
Results of Love Needs Survey

The findings here represent the categorical data that emerged from our survey of 700 couples in 8 cities. We gave each husband and each wife a list of 20 needs and asked them to rank them in order of importance. The lists here represent their choices.

How would you have ranked the needs? How would your spouse have ranked the needs?

Husbands’ Needs

1. Unconditional love

2. Sexual Intimacy

3. Companionship

4. Encouragement

5. Spiritual intimacy

6. Trust

7. Honesty and openness

8. Communication

9. Family relationships

10. To be desired

11. Career support

12. To provide and protect

13. Personal time

14. Understanding and empathy

15. Admiration

16. Security and stability

17. Significance

18. Romance

19. Domestic support

20. Nonsexual touch

Wives’ Needs

1. Unconditional love and acceptance and acceptance

2. Emotional intimacy and communication

3. Spiritual intimacy

4. Encouragement and affirmation and affirmation

5. Companionship

6. Family relationships

7. Honesty and openness

8. Nonsexual touch and emotional intimacy

9. Security and stability

10. Romance

11. Trust

12. Understanding and empathy

13. Sexual intimacy

14. Personal time

15. To be desired

16. Domestic support

17. To provide and protect

18. Significance

19. Admiration

20. Career support