Kate Shoup: Kate Shoup has authored more than 60 books, including Not Your Mama’s Beading, Not Your Mama’s Stitching, and Rubbish: Reuse Your Refuse (all published by Wiley). When not writing, Kate loves to ski, read, craft, ride her motorcycle, and photograph the IndyCar circuit. She also plays a mean game of 9-ball. Kate lives in Indianapolis with her husband and their two dogs.
Kate Gatski: Kate Gatski is a handmade entrepreneur. She and her husband, Ben, make sculpture and furniture full-time in their rural shop. Their business, Gatski Metal, is in its 20th year. They enjoy working with a growing group of fantastic customers via their Etsy shop www.shopgatski.etsy.com
. Kate was born into craft, raised by a full-time rag-rug weaver. Kate is mother to three children who keep her from going all crafts, all the time. Kate savors a strong cup of tea and a good mystery book.
Kate Shoup: For my parents, my sister, my husband, and my darling Heidi-bird.
Kate Gatski: To all of you — crafters, artists, makers, designers — who quietly labor away, creating something beautiful to share with the world. May this make some part of your efforts a little easier.
Kate Shoup: The publication of any book is an enormous undertaking, and this one was no exception! Thanks go first to my excellent coauthor, Kate Gatski, who — figuratively, at least — pried more than one razor blade from my fingers. Thanks also go to Jennifer Yee for giving us the opportunity to tackle this exciting project; to Susan-Kate Christophersen for her dedication, patience, and skill in editing this text in an attempt to keep us from looking like idiots and for guiding this project from start to finish; to technical editor Katie Sandridge, who skillfully checked each step and offered valuable input along the way; and to the layout team for their able efforts. Special thanks to the following Etsy sellers who graciously allowed us to feature their gorgeous photographs in our book: Sara Christensen, Ed and Kate Coleman, Ann Crews, Cody Hughes, Basak Zeynep Eroglu, Bethany Rusen, Katie Sandridge (again), and Nataliia Usacheva. Extra special thanks to Mari Mower, who kindly contributed several of her handmade pieces for use in our “dummy” shop. Finally, thanks to the Etsy itself, for enabling craftspeople the world over to make a living by selling their work online. On a personal note, many thanks and much love to my beautiful and brilliant daughter, Heidi Welsh; to my darling husband, Olivier Boisson; to my incredible parents, Barb and Steve Shoup; to my wonderful sister, Jenny Shoup; to my delightful brother-in-law, Jim Plant; and to my crazy-cool nephew, Jake Plant. I love you all so much it makes me wheezy sometimes.
Kate Gatski: Thanks foremost to my brilliant coauthor Kate Shoup. Writing this book was a snap, thanks to you! Thank you to Susan Christophersen for her steadfast work and to Jennifer Yee for making the process simple and smooth. Thanks to Ben for picking up the slack while I worked on the book. And to Ivan, Hazel, and Evelyn, the best creators I’ve ever known: You’re my inspiration!
Publisher’s Acknowledgments
Senior Acquisitions Editor: Jennifer Yee
Project Manager and Copy Editor: Susan-Kate Christophersen
Technical Editor: Katie Sandbridge
Proofreader: Debbye Butler
Production Editor: Mohammed Zafar Ali
Cover Image: © Ilona Nagy/Getty Images