Suggestions for Getting Started

Try to use:

Organically grown, seasonal foods where possible.

Whole and partially refined grains and grain products instead of refined grains, and brown rice instead of white rice.

Un-yeasted sourdough bread.

One fresh vegetable dish for every meal.

Unrefined white sea salt.

Unrefined oils, such as light sesame oil, organic extra virgin olive oil, or safflower oil.

Jams without added sugar.

Fruit juices without added sugar.

Rice syrup, maple syrup, and barley-malt syrup as natural sweeteners instead of sugar, honey, stevia, or agave nectar.

Wild white-meat fish or salmon over meat and chicken.

Proteins such as beans, tofu, seitan, and tempeh instead of meat and cheese.

Non-stimulating teas and organic black coffee.

Sea vegetables for your cooking. These vegetables are sources of valuable nutrients, including calcium, potassium, and beta-carotene that help reduce cholesterol, rid the body of toxins, and strengthen immunity.

Foods from the Foods for Regular Use list (p. 191).