
1 cup uncooked bulgur or quinoa

¼ cup onion, chopped

2 tomatoes, chopped

½ cup fresh mint or parsley (or a combination), chopped

1 cup fresh vegetables of your choice, diced (cucumbers, bell peppers, carrots, peas, etc.)

2 T. lemon or lime juice

2 T. olive or avocado oil

Salt and pepper to taste

To prepare the grain: For bulgar, rinse and drain. Bring 2 cups water to a boil, add the bulgur, and simmer for about 15 minutes or until the water is absorbed.

For quinoa, vigorously rinse the grains and then bring 2 cups water to a boil. Remove from the heat and stir in the quinoa. Cover the pot and let the mixture stand for 20 minutes. When the grain is cooked, uncover the pot, fluff the quinoa with a fork, and place it in a large bowl.

Chill the grains. When cool, add the vegetables and mix.

Stir together the lemon juice and oil and pour over the salad; toss gently. Add salt and pepper to taste. You can serve this salad chilled or at room temperature.

Serves 6.