
Who killed Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed?

Some might believe no one … deliberately. But the earlier four books in this series have shown that is not true.

These volumes of evidence – a tsunami of evidence – have revealed time and again that the 1997 car crash that took the lives of Diana and Dodi was no accident.

This crash was fully orchestrated.

And then after it occurred, one of the greatest and most extensive inter-governmental cover-ups of our time was set in motion.

It has been shown that the French government – including the police and elements of the judiciary – were fully involved in the cover-up.3 And on the other side of the Channel, the senior royals – family and household, but led by the Queen – were very quick to illegally secure control over Princess Diana’s body and the ensuing post-mortem.4

But that was only the start of the British side of the cover-up. It continued relentlessly over the years – the unbelievable delay in conducting any investigation; and then, when it did occur, it began with a deeply flawed police inquiry5; and culminated in one of the most corrupt inquests in modern history.

None of this evidence, though, has shown us who carried out this heinous act – who orchestrated it and who ordered it.

The evidence has pointed to several players6 – Henri Paul, Claude Roulet, the several motorbike riders that pursued the Mercedes S280, Jean-Marc Martino, Arnaud Derossi, Dominique Lecomte, Gilbert Pépin and Jean Monceau – but nothing has clearly shown precisely who these people were working for.

The reason for this is because people who carry out massive orchestrated assassinations of this nature are experts in covering their tracks. No one leaves clear – or even unclear – audit trails. There are no written instructions.

No person, group or organisation is going to put their hand up for the assassination of the “people’s princess”.

This is not like a terrorist bombing plot where some organisation is keen to claim responsibility. No one wants to be held responsible for the death of one of the most popular and loved persons of the 20th century – Diana, Princess of Wales.

Yet someone did do it. Someone was involved in orchestrating it. Someone did order this.

In the pages of this volume you will find evidence that identifies the perpetrators of this incredible crime – the organisations, and the individuals within those organisations, that planned and directed events in Paris and also the organisations and individuals that ordered this assassination to take place.

Evidence will be revealed that clearly points to the involvement of intelligence agencies – primarily MI6 – the British royal family and household – controlled by Queen Elizabeth II – and the British, French and US governments.

For many readers, the identification of these perpetrators would not be particularly surprising.

But what is surprising is the evidence – much of which has never previously been revealed – that leads to the identification of the assassins:

This volume was particularly difficult to research, mainly because of the all-encompassing culture of secrecy and deception within the organisations being investigated – primarily, MI6, the royal family and household, the British embassy in Paris and the highest levels of the British government.

Who Killed Princess Diana? – this book does appear to answer that question. And in so doing, many issues are raised that demand official investigation. This increases the pressure for an independent inquest into the deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed – something which I believe is impossible to achieve on British soil.

Given that these assassinations were carried out on a multi-governmental level, this means that justice can only be found through a thorough and independent investigation by an international tribunal – such as the International Court of Justice7 – with the power to summons witnesses from the UK, France and the United States.

At times this book refers to the “assassinations” – meaning Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed. The main focus of the volume is Princess Diana and that reflects the situation – Diana was clearly the prime target for assassination and the evidence shows that. But there is a possibility of an intention to remove both figures – Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed – and of course that is anyway what occurred. I suggest that had Dodi survived, he could have been an incredibly powerful witness of what took place8 – that, I believe, was not an option for the perpetrators of this crime.

The evidence in Part 2 – which dealt with Diana’s treatment in the SAMU ambulance – revealed there was a clear intention to completely eliminate Diana9 – i.e. this crash was not just an intention to scare. Dodi died on impact, so it is not possible to know what approach the assassins would have taken, had he survived the crash itself.1011

Diana Inquest: Who Killed Princess Diana? has drawn heavily on the information – 7,000 pages of transcripts and other evidence – that is on the official inquest website.

In 2011 a decision was made at the Royal Courts of Justice to close down the official inquest website – which had been Following that move, the inquest transcripts and evidence can now only be found in the UK National Archives. The easiest way to access them – at the time of writing – is using Google search with the words: “Diana inquest transcripts national archives”.12

All quotes throughout this book have been fully referenced, and I encourage readers to look up the website13 for the full transcript of any particular piece of witness evidence they need to view in its complete context.

This volume also uses material from the 2010 book Diana Inquest: The Documents the Jury Never Saw – often simply referred to as The Documents book. Generally the page number references from that book have been shown in the footnotes or endnotes in this volume.

Page numbers referenced to The Documents book relate to the UK edition. Readers who have the US edition of The Documents book will be able to locate the same excerpts within a few pages of the UK edition page number. For example, if the UK edition quote is from page 300, it will appear before page 310 in the US edition.

Extensive witness lists shown at the start of Part 1 have not been included in this book in an effort to save space. All witnesses mentioned in Part 5 have been included in the index, and of course are also mentioned in the lists in Part 1.14

I have deliberately included verbatim inquest testimony in this book – it reveals the words of the witnesses themselves as they describe what they saw or heard.

Points to assist with the reading of Diana Inquest and accessing evidence:

Transcript quotes have been referenced through the