, 553
biographies of, 642
death of, 447n145
described in TNW letters, 294, 306, 307, 446–48
estate of, 448, 499n39
in Europe, 233, 297, 299, 377, 402, 438
Four in America, 360, 448
The Geographical History of America or the Relation of Human Nature to the Human Mind, 234, 306, 663n156
and her dogs, 466
The Making of Americans, 372
Narration, 234
quotations from, 315, 420, 428, 501, 650, 663, 681, 700, 702
TNW letters to, xxxvii, 302–4, 319–20, 371–74
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 234, 292, 297, 299, 304, 306, 495, 503, 542, 560, 591–92
Steindorff, Paul, 44
Steiner, Herbert, 377
Sten, Anna, We Live Again, 267
Stendhal, 198
Oeuvres Intimes, 631
Stern, Isaac, 603
Sterne, Laurence, 556
Stevens, Wallace, 521
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 81
Stewart, Rosalie, 396n65, 397
stock market crash (1929), 230
Stockton, Frank, 306
Stokowski, Leopold, 389
Stone, Carol, 444
Storrs, Sir Ronald, 365–66
Strachey, Lytton, 238
Eminent Victorians, 218
Strasberg, Lee, 627
Strauss, Richard, 683
Ariadne auf Naxos, 698n219
Strehler, Georgio, 692
Strindberg, August, The Dream Play, 167
Strunsky, Simeon, 77
Sturges, Preston, 278n99
Sullivan, Frank, TNW letter to, 560–61
Swanberg, William A., TNW letter to, 658–59
Swift, Claire Dux, 625
Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver’s Travels, 473–75
Taft, William Howard, 23
Tal, Lucy, 320
Talma, Louise, 481, 482, 554, 566, 600
and Alcestiad, 483, 536n105, 550–53, 562–63, 565–68, 580, 598, 622
TNW letters to, 544–45, 550–53, 561–63, 565–68, 578–80, 593–95, 601–4
Taos, New Mexico, 206n141, 266, 272, 273–74, 283–84, 286n120, 389n52
Tappan, Arthur, 2
Tappan, Lewis, 2
Tarkington, Booth, 307, 380, 553, 650
Taylor, Elizabeth, 498
Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 654
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, Enoch Arden, 683
Terence, 238
Terry, Ellen, 520
Thacher, Sherman D., 16n16, 30, 172
Thacher School, California, 4, 172
TNW’s letters from, 26–34
Thackeray, William Makepeace, The History of Pendennis, 143n18
Theatre Arts Magazine, 165n62, 177n83
Theatre Guild, 86n152, 178, 360, 562
Théâtre Marigny, Paris, 458
Thimig, Helen, 251n31, 346
TNW letter to, 352–54
Thomas, Dylan, 442–43
Thompson, Dorothy, 379, 381, 384
Thompson, Lawrance, 642n125
Thoreau, Henry David, 494, 512
Thucydides, 17
Tibbett, Lawrence, 276
Tibby, John K., Jr., TNW letter to, 645–46
Tinker, Chauncey B., 7, 102, 496, 556, 615, 616n69
TNW letter to, 219–20
Todd, Jimmy, 114
Toklas, Alice B.:
death of, 626n89
estate of, 499n39
TNW letters to, xxxvii, 302–4, 319–20, 371–74, 446–48, 462–65
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 233, 297, 325, 495, 560
Tolstoy, Leo, 275, 278, 634, 635
Torrey, Frederic C., 47
Toscanini, Arturo, 299, 467
“Town Crier” (radio), 307n153
Townley, John A., TNW letter to, 226–27
Townson, Andrew, 188n104, 192–97, 202n131
Townson, Douglas C., 196n117, 216, 218
Tracy, Russell, 33
Trask, Phyllis, 251
Traube, Shepard, 390
Traubel, Helen, 456
Traugott, Harry J., TNW letter to, 431–33
Trego, Nina, 115
“Confession,” 112n185
at Oberlin, 6, 100, 101, 112
Trolley, June, 452
TNW letter to, 451, 453–54
Trolley, Leonard, 440n129, 452, 473
