
The whistle of autumn winds blew outside the windows of the London house. Beth and Ren had travelled up two days previously and Beth was gaining more familiarity with its dimensions. They had spent only a short while there over the summer as the transfer of land to the tenants had taken most of their time.

The memories of those busy months gave Beth quick, happy pulse of joy. It hadn’t all been smooth, but it was working. The tenants were happy. Jamie was being somewhat dictatorial about crops. He had a fondness for turnips, but Ren was working things out wonderfully. Indeed, the estates appeared to be more prosperous than ever.

Just then, the door opened outside. It would be Jamie. He had come up also and had gone to a meeting of the Royal Society. Apparently, his research in the area of gypsum and manure had warranted a presentation to the society which he would give the next day. She and Ren hoped to attend. Jamie had even written a paper, dedicating it to Edmund.

Dobson came in with the tea tray, closely followed by Ren and Jamie. Ren sat beside her. He took her hand right away, seeming eager to touch her. His was still cool from the temperature outside and she felt as always that immediate surge of comfort, joy and awareness. He pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, and her heart soared.

‘All the legal formalities are almost finished. I am delighted to say that I hardly own any of Graham Hill, other than the house itself,’ he said, accepting the cup of tea presented by Dobson.

‘And society?’

‘I had a few odd looks, but I think I shall recover. How about your day, Jamie?’

‘Very interesting, I must say. I am fascinated with the different scientific areas which appeal to people. Indeed, I never fully realised the fascination of the stars.’

‘Are you planning to expand your scientific interests?’ Beth asked with some surprise.

‘I will be building an observatory.’

‘An observatory? Such an investment would indicate that you are quite serious about this science,’ Ren said, his voice also echoing her surprise.

‘Not particularly, but I think Miss Cox will enjoy it when she visits.’

Beth gulped, spluttering on her tea. She replaced the cup hurriedly on the tea table. ‘Miss Cox?’

‘Yes, I was actually going to suggest that you invite her to Graham Hill?’

‘I—absolutely—I mean, once I meet her. Who is she?’

‘I met her at the Royal Society, a sister of one of the Fellows there. I believe she will be at the presentation regarding gypsum. She has varied interests and found the scientific process I employed fascinating.’

‘Then,’ Beth said, ‘I can only presume that she would be even more delighted to have the opportunity to actually see your lab and the site of the study.’

‘Yes,’ Jamie said. He stood. She heard his movement and the rattle as he replaced his tea cup. ‘Well, you can invite her tomorrow. I’ll just review my notes for the presentation.’

Beth listened to her brother’s quick footsteps as he exited the room. ‘Ren, is it possible that Jamie has a romantic interest in Miss Cox?’

‘It is something which I always thought highly unlikely, but I’ve never heard him mention even a planet previously.’

‘Indeed, no. Nor an asteroid,’ she added. ‘Although I don’t know if it would be quite the thing for me to invite her immediately upon making her acquaintance.’

Ren laughed, bending to kiss her. ‘Since when did either you or Jamie worry about whether something is the thing or not? Invite Miss Cox. It will make things interesting.’

‘Ah,’ Beth said. She took a breath, feeling the smile already on her face. ‘I believe our lives may already be getting quite interesting in about nine months.’

She felt Ren turn to her, giving a sharp inhale of breath. He cupped her face tenderly. ‘Really?’ he whispered.

‘Really,’ she said, her smile even wider now, her heart fit to burst. ‘I love you, Ren. Sometimes fairy tales do come true.’

* * * * *

If you enjoyed this story
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by Eleanor Webster:

Married for His Convenience

No Conventional Miss

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