What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started With Serverless, introduces you to serverless computing and Lambda functions, sets up the AWS account and environment, and builds the base libraries.

Chapter 2,Infrastructure as a Code, teaches you about CloudFormation to define the infrastructure as a code and has the first Lambda function up and running.

Chapter 3, Hello Internet, exposes the Lambda function to the internet via the AWS API Gateway.

Chapter 4, Applying Enterprise Patterns, implements and configures the dependency injection pattern for the Lambda function.

Chapter 5, Persisting Data, uses DynamoDB to persist application data in a highly scalable way.

Chapter 6, Building Supporting Services, leverages the AWS services to enable the Lambda functions to pass messages to each other.

Chapter 7, Searching Data, uses CloudSearch to build a fully managed search infrastructure, integrating Lambda functions to update the search index.

Chapter 8, Monitoring, Logging, and Security, sets up automated health checks, alarms, and triggers responding to failures, and operating Lambda in secured network environments.

Appendix, Lambada Framework, migrates your JAX-RS application to AWS Lambda and API Gateway with minimal effort.