TNW letter to, 451, 453–54
Troxell, Gilbert McCoy “Trixie,” xxxvi, 7, 155
TNW letter to, 564–65
Troxell, Janet, TNW letter to, 564–65
Tully, Jim, 194
Tunney, Gene, 130, 223, 227, 228
TNW letter to, 675–77
Tunney, Polly Lauder, 676n171
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich, 695
Tyler, Marion, 86, 116
Tynan, Brandon, 77n133
Union Pacific (film), 350
United Nations, 441
University of Chicago:
Dramatic Association, 231
Hutchins as president of, 231, 247, 288, 294
TNW’s teaching duties in, 231, 232, 233, 239, 247, 250, 252, 254, 260, 262–63, 287, 291–92, 294–95, 309, 342, 357
University of Michigan, 205
University of Texas Review, 609
Ure, Mary, 693
Uxbridge, Charles Henry Alexander Paget, earl of, 450
Valéry, Paul, 314, 315
Vanderbilt, Consuelo, 200
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 156
Van Vechten, Carl, 448n147
Varden, Evelyn, 328n200
Variety, 337
Varney, Ellwood, Jr., 37n72
Vaughn-Williams, Ralph, 684
Vautel, Clément, Mon Curé Chez le Riches, 549
Vega, Lope de, TNW’s studies of works of, 360, 361, 439, 449, 460, 462, 479, 480, 483, 487, 495, 539–41, 595, 598
Verdi, William Francis, 219n163
Vico, Giambattista, 413n92
Victoria, Tomás Luis de, 489
Villon, François, 86
Vivian Beaumont Theater, New York, 651
Viviani, Emilia, 144
Voltaire, Candide, 389
Wager, Charles H. A., 80, 110, 116
as Oberlin professor, 6, 52, 60, 83, 84–85, 95, 102–3, 108, 616n69
TNW letters to, 113–14, 151–52, 185–86
Wagner, Charles, 218
Wagner, Richard, Parsifal, 76
Waley, Arthur, 634–35
Walker, Coleman, 200
Wall Street explosion (1920), 135
Walpole, Hugh, 223, 246
Walter, Bruno, 297
Walter, Heinrich, TNW letter to, 476–77
War Industries Board:
Advisory Board Exam, 120
TNW’s letters from, 117–22
Warren, Robert Penn, 602
Washington Square Players, 86
Waska, Ganna, 207n144
Waters, Ethel, 546n125
Watson, Robert, 82
Weeks, Edward, TNW letter to, 209–10
Weidman, Charles, 389n53
Weissman, Herman, 396
We Live Again (film), 278–79
Welles, Orson, 270, 337n215, 390, 394
Werfel, Alma Mahler, 496, 701
Werfel, Franz, 496, 701
Wertheimer, Amy, 180, 199
TNW letters to, 186–90, 638–39
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 217
Wescott, Glenway, 129, 192–93, 220
TNW letters to, 459–61, 599–601
West Indies, TNW’s travels to, 234, 312–13, 564–65, 582, 670
Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 119
Nocturne: Blue and Gold, 42
White, Charley, 135–36
Whitehead, Alfred North, 571
Whitehead, Robert, 532n97, 533
Whitman, Walt, 494
Whitney, Marian, 172
Whitney, William Dwight, 140
Wiggin, Frederick H. “Fritz,” 276n95, 316
Wiggin and Dana, 276n95, 471
Wilde, Oscar, 119
The Importance of Being Earnest, 29–30, 528, 631
Wilder, Amos Niven (brother), 10, 71, 187, 675, 696
awards and honors to, 499n41
birth of, 2
in Europe, 125, 126
and father’s control, xxxv
on Hamilton faculty, 230, 261n67
health problems of, 292
Imagining the Real by, xxxv
marriage to Catharine, 233
mentioned in TNW’s letters, 50, 97, 159, 249, 261, 305, 402, 684, 693
at Oberlin, 5, 36–37, 43, 44–45, 46
poetry by, 182—83, 185, 358, 505
and religion, 106, 126, 127, 140, 141, 182, 184, 358
retirement of, 582
schooling of, 4
summer work of, 5
