Michael Mallett

Lo que sigue son listas muy seleccionadas de libros, publicados desde 1971, que son relevantes para los temas tratados en este libro. La elección ha estado guiada en parte por la bibliografía de La civilización del Renacimiento en Europa de Hale, especialmente en lo que respecta a la sección de las artes. Se ha mantenido la organización de la bibliografía original, sin realizar comentario alguno sobre las lecturas propuestas.


BONNEY, R., The European Dynastic States, 1497-1660, Oxford, 1991.

BRADY, T. A., OBERMAN, H. A. y TRACY, D. J. (eds.), Handbook of European History, 1400-1600, I. Structures and Assertions, Leiden, 1994.

BROWN, A., The Renaissance, Londres, 1988.

BURKE, P., The Renaissance, Basingstoke, 1987 [ed. cast.: El Renacimiento, Barcelona, Crítica, 1993].

FLETCHER, S., The Longman Companion to Renaissance Europe, 1330-1590, 1999.

HALE, J. R., The Civilisation of Europe in the Renaissance, Londres, 1993 [ed. cast.: La civilización del Renacimiento en Europa, Barcelona, Crítica, 1993].

JARDINE, L., Worldly Goods: a New History of the Renaissance, Londres, 1996.

NICHOLAS, D., The Transformation of Europe, 1300-1600, Londres, 1999.

PORTER, R. y TEICH, M. (eds.), The Renaissance in Nacional Context, Cambridge, 1992.

The New Cambridge Medieval History, VII, Allmand, C. (ed.), Cambridge, 1998.


BIRABEN, J.-N., Les hommes et la peste en France et dans les pays européens et mediterranéens, 2 vols., París, 1975-1976.

BRAUDEL, F., The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Reynolds, S. (trad.), Londres, 1972 [ed. cast.: El Mediterráneo y el mundo mediterráneo en la época de Felipe II, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1953].

CROSBY, A. W., The Measure of Reality: Quantification and Western Society, 1200-1600, Cambridge, 1996.

DEBUS, A. G., Man and Nature in the Renaissance, Cambridge, 1978.

DYER, C., Standards of Living in the Late Middle Ages: Social Change in England, c. 1200-1520, Cambridge, 1989.

FERNANDEZ ARMESTO, F., Before Columbus: Exploration and Colonisation from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492, Basingstoke, 1987 [ed. cast.: Antes de Colón. Exploración y colonización desde el Mediterráneo hacia el Atlántico, Madrid, Cátedra, 1993].

GUREVICH, A., Categories of Medieval Culture, Campbell, G. L. (trad.), Londres, 1985 [ed. cast.: Las categorías de la cultura medieval, Madrid, Taurus, 1990].

PADGEN, A. European Encounters with the New World, New Haven, 1992.

PHILLIPS, J. R. S., The Medieval Expansion of Europe, Oxford, 1988 [ed. cast.: La exposición medieval de Europa, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1994].

SCAMMELL, G. V., The First Imperial Age: European Overseas Expansion, 1400-1715, Londres, 1989.

THOMAS, K., Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England, 1500-1800, Harmondsworth, 1984.


ANGLO, S., Images of Tudor Kingship, Londres, 1992.

BRADY, T. A., Turning Swiss: Cities and Empires, 1450-1550, Cambridge, 1985.

CORVISIER, A., Armies and Societies in Europe, 1494-1789, Siddall, A. T. (trad.), Bloomington, Ind., 1979.

CRUMMEY, R. O., The Formation of Muscovy, 1304-1613, Londres, 1987.

DAVIES, N., God’s Playground: A History of Poland, I, Oxford, 1981.

DUBOULAY, F. R. H., Germany in the Later Middle Ages, Londres, 1983.

ELLIOTT, J. H., Spain and its World, 1500-1700, New Haven, 1989 [ed. cast.: España y su mundo, 1500-1700, Madrid, Taurus, 2007].

ELTIS, D., The Military Revolution in Sixteenth-Century Europe, Londres, 1995.

GENET, J.-P. y MENÉ, M. L. (eds.), Genèse de l’État moderne: prélèvement et redistribution, París, 1987.

HALE, J. R., War and Society in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1620, Stroud, 1998.

HAY, D. y LAW, J., Italy in the Age of the Renaissance, 1380-1530, Londres, 1989.

HILLGARTH, N. J., The Spanish Kingdoms, 1250-1516: II, Castilian Hegemony, 1410-1516, Oxford, 1978 [ed. cast.: Los reinos hispánicos, 1250-1516, Barcelona, Grijalbo, 1983].

INALCIK, H., The Ottoman Empire: the Classical Age, 1300-1600, Londres, 1994.

KIRBY, D., Nothern Europe in the Early Modern Period, 1492-1772, Harlow, 1990.

