Mini-Demonstration: Positive and Negative Painting

Positive and negative painting refers to the direct or indirect way the forms are made on the painting surface. Positive painting is the more common form of painting. While negative painting is not as common, many artists use this approach to work around a subject already painted or to create a painting with a unique twist in its presentation.



Oil Paints


Other Supplies


STEP 1: Start With the Background

Paint the background with a no. 8 flat and a mix of Titanium White and Ultramarine Blue.

STEP 2: Paint the Subject

Paint the positive image of the subject on the background using Sap Green and a no. 4 filbert.


STEP 1: Start With the Color of the Subject

Paint Sap Green over all of the painting surface using a no. 8 flat.

STEP 2: Paint the Background

Add the background color with a mix of Titanium White and Ultramarine Blue, painting around and forming the shape of the subject with a no. 8 flat. Use a no. 4 filbert for more detailed areas around the tree.


STEP 1: Start With the Background

Paint the background with a mix of Titanium White and Ultramarine Blue and a no. 8 flat.

STEP 2: Paint the Subject

Paint the positive image of the subject with Sap Green on the background, using limited details and a no. 4 filbert.

STEP 3: Add Details

Define the form by adding the background mix of Titanium White and Ultramarine Blue over the form using a no. 2 filbert.