as tennis player, 50, 58, 148
TNW letters to, 44–45, 73–74, 105–7, 111–12, 139–41, 182–85, 252–54, 299–300, 442–43, 468–71, 505–6, 513–15, 630–32
in World War I, 6, 80n140, 106, 114n192, 116, 125
at Yale, 5, 7, 38–39, 43, 46, 127, 645
Wilder, Amos Parker (father), 71, 187
birth and background of, 1
in China and Hong Kong, 3, 10n6, 23n34
as controlling father, xxxv, 5, 30, 38n73, 43, 105, 125
death of, 234
as editor, 1–2, 3, 127, 157, 230
health problems of, 4, 5, 21, 230, 233, 261, 267, 305
interests of, 2
marriage of, 2
as public speaker, 2–3, 142–43
TNW letters to, 10–14, 16–17, 18–20, 21–23, 26–29, 32–34, 36–38, 47–55, 58–66, 74 -76, 83 -85, 87–90, 92–93, 95–98, 101–4, 107–8, 109–11, 120–22, 137–39, 141–43, 146–48, 150, 152–53, 176–77, 289–90
TNW’s descriptions of, 105–6, 174, 183, 219, 645–46
Wilder, Amos Tappan (nephew), 675
birth of, 373n21
childhood of, 506, 515
schooling of, 505n52
TNW letters to, 512–13, 557–59, 571–72, 615–16, 628–30, 674
Wilder, Amos Todd (great-nephew), 674, 675
Wilder, Catharine Dix “Dixie” (niece), 326, 675
schooling of, 505n52, 515n71, 535
TNW letters to, 534, 535, 636–37, 664–65, 693–94
Wilder, Catharine Kerlin (sister-in-law), 233, 373
TNW letters to, 299–300, 505–6, 513–15, 630–32
Wilder, Charlotte Elizabeth (sister), 10, 40 birth of, 2
in Boston, 127, 153n33
in Europe, 125, 126, 140
mental breakdown of, 358, 422–23, 463, 511n65, 514
mentioned in TNW’s letters, 39, 46, 97, 139, 147, 153, 156–57, 159, 174, 218, 326, 463, 497, 513–15, 604, 646
at Mount Holyoke College, 6, 46, 118
schooling of, 4, 5, 17, 24, 34, 125
on Smith College faculty, 230, 358
TNW letters to, 55–58, 78–79, 208–9, 310, 510–12
and vacations, 27
on Wheaton College faculty, 127, 208, 230
writings by, 79n138, 164, 310n166, 326, 358, 373, 422n104
at Yaddo, 248, 422n104
Wilder, George D. (no relation), 11n8
Wilder, George Durand, Jr. (no relation), 115
Wilder, Isabel (sister), 10, 40, 187, 675, 699
birth of, 2
childhood of, 4
health problems of, 486n4, 562
mentioned in TNW’s letters, 54, 97, 137, 159, 163, 173, 174, 175, 197, 201, 213, 249, 253, 261, 279, 326–27, 350, 373, 449, 463, 464, 557–59, 627, 686
and mother’s death, 444
public lectures of, 261
schooling of, 90–91
TNW letters to, 11–12, 14–16, 37–38, 63–64, 66–67, 90–91, 97–98, 107–8, 195–99, 216–18, 252–54, 278–79, 314–18, 321–22, 395–97, 403, 407–8, 420–21, 423–27, 497–99, 604–6, 624–26
and TNW’s work, 230, 351, 358, 395, 406, 407–8, 409, 412, 430, 440, 531, 553, 624n82, 653, 697, 703
travels of, 125, 126, 130, 163, 359, 360, 482, 495, 582, 583, 584, 585, 677
writings by, 149n31, 249n27, 272, 279, 327
at Yale School of Drama, 127–28
Wilder, Isabella Niven (mother), 10, 40
children of, 2, 10
in China, 3–4
death of, 359–60, 443–44, 447
interests of, 2, 38–39, 114
marriage of, 2
TNW letters to, 11–12, 14–16, 20–21, 23–25, 29–31, 37–38, 63–64, 68–70, 72–73, 79–83, 85–86, 93–95, 97–98, 107–8, 143–45, 148–49, 154–65, 168–75, 179–82, 192–93, 195–202, 222–24, 241–44, 249–54, 278–79, 314–16, 321–22, 383–85, 403–5, 418–21, 423–27
TNW’s descriptions of, 97, 105–6, 249, 261, 267, 327, 443–44
travels of, 2, 4, 125, 130, 146, 350
Wilder, Janet Frances (sister), 10, 187
