Dear Reader,

This story line required that I take liberties with the letter of the law, and for that I apologize. I wish I had that much control over real life, don’t you? I think that’s one of the reasons why I love writing and reading Love Inspired books. They bring happy endings and inspiration as well as a captivating tale. If I was asked to go back and choose a different career, I’d be hard-pressed to come up with one that allows me to share good stories and my personal faith the way I can now.

One of the things this type of fiction requires is that the hero and heroine spend a lot of time together. In order to accomplish that this time, I had to invent an unlikely scenario in which Selena is assigned to keep track of Finn no matter what. She resisted, of course, but as the author, I was able to override her wishes and throw them together. I could also cause her to make a few mistakes that would be very out of character for a seasoned deputy or federal agent. Please try to cut her some slack when you’re reading. She was at my mercy.

Seriously, remember the truths that move this story. Keep looking up, keep the faith, trust God and thank Him for everything, even when you don’t understand why things happen or what to do about them when they do. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit care about you and so do I.


Valerie Hansen

Facebook @Valerie.Whisenand