
Daniel Crewe at Profile Books has been the most wonderful editor, offering inspiring ideas and wise advice throughout the process of creating this book. Ruth Killick, Penny Daniel and Caroline Pretty at Profile Books have been a joy to work with too. The Wonderbox would not exist without the vision of my superb agent, Margaret Hanbury, who recognised its potential and has been enormously supportive and encouraging. Thanks also to Stuart Rushworth and Henry de Rougemont from the Hanbury Agency.

I have been lucky to have so many friends share their insights on the art of living, and give so much time and thought to making comments on early drafts of the text. They include Andrew Ray, Annalise Moser, Darwin Franks, Eka Morgan, Ellen Bassani, Eric Lonergan, Flora Gathorne-Hardy, Flutra Qatja, Forrest Metz, George Marshall, Hillary Norris, Hugh Griffith, Hugh Warwick, Ian Lyon, Jane Whiting, Jenny Carter, Jenny Raworth, Jo Lonergan, John Taylor, Lisa Gormley, Marcelo Goulart, Quentin Spender, Richard Gipps, Richard Raworth, Rob Archer, Robert Kelsey, Sarah Edington, Sophie Howarth, Tim Healing, Vera Ryhajlo and my parents, Anna and Peter Krznaric. Special thanks to everyone at The School of Life, especially Caroline Brimmer, Harriet Warden, Morgwn Rimel and Angharad Davies, and to all those who have attended my talks and workshops on the topics of this book.

Three historians have had a major impact on how I think about the past and helped me understand its relevance to how we live today: Theodore Zeldin, Michael Wood and the late Colin Ward. Their innovative historical thinking has been a constant source of inspiration, both through their books and in conversation.

I have been accompanied from beginning to end by my partner, Kate Raworth. More than anyone else, she is responsible for nurturing both the book and its writer. And thank you to my children, Siri and Casimir, for reminding me that life itself is a wonderbox of possibilities.