as biologist, 267, 327, 350
birth of, 3
childhood of, 5, 40
in high school, 128
marriage of, 358, 403n77
mentioned in TNW’s letters, 67, 97, 261, 327
on Mount Holyoke faculty, 358, 373
as Mount Holyoke student, 230, 233, 261
TNW letters to, 14–16, 37–38, 63–64, 97–98, 107–8, 195–99, 312–13, 573–75
travels of, 125, 126, 130, 350
Wilder, Julian (uncle), 73n129
Wilder, Margaret (no relation), 115n195
Wilder, Max (cousin), 73
Wilder, Robin Gibbs (wife of Amos Tappan Wilder), 674, 675
TNW letter to, 674
Wilder, Theodore (no relation), 45
at Chefoo, 4, 6, 11, 14
at Oberlin, 6, 41, 42, 50, 59, 108
TNW letter to, 114–16
Wilder, Thornton Niven, 10, 40, 71, 101, 137, 187, 268, 305, 333, 397, 547, 566, 603, 675, 696, 699
acting, 348, 349, 355, 356, 359, 360, 444n142, 445, 482, 483, 490, 546n125
advice for writers, 629–30
aging, 630, 641, 663, 676–77, 679, 689, 703
awards and honors to, 165n62, 436, 465, 479–80, 482, 494n25, 499n41, 511, 582, 584, 628, 653–54
and biographies, 642–43, 661–63, 687n196, 701–2
birth of, 1, 2, 636
career of, xxxiii—xxxiv, xxxvii
childhood of, 3–4
death of, 586
in Europe, 192–97, 228, 229, 233, 295–304, 314–22, 357, 360–61, 480–83, 503–8, 527–33, 548, 651
and fame, 130, 131
as head of household, 358, 361, 395
health problems of, 129, 583, 585, 586, 637n111, 658n149, 661, 679, 701
and “The House the Bridge Built” (50 Deepwood Drive), xxxv, 230, 248, 260
income of, 129, 223, 231, 232–33, 242, 260, 266, 275, 337, 350–51, 357–58, 397, 582
as lecturer, xxxiii-xxxiv, 223n174, 229, 231, 232, 234, 242, 246–47, 469
on letter writing, xxxiv, 74–75
Lope de Vega studies of, 360, 361, 439, 449, 460, 462, 479, 480, 483, 487, 495, 539–41, 595, 598
military service of, 357, 359, 423–27, 424, 431–33, 436, 439, 447, 452
Pulitzer Prizes to, xxxiii, 130, 234, 359
schooling of, 4, 5, 34, 40, 125
as screenwriter, see Hollywood summer work of, 5, 37–38, 51–52, 54–55, 64–65, 99, 126
as teacher, see Lawrenceville School; University of Chicago
Time cover story on, xxxvi
as translator, 129, 216, 231–32, 234, 356, 360, 361, 441n131, 470, 539–40, 543
as tutor/camp tutor/paid companion, 128, 129, 130, 163, 170, 171, 172–73, 177, 188, 192–97, 213, 216–18
and World War II, see World War II on youth movements, 647–48
Wilder, Thornton Niven, articles and lectures by:
address to Goethe Bicentennial Festival, 361
“The American,” 494n25
“The American Character as Mirrored in Literature,” 360
“The American Characteristics of Classical American Literature,” 495n26
“The American Loneliness,” 495n26
“Culture and Confusion,” 532n98
“Culture in a Democracy,” 482
“Emily Dickinson,” 495n26
“English Letters and Letter Writers,” xxxiii
at “An Evening with Thornton Wilder,” 582, 596n22
“Giordano Bruno’s Last Meal in Finnegans Wake,” 609n59
“Goethe and World Literature,” 466n173, 470n180
“James Joyce, 1882–1941,” 502n44
“The Language of Emotion in Shakespeare,” 56
“Lope, Pinedo, Some Child Actors, and a Lion,” 462n166
military training films, 357
“Modern Literature and the Inner Life,” 508n57
“New Aids Toward Dating the Early Plays of Lope de Vega,” 462n166
Norton Lectures, Harvard, 479, 480, 483, 494, 495n26, 501, 502, 542
“Religion and Literature,” 356
