In the last week of June, Mack called an unexpected staff meeting on their usual Tuesday off, to be held at Mack’s place. Miles half expected the entire cast and crew to show up, so he was a little surprised when the meeting was him, Wes, Megan, Colin, Shawn, Judson, and a few people Miles didn’t know, but were introduced as the folks who provided the canned goods and other items for the general store.

They were all seated around the long dining table. Wes served drinks, while Mack set up a white board at one end of the table, where he also had a laptop open.

“I want do something special for July Fourth up at Bentley,” Mack announced. “Something bigger to really bring in not just guests, but people from Garrett and surrounding communities, too.”

“Something special like what?” Megan asked.

A ringing noise interrupted Mack from answering. He leaned over the laptop and clicked something. “Right on time,” Mack said.

“Hey, Mack.” Avery’s voice rang out from the computer, which Mack spun around to face everyone else. Avery waved.

“I thought our historian would want to weigh in on this,” Mack said to the rest of them, after hellos went around. “I know this is a little last-minute, because the Fourth is the end of next week, but I want to organize a big Bentley celebration. Put up patriotic bunting on the buildings, have a big picnic, maybe rent one of those portable woodsmoke grills and do barbecue. Have local artists set up tables to sell things.”

“I think that’s a terrific idea,” Megan said. “It will definitely draw people into the town.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.”

“I was also thinking,” Avery said, “of researching historically accurate games for kids, and perhaps having area businesses donate prizes. That way it’s more interactive with the town of Garrett and its surrounding communities.”

“Games are a great idea,” Judson spoke up. “Gives the little ones something to do while their parents spend money on food and wares. Could even ask the local vendors to dress up in period clothing. Or close to it.”

“We can rent picnic tables for folks who’d order the barbecue,” Mack added. “And we’ll run that business separate from the saloon.” He looked at Miles. “I’ll get you and Shawn extra help that day, too, so you don’t get overwhelmed or run out of food.”

“That would be much appreciated,” Miles replied. “Since the Fourth is a Thursday, and the saloon is closed Wednesday, we can do a lot of prep the day before.”

“Sounds good.” Mack addressed the whole table again. “I don’t want anyone here to get overwhelmed about your regular job. Colin, with as many people as I hope will be there, you might want to rework the stories. It won’t be like a regular day.”

“That makes sense,” Colin replied. “Instead of a robbery and shoot-out, maybe something more specific to the Fourth? I’ll talk to Dana and Hugo, and we’ll see what we can come up with.”

“Perfect. Megan, can you coordinate with Sheila and the other ladies who consign food and goods with the general store?”

“Absolutely,” she replied.

“I’ll take care of the social media blast,” Wes said. “Get it up on the website, too.”

“Thank you,” Mack said. “Judson, you okay to handle the barbecue?”

“Of course,” Judson replied. “What would you think of inviting that week’s ranch guests to Bentley, and maybe offer them food coupons for a free meal, seeing as they’ve paid the ranch to eat? We’d reimburse you the cost, of course.”

“That sounds like a fine idea.” Mack grinned. “I know this is ambitious, and it’s a little last minute, but I know we can do this. We’ve seen continuous increases in tourist traffic, and sales in all our business areas are steady. One big barbecue should be a piece of cake.”

A chorus of agreements rose from the table. Miles was a little nervous about the extra work load, but this could also be a hell of a lot of fun.

“All right, good,” Mack said. “Now, who’s got questions?”

* * *

Miles and Shawn hung around a bit longer after the others left, along with Judson, so they could talk about food. Specifically, the meat Judson would need, what he’d charge, and how much extra the saloon would need to order so they didn’t run out. Mack helped them estimate based on weekend traffic numbers, plus an additional increase percentage.

Judson also added the idea of doing grilled corn on the cob as a side to the barbecue, which Mack loved.

The conversation also left Miles more confident and with growing excitement over the day. He’d spend most of it in the kitchen, but he could still pop outside once in a while to see what was going on. Wes’s energy over the project was infectious, and by the time he’d ridden back to the ranch with Judson, Miles had excitement to burn.

He tracked down Reyes in his office, shut the door, and very deliberately plunked onto Reyes’s lap. The old desk chair creaked.

“What’s this?” Reyes asked with a grin. “Meeting go well?”

