12 See Discourse, 71 n., and Gary Hatfield, ‘The Senses and the Fleshless Eye: The Meditations as Cognitive Exercises’, in Amelie Oksenberg Rorty (ed.), Essays on Descartes’ Meditations (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986), 45–79. Hatfield stresses the different aims of Christian and Cartesian meditation (see p. 54), as does Fernand Hallyn, who pronounces the resemblance to religious meditation superficial (Descartes: dissimulation et ironie (Geneva: Droz, 2006), 110–15). See also Ferdinand Alquié, La Découverte métaphysique de l’homme chez Descartes, 6th edn. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2000 [1950]), 162–4; but also, for a different approach, Peter Dear, ‘Mersenne’s Suggestion: Cartesian Meditation and the Mathematical Model of Knowledge in the Seventeenth Century’, in Roger Ariew and Marjorie Grene (eds.), Descartes and his Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies (Chicago and London: University of Chicago, Press, 1995), 44–62.