“The Shelley Centenary—A Notable Exhibition of Shelleyana at the Brick Row Book Shop,” 161n48
“Some Thoughts on Playwriting,” 355–56
“Towards an American Language,” 495n26
“World Literature and the Modern Mind,” 361, 466n173
Wilder, Thornton Niven, works by:
“The Advertisement League,” 36
The Alcestiad, see Alcestiad, The, or A Life in the Sun
American Characteristics and Other Essays, 495n26, 502n44
And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead, 159, 162n49
The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays, 191n110, 222n170, 231
“Arabian Nights,” 327n197
“Archangel’s Fires,” 56
Bernice, 464n171, 545, 546n125
“The Breaking of Exile,” 121n213, 239n8
The Bridge of San Luis Rey, see Bridge of San Luis Rey, The “Brother Fire: A Comedy for Saints,” 56, 64
The Cabala, 128, 154n34, 179–80, 184n100, 186, 188, 189–90, 191n109, 191n111, 197, 200n127, 202, 203, 240, 302, 632–33, 650, 702
Childhood, 483, 581
The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder, 531n96
“The Diamond of Baghdad,” 327n198
The Drunken Sisters, 482, 546n125
The Eighth Day, 574n169, 584, 625n86, 643n126, 650, 653n142
Elizabeth Grier and Her Circle, 163, 165
“The Emporium,” 361, 480, 483, 495n27
The Ends of the Worlds (working title), 356
“A Fable for Those Who Plague,” 55, 56n103, 63
“Four Minute Plays for Four Persons,” 481
“Geraldine de Gray,” 180
“The Graves Family,” 55, 56n103
The Happy Journey to Trenton and Camden, 231, 251, 366n9, 593, 691n203
“Haroun al-Raschid,” 327n197
Heaven’s My Destination, 222n171, 232, 233, 256, 261, 283, 528, 568, 650, 702
“The Hell of the Vizier Kabäar,” 327n197, 407n82, 434–35
“Homage to P. G. Wodehouse,” 327n198
The Ides of March, xxxiv, 144n19, 359, 360, 440n127, 459n163, 483, 543n117, 582, 622, 625
Infancy, 581–82
The Journals of Thornton Wilder: 1939–1961, 546n125
“July August September,” 577n174
“The Last Word About Burglars,” 55, 56n103, 63 “The Little Turtle,” 93
The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act, 231, 483, 569–70, 577, 581, 593, 622n77, 624n82, 660, 691n203
Lucrèce (transl.), 254n42, 255
“The Marriage of Zabett,” 112n185, 663n155
“The Masque of the Bright Haired,” 86
The Matchmaker, 258n59, 364n2, 480, 481, 482, 504n49, 522–24, 531, 538, 548–49, 553, 568, 582, 610–12, 618, 624, 654, 680n180
“The Melting Pot,” 168n66
The Merchant of Yonkers, 235, 258n59, 322n189, 323n191, 325, 330, 342, 346–47, 348, 350, 352–54, 364, 415, 480, 504, 548, 610
“Mr. Bozzy,” 77
“The New Belinda,” 56, 60–62
Our Town, see Our Town
“Plays for Bleecker Street,” 581
“The Prince of Baghdad,” 322n189, 327n197, 331
“Prosperina and the Devil: A Play for Marionettes,” 81, 86
Pullman Car Hiawatha, 231
Queens of France, 691n203
“The Rocket: An American Comedy in Four Acts,” 60–62, 64n117, 77
The Russian Princess, xxxiii
“Sealing Wax,” 56
“The Seven Ages of Man,” 581–82
“The Seven Deadly Sins,” 581
Siegfried, 164n59
The Skin of Our Teeth, see Skin of Our Teeth, The
“Solus Inter Deos Protens: No. 6,” 56n103
Someone from Assisi, 581–82, 600n34
“Stones at Nell Gwyn,” 86
Theophilus North, xxxiii, 471n185, 585, 683n185, 685, 688–89, 690, 703
“Three English Letterwriters,” xxxiii
“Three Minute Playlets for Three
