Salim hangs up and goes over to Malini. He leans down until his face is in hers and then shouts loudly. ‘I thought I told you to keep that brat quiet!’
Malini is glassy-eyed, exhausted, holding Manu as he sobs, her other child clinging to her arm.
She suddenly seems to focus on Salim—and something snaps. ‘You do it,’ she says. ‘YOU DO IT. You keep a child that is hungry and thirsty quiet!’
Salim’s face changes with surprise. But she just keeps going, ‘My children need food. They need water. We need diapers. We need to go to the toilet. We cannot go on sitting here like this. WE CANNOT!’ She is having a complete meltdown. ‘I will not sit here and listen to my sons crying FOR ONE SECOND MORE!’
Then she seems to realize what she is doing. Her hands go to her mouth and cover it. The fight goes out of her and the terror comes back. She scuttles backwards away from him, clutching both children close, looking horrified at what she has done.
Salim looks at her. Then he shrugs. ‘Give them water. Arrange for them to go to the toilet. Escorted every time. The door stays open. You stay visible. Even the ladies.’ The man with him nods. ‘And get that kid some diapers. He’s starting to stink.’
He walks away and Malini puts her cold hand in mine. She’s breathing in short gasps, unable to believe what has just happened. She has screamed at Salim Mukhtar. And he hasn’t killed her. We are getting food and water. Thank God.