
This book would never have been possible without the help of many people, and I’d like to give them thanks.

First of all, to my dear friend Paul Dugal, Sr., who sparked my interest and got me started in this crazy business of keeping honey bees. When I was just observing from a safe distance, he gave me his extra veil and got me up close. We’ve spent many hours sipping coffee, planning strategies, smoking the hives, and taking trips to Betterbee.

Thanks to my beekeeping buddies Lloyd Vosburgh and Jeff Burdick. They enthusiastically share their years of knowledge and experience. Lloyd and Jeff are everyone’s “go-to” beekeepers when they have a question or a problem or need a queen or frame or brood. Thanks to Tom Stefanik, who has a great love for bees and people and has done a lot to help promote our club, the Northern Berkshire Beekeepers Association, and beekeeping in general.

Thanks to Doone Mackay, my musical partner, who shared her plan for the double hive stand.

I’d also like to thank Deb Burns, Alethea Morrison, and Becca Bradburd, who all convinced me that I could write this book in the first place, and everyone who works behind the scenes at Storey Publishing to organize a pile of papers, sketches, and pictures into something presentable.

I should also mention Anne Frey and the members of the Southern Adirondack Beekeepers Association, Dan Conlon and members of the Massachusetts Beekeepers, and the crew at Betterbee in Greenwich, New York, who all put on annual conferences or field days for beginners and experienced beekeepers. I also have to acknowledge Mike Palmer, Dewey Caron, Ross Conrad, and countless others who are willing to speak to the many beekeeping clubs, large and small, around the country.