Persons,” 56, 64
The Trasteverine, 154
The Trumpet Shall Sound, 129, 165n62, 197, 201n129, 205–6, 241, 663n155
“Two Miracles of Doma Y Venuzias,” 79, 82, 86
“Vecy-Segal,” 117
“Ventures Joyous,” 55, 56, 60–62
The Victors, 361, 441n131
“Villa Rhabini,” 126, 145n22
“The Warship,” 472
The Woman of Andros, 222n171, 227n185, 229–30, 238, 241, 254, 288, 415, 454–55, 702
The Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five, 546n125
Wilder, Ursula (no relation), 115n195
Wilkinson, Arthur “Wilkie,” 454
Williams, Gwynne, 218
Williams, Tennessee, 602, 673
Camino Real, 521
A Streetcar Named Desire, 489n10, 590n9
Williams, William Carlos, 521
Williamsburg, Virginia, 500
Willkie, Wendell, 380, 607
Wilson, Edmund, 338, 379, 603
Winchell, Walter, 258
Winter, Keith, 308
Winwood, Estelle, 619n75
Wisconsin State Journal, 1, 2
Withington, Virginia, 385, 498
Wolfe, Thomas, 519
Look Homeward, Angel, 242–43
Wood, Sam, 370
Woolf, Virginia, 518
Woollcott, Alexander, 305, 553, 576
The Dark Tower, 269n80, 381
death of, 446n144
and Our Town, 367
“The Sage of Fountain Inn,” 269n78
TNW letters to, 268–71, 304–6, 311–12, 333–37, 347–48, 385–86
TNW’s friendship with, xxxvi, 257, 259, 261, 262–63, 274, 289, 307, 308, 356, 357, 364, 397, 412, 554, 590
in Wine of Choice, 331n204, 336n211
Woolley, Mary Emma, 57
Wordsworth, William, 136
World War I, 45, 111
Amos’s service in, 6, 80n140, 106, 114n192, 116, 125
beginnings of, 39n76
flags in windows during, 122n214
military instruction in colleges during, 97–98, 105
postwar youth movements, 648
U.S. entry into, 97n163, 99
and U.S. life, 112
World War II, 311–12
Dunkirk evacuation in, 356
London blackout in, 357
military training films in, 357, 395n60, 396
Pearl Harbor attack in, 357
TNW’s military service in, 358, 359, 397, 400–402, 403–7, 411, 418–36
TNW’s thoughts on, 299–300, 366, 376–77, 380, 381, 407, 424
U.S. entry into, 357
and U.S. life, 396
Wormser, André, 91n155
Worth, Irene, 670, 681
in Alcestiad, 527n88
and Farrow, 685–86
TNW letters to, 527–29, 597–99
Wright, Thew, Jr., TNW letters to, 499–500, 512, 529–31, 537–39, 617–18
Wright, W. A., 31
Wylie, Elinor, 189
Jennifer Lorn, 177
at MacDowell Colony, 237
The Venetian Glass, 191
Wynekoop, Alice, 272n87
Wynn, Ed, 532
Xenophon, 17
Xirgu, Margarita, 541
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, 248, 422n104, 521, 553
Yale Alumni Weekly, 160–61
Yale Collection of American Literature, 499n39
Yale College:
Amos in, 5, 7, 38–39, 43, 46, 127, 645
entrance exams for, 48–49, 102
TNW’s graduation from, 125, 137
TNW’s plans to attend, 49
TNW’s reluctance to attend, 102–3, 111
TNW as student in, xxxiv-xxxv, 6–7, 113–14, 116
Yale-in-China program, 5
Yale Literary Magazine, 7, 118n208, 165n62, 472, 663n155
Yale Literary Review, 117n202
Yale Review, 251n34, 272n88
Yale University Press, 448, 518
Yale University Theater, 231
Yeats, William Butler, 695
Cathleen ni Houlihan, 31
The Land of Heart’s Desire, 31
Yong, Rev. John K. L., 35n66
Young, Stark, 164
Youth’s Companion, The, 159
Yurka, Blanche, 301, 455
Yu Ying, 315
Ziegfeld, Florenz, 298
Ziegfeld Follies, 167
Zimbalist, Efram, 45
Zuckmayer, Carl, 320
Zweig, Stefan, 280–81
Marie Antoinette, 281