KNECHT, R. J., Renaissance Warrior and Patron: the Reign of Francis I, Cambridge, 1996.

LABANDE-MAILFERT, Y., Charles VIII et son milieu: la jeunesse au pouvoir, París, 1975.

LOADES, D., Tudor Government, Oxford, 1997.

MARTINES, L., Power and Imagination: City States in Renaissance Italy, Nueva York, 1980.

PARKER, N. G., The Military Revolution: Military Innovation and the Rise of the West, 1500-1800, Cambridge, 1988 [ed. cast.: La revolución militar: innovaciones y apogeo de Occidente, 1500-1800, Barcelona, Crítica, 2002].

POTTER, D., The History of France, 1460-1560: the Emergence of a Nation State, Basingstoke, 1995.

RUSSEL, J. G., Peacemaking in the Renaissance, Londres, 1986.

RUSSEL MAJOR, J., Representative Government in Early Modern France, New Haven, 1980.

SHENNAN, J. H., The Origins of the Modern European State, 1450-1725, Londres, 1974.


ACCADEMIA DELLA CRUSCA, The Fairest Flower: the Emergence of Linguistic National Consciousness in Renaissance Europe, Florencia, 1986.

BRIDENTHAL, R. y KOONZ, C. (eds.), Becoming Visible: Women in European History, Boston, 1977.

BROWN, J. C. y DAVIS, R. C., (eds.), Gender and Society in Renaissance Italy, Londres, 1998.

BURKE, P., Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, Aldershut, 1988, (2.a ed.) [ed. cast.: Cultura popular en la Europa moderna, Madrid, Alianza, 2014].

DAVIS, N. Z., Society and Culture in Early Modern France, Stanford, 1975 [ed. cast.: Sociedad y cultura en la Francia moderna, Barcelona, Crítica, 1993].

GOODY, J., The Development of Family and Marriage in Europe, Cambridge, 1983 [ed. cast.: La evolución de la familia y del matrimonio en Europa, Barcelona, Herder, 1986].

HERLIHY, D. y KLAPISCH, C., Tuscans and their Families, New Haven, 1985.

HOWELL, M. C., Women, Production and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities, Chicago, 1986.

KING, M. L., Women of the Renaissance, Chicago, 1991.

MACLEAN, I., The Renaissance Notion of Women, Cambridge, 1980.

MUCHEMBLED, R., Popular Culture and Elite Culture in France, 1400-1750, Cochrane, L. (trad.), Londres, 1985.

SCRIBNER, R. W., Popular Culture and Popular Movements in Reformation Germany, Londres, 1987.


BRAUDEL, F., Civilisation and Capitalism, Reynolds, S. (trad.), 3 vols., Londres, 1981-1984 [ed. cast.: Civilización material, economía y capitalismo, siglos XV-XVIII, Madrid, Alianza, 1984].

CIPOLLA, C. M. (ed.), The Fontana Economic History of Europe, I y II, Londres, 1974 [ed. cast.: Historia económica de Europa, Barcelona, Ariel, 1991].

CIPOLLA, C. M., Before the Industrial Revolution: European Economy and Society, 1000-1700, Londres, 1993 [ed. cast.: Historia económica de la Europa preindustrial, Barcelona, Crítica, 2003].

DE VRIES, J., European Urbanisation, 1500-1800, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1984 [ed. cast.: La urbanización de Europa, 1500-1800, Barcelona, Crítica, 1987].

DUPLESSIS, R. S., Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge, 1997.

KRIEDTE, P., Peasants, Landlords and Merchant Capitalists: Europe and the World Economy, 1500-1800, Leamington Spa, 1983.

MISKIMIN, H. A., The Economy of Later Renaissance Europe, 1480-1600, Cambridge, 1977.

SCRIBNER, R. W., Germany: a New Social and Economic History, I, 1450-1630, Londres, 1996.

TRACY, J. D. (ed.), The Rise of Merchant Empires: Long Distance Trade in the Early Modern World, Cambridge, 1990.

WALLERSTEIN, I., The Modern World System: Capitalist Agriculture and the Origins of the European World Economy in the Sixteenth Century, Nueva York, 1974 [ed. cast.: El moderno sistema mundial, Madrid, Siglo XXI de España, 2009].


ASTON, T. H. y PHILPIN, C. H. E. (eds.), The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe, Cambridge, 1985.

BUSH, M. L., Rich Noble, Poor Noble, Mánchester, 1988.

DEWALD, J., The European Nobility, 1400-1800, Cambridge, 1996.

EDWARDS, J., The Jews in Christian Europe, 1400-1700, Londres, 1996.

GIVEN-WILSON, C., The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages, Londres, 1987.

HELLIE, R., Slavery in Russia, 1450-1725, Chicago, 1982.

