Author’s Note

They say that some books write themselves, and for me, Backlash was one of those books. I loved being able to bring a piece of myself into Layla’s story. Layla and I have a lot of things in common. Like Layla, I am half-Lebanese from my father’s side. I also have a degree in Middle Eastern studies and went to law school. And, like Layla, once upon a time I was recruited by intelligence agencies.

But that’s where Layla and I diverge. I took a much different career path outside the government and became a lawyer in the corporate world. And while Layla was hesitant to become a CIA officer, she was still highly capable in the field—something I could have never been. It was super exciting to write a character that could do all the things I could never imagine doing. Sitting behind a desk is much more in my comfort zone than fending off attackers, taking shots from a speeding SUV, and dodging bullets!

This story is also special because I’ve always wanted to write a leading character who was Lebanese, and I’m thankful for the opportunity to do so. I’m also thankful for the chance to share my faith through stories. My father was called to become a preacher many decades ago. As I write these words, I am about to mark the seventh year of his passing from this earth and into heaven. Oh, how I would have loved to call him up and tell him about this story! I have no doubt that he would have been fully intrigued and supportive, because that’s the kind of father he always was. I know one day we will be reunited, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Thank you for taking this journey with me and allowing me to continue to share my faith and my stories with you—and a piece of my heart.