“Super well.” He kissed his boyfriend thoroughly, before pulling back. “I really hate that you’re doing the overnight camping trip, because I’ve got energy to burn.”

Reyes arched a dark eyebrow. “Oh?”


“Any particular way you want to burn it? Because that door has a lock, and most of the guys are up at the guesthouse for lunch.”

Arousal burned in Miles’s blood. He bolted to the door and popped the lock, but instead of getting into Reyes’s lap again, he slid to his knees. Reyes looked down at him with flaring nostrils, his cheeks darkening a bit with lust.

“You sure you’re ready?” Reyes asked.

“Yes. I’ve wanted to taste you for ages.”

Reyes groaned. “Fuck, you keep saying dirty things like that and you’re going to be the death of me.”

Miles palmed Reyes’s thickening cock through his jeans. “If you think that’s dirty, wait until you hear what I say when I’m being fucked.”

“Christ.” Reyes threaded his fingers through Miles’s curls, then leaned down to kiss him again. Thrust his tongue into Miles’s very willing mouth. Everything was so easy with Reyes, and Miles liked knowing he could surrender a bit, instead of having to keep his guard up all the time.

Reyes kissed him until Miles was hard and aching in his shorts. Miles fumbled for Reyes’s belt and fly, then pulled his erection free. Reyes finally sat back, eyes blazing, lips parted.

Miles enjoyed giving head, and it had been a while, so he took his time. He played with Reyes’s foreskin, smoothing it down to reveal the glans, back up to surround it. Over and over, the gentlest of strokes. Just a tease of pressure that had Reyes breathing hard, perspiration dotting his neck and cheeks. Miles was sweating a bit, too, but it was also late June, and the barn wasn’t air conditioned.

Curious, he leaned in and pressed his nose into the dark hair surrounding Reyes’s dick and inhaled. A wonderfully sharp flavor filled his nose and made his mouth water. Since he was already up close and personal, he shoved more of Reyes’s jeans and boxers out of the way, so he could lick Reyes’s sac.

Reyes gasped, hands curling into the legs of his jeans.

Unable to wait any longer, Miles held his prize by the root, curled his lips around the head and licked. Sucked, absorbing every small gasp and moan of pleasure from Reyes. Used careful bobs to urge more of Reyes’s length into his mouth, working it with his tongue and lips. The lightest nibbles with his teeth.

“Christ, that feels good,” Reyes whispered. “Fuck, so good, mi alma.

The endearment broke the last of Miles’s teasing hesitation, and he put every trick he knew into giving Reyes the best blow job of his life. Hand and mouth working in tandem, his other hand toying with Reyes’s balls. Rubbing his taint. Getting Reyes so worked up, he started thrusting into Miles’s mouth, but one hand at his base kept him from going too far and choking Miles. From shoving so far into his throat that he couldn’t breathe….

Don’t go there. Stay in the moment.

Miles shoved the memory away and concentrated on giving pleasure. Sucking and licking and nibbling, until Reyes gasped a warning that he was close. Miles pulled back and sucked just the head, until Reyes shot into his mouth. Warm, salty come that he swallowed down like the reward it was, then kept licking until Reyes gently pulled him up for a long, sated kiss.

“Mmm,” Reyes said. “Want me to return the favor?”

The mental image of Reyes—his quiet, broody cowboy—going down on him made Miles’s brain explode a little bit. “Yes. Please?”

Reyes nipped at his lips. “Up on my desk.”

Curious and insanely aroused, Miles did as asked, perching the edge of his butt on the desk. Reyes reached for his fly, then paused to meet his eyes. Miles nodded permission, and that tiny gesture made him fall even harder for the man. Even without any of Miles’s sexual history, Reyes knew to be careful with him.

Reyes undid his belt, then popped the fly. Pulled the zipper down with agonizing slowness. A wet spot was just visible on his khaki shorts where his erection strained for release. Reyes took his time, urging Miles to stand enough for him to pull shorts and underwear down to midthigh. Even with his shirt on, Miles felt crazy exposed, but also incredibly safe.

“Can’t wait to taste you,” Reyes said, almost reverently.

“Then taste me, mi alma.

Reyes met his eyes and grinned at Miles’s use of his pet name. Then Reyes bent at the waist and, still in his chair, sucked Miles right into his mouth. The sudden rush of tight, wet heat made Miles moan. Then he clapped a hand over his mouth, because that had been loud. But it had been over a year, and Reyes knew what the hell he was doing.