KAMEN, H. A., European Society, 1500-1700, Londres, 1985.

LE ROY LADURIE, E., The French Peasantry, 1450-1660, Aldershot, 1987.

SCOTT, T. (ed.), The Peasantries of Europe from the Fourteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, Londres, 1998.


ASTON, M., Faith and Fire, Londres, 1985.

BOSSY, J., Christianity in the West, 1400-1700, Oxford, 1985.

CAMERON, E., The Reformation of the Heretics: the Waldenses of the Alps, 1480-1580, Oxford, 1984.

CLARK, S., Thinking with Demons: the Idea of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe, Oxford, 1997.

DUFFY, E., The Stripping of the Alters: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580, New Haven, 1992.

ENGLANDER, D. et al. (eds.), Culture and Belief in europe. 1450-1600: an Anthology of Sources, Oxford, 1990.

LEVACK, B. P., The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, Londres, 1987 [ed. cast.: La caza de brujas en la Europa Moderna, Madrid, Alianza, 1995].

OZMENT, S. E., The Age of Reform: an Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe, Nueva York, 1980.

PARTNER, P., Renaissance Rome, 1500-1559: Portrait of a Society, Los Ángeles, 1976.

PRODI, P., The Papal Prince, Cambridge, 1987 [ed. cast.: El soberano pontífice, Madrid, Akal, 2011].

SWANSON, R. N., Church and Society in Late Medieval England, Oxford, 1989.

THOMSON, J. A. F., Popes and Princes, 1477-1517: Politics and Polity in the Late Medieval Church, Londres, 1980.


BAXANDALL, M., Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy: a Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style, Oxford, 1972.

CAMPBELL, L., Renaissance Portraits: European Portrait Painting in the Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, New Haven 1990.

CHASTEL, A., The Renaissance: Essays in Interpretation, Londres, 1982.

CUMMINGS, A. M., The Politicized Muse: Music for Medici Festivals, 1512-1573, Princeton, 1992.

DICKENS, A. G. (ed.), The Courts of Europe: Politics, Patronage and Royalty, 1400-1800, Londres, 1977.

GOLDTHWAITE, R., Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy, 1300-1600, Baltimore, 1993.

GOMBRICH, E. H., The Heritage of Apelles: Studies in the Art of the Renaissance, Oxford, 1976.

KEMP, M. (ed.), Leonardo on Painting, New Haven, 1989 [ed. cast.: Leonardo, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2006].

KENT, F. W. y SIMONS, P. (eds.), Patronage, Art and Society in Renaissance Italy, Oxford, 1987.

OLSEN, R. J. M., Italian Renaissance Sculpture, Londres, 1992.

PIROTTA, N., Music and Culture in Italy from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1984.

STEPHENS, J., The Italian Renaissance: the Origins of Intellectual and Artistic Change before the Reformation, Londres, 1990.

STINGER, C. L., The Renaissance in Rome, Bloomington, 1985.

STRONG, R., Art and Power: Renaissance Festivals, 1450-1650, Woodbridge, 1984.

TAFURI, M., Venice and the Renaissance, Levine, J. (trad.), Boston, 1989.

WIND, E., Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance, Oxford, 1980.


CHRISMAN, M. U., Lay culture, Learned Culture, New Haven, 1982.

EINSENSTEIN, E., The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge, 1983.

GOODMAN, A. y MACKAY, A. (eds.), The Impact of Humanism on Western Europe, Londres, 1990.

GOODMAN, D. y RUSSELL, C. A., The Rise of Scientific Europe, 1500-1800, Londres, 1991.

GRAFTON, A. y JARDINE, L. (eds.), From Humanism to the Humanities: Education and the Liberal Arts in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century Europe, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986.

GRENDLER, P. F., Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning, 1300-1600, Baltimore, 1989.

HOUSTON, R. A., Literacy in Early modern Europe, Londres, 1988.

LOWRY, M. J. C., The World of Aldus Manutius: Business and Scholarship in Renaissance Venice, Oxford, 1979.

MANDROU, R., From Humanism to Science, 1480-1700, Harmondsworth, 1978.

NAUERT JR., C. G., Humanism and the Culture of Renaissance Europe, Cambridge, 1995.

OBERMAN, H. A. y BRADY, T. A. (eds.), Itinerarium Italicum: the Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformation, Leiden, 1975.

OVERFIELD, J. H., Humanism and Scholasticism in Late Medieval Germany, Princeton, 1984.

RABIL JR., A. (ed.), Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms and Legacy, 3 vols., Filadelfia, 1988.

SKINNER, Q., The Foundations of Modern Political Thought, I, Cambridge, 1978 [ed. cast.: Los fundamentos del pensamiento político moderno, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica].

The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, Cambridge, 1988.