He expertly worked Miles with mouth and hand, and Miles cursed his own betraying body for being ready to come this soon, but damn! Miles clung to the edge of the desk and tried to stave it off, but he was so horny, and Reyes felt so amazing around his dick, and—

“Coming! Fuck.” His orgasm rocketed down his spine, and Miles cried out against the back of his hand as he shot into Reyes’s mouth. Reyes took it all, licking him clean, and creating tiny little aftershocks that made Miles’s thighs tremble. For all the few minutes he’d lasted, this release definitely topped last night.

Reyes sucked on the head once more, then sat up, lips shiny and eyes gleaming with pride. “You taste amazing, Miles.”

“C’mere.” Miles yanked him into a kiss, tasting himself along with Reyes, and it was perfect. Then he pressed his forehead against Reyes’s and took a moment simply to breathe. “That was epic.”

“It was. And I have to compliment you.”


Reyes pulled back, smiling. “I’m not usually a big fan of giving head, but I would gladly suck you off day and night. I mean it.”

“I know you do.” He blushed, hating his body’s natural reaction to praise. “Thank you.”

They both tucked themselves back in, and Miles resumed his position on Reyes’s lap in the creaky old chair. “So what gave you all of this energy to burn?” Reyes asked.

“Mack’s got a really neat plan for the Fourth of July.” Miles told him about the barbecue, the street vendors, and inviting the ranch guests up for the day.

“That’s a lot to pull off in a week.”

“It is, but it’s also doable. And wouldn’t it be a great annual tradition for Bentley?”

“Definitely, and for Garrett, as well.”

“Yeah.” Miles rested his head on Reyes’s shoulder, a bit sleepy after coming as hard as he had. He didn’t want the moment to end, but eventually someone came looking for Reyes.

It was time for the camping trip.

Miles reluctantly left the office, and then went down the barn to fetch Tango. A good, long ride was exactly what he needed.

* * *

For the next couple of nights, they ended their long workdays with mutual blow jobs and a lot of cuddling, and for the most part, Miles was content. His only niggling issue was Reyes continued to hide his scars, only allowing his jeans or pajama pants to be pulled down far enough to get to the fun bits.

On Monday night, when Reyes initiated a kiss after they’d watched a movie together, Miles pulled back. They were on Miles’s bed this time, side by side, with Miles on the outside, Reyes close to the wall.

“Don’t you trust me?” Miles asked.

Reyes blinked hard at him, his face twisting in confusion. “What do you mean? Of course, I trust you.”

“I mean, I understand that your scars came from a very horrible moment in your life, and I know you told me that story, but I also feel like you’re keeping this from me. Like you think I’ll be turned off by your legs, or you don’t think I can handle evidence of the fire.”

“It isn’t about you, mi alma, it’s about me. Those scars remind me every day that I didn’t save Luke. That I watched him burn to death in front of me. They’re physical representations of my failure. I don’t want anyone to see them.”

“I get that.” Miles stroked a hand across Reyes’s chest. “But isn’t part of dating someone sharing the hard parts?”

“It is.” Those dark eyes seemed to pierce into Miles’s soul where he hid all his own hard parts. “Will you tell me more about your relationship with Dallas?”

Miles’s stomach soured. “Why?”

“I shared a piece of my heart when I told you about Luke, but you don’t talk about Dallas, or the things he did to you. The ways he broke your trust. You can tell me anything, Miles, and I will not judge you. If you’re ready. If not, tell me to back off and I will.”

He kind of hated that Reyes was right. Miles loathed thinking about the shit he’d put up with from Dallas, much less telling someone else, but he trusted Reyes. Maybe talking about it, like Wes had suggested, would help leech some of the poison out of his heart and soul.

“I told you I met Dallas when I was a freshman in college,” Miles said, “and that I was attracted to his energy. We were polar opposites, and he helped me meet people. I thought of him as a great friend, but I hadn’t given any thought to dating him, and he’d never made a pass at me.” His stomach quivered. “Right before Christmas break, he took me to a frat party on campus, and he kept giving me drinks. At some point, I passed out, and when I woke up…”

Reyes curled a supportive hand around his wrist.

“When I woke up, I was naked in a bed with Dallas, my ass was sore, and I had no idea what had happened. I woke Dallas up, and he was all praise and smiles, saying how amazing I was last night, that I was his best lay ever. I decided to believe him, that I’d been into it, even though I couldn’t remember, because it was easier than accepting I’d lost my virginity to a drunken fuck.”

“Or that he’d raped you?”

Miles shivered and collapsed against Reyes’s solid chest. “That, too. I didn’t want to think that at all, because he was my friend, and how could a friend do that to me? I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, so I pretended it had been a great fuck. But looking back, not saying anything set the pattern. Dallas knew that if he came over and gave me enough attention, I’d roll over and let him fuck me. And he did.

“The sex got better, and I loved the attention. I fucking craved it, because after years of fighting to get my parents to see me, I finally had a charming, handsome guy who needed me. Who paid attention to me.”

“Who manipulated you from day one,” Reyes said with a growl.

“Yeah. Time and reflection have shown me that. He knew I’d do anything he wanted me to do, and I did. For three years, I let him use me for sex, unless he was dating someone else. Then I refused, because I wouldn’t help him cheat. But when he was single, I was putty in his hands. And then the summer before our senior year, he’d been dating this girl for a couple of months. He came over one night, upset because she’d dumped him, and while I felt bad, I was just not in the mood. I was coming down off the flu, I was working a full-time job and exhausted, so when he wanted sex, I said no.

“Probably for the first time since we met, I said no. And I’ll be damned if he didn’t try forcing himself on me again, but I got away. I finally saw what a user he was, you know? And I decided to put myself first. I cut off contact, and I spent my whole senior year free of him. But in my own twisted way, I also missed him. I had a few campus friends, but not the kind who showered praise on me like Dallas did. It was hard, but also good.”

Good until it wasn’t.

Miles groaned and pressed his face into Reyes’s chest. “I can’t anymore tonight.” The memories were threatening to overwhelm him, and Miles couldn’t handle anything else right now.

“Of course. I’m here.” Reyes wrapped warm, strong arms around him, and Miles clung to his chest, so grateful for the unwavering support. “Dallas is an abusive manipulator, and he can’t hurt you anymore.”

“I know.” It was easier to believe when Reyes said it. “Except he is still hurting me a little. I hate that I can’t just rip my clothes off and have sex with you the way I want.”

“And what way is that?”

“Hard, fast, and maybe up against the wall.”

Reyes made a noise suspiciously close to laughter. “That certainly has its own merits, but I’m happy moving at the pace that makes you comfortable. Maybe hot wall sex is in our future somewhere, but we don’t need it right now. This is our relationship, Miles, and we go at our pace.”

“I know, I love you for that.” Miles froze as he realized what he’d just said. “Um.”

Firm hands nudged at his head until Miles dared look into Reyes’s eyes. Dark eyes swimming with the exact same emotion. “I love you, too,” Reyes said. “Have for a while, I think. Been a little scared to say it.”

“Same. And if I’m being honest, I was never in love with Dallas. Maybe with his enthusiasm, and his attention, but not with him. I’ve never felt like this with anyone in my life. Just you, Reyes Caldero.”

“I’ve never felt like this with anyone else, either, Miles Arlington. Mi alma.”

“Mi alma.”

Miles kissed his mouth, then left more kisses across his cheeks and neck, slowly working his way down. This time, when Reyes’s shirt came off, so did his jeans and boxers, baring his long legs and all their scars. Miles kissed each twist of pale skin, each harsh line and strange shape. The spot on his knee that looked like a lemon, and the long swath of scarring on the back of his left calf. Every mark was proof of life, a sign that Reyes had survived a horrible ordeal, and he was here, allowing Miles to love him.

His explorations left Reyes both crying silent tears, and also fully erect. Miles kissed those tears away, and then worshipped the man’s cock, until Reyes came. Miles swallowed every precious drop, then let Reyes divest him of his clothes so Reyes could do the same. No tears, but being completely naked with a guy for the first time in ages, and completely trusting that man to take care of him, made Miles’s heart flutter and his gut burn with joy.

They slept together again that night, nude under the covers, and Miles had never felt safer in his life. And when he woke the next morning to Reyes’s wood riding his crease, Miles didn’t panic. He smiled at the far wall and silently made plans to procure condoms and lube. Because one day soon, he wanted to share that with Reyes.

He’s mine, and I’m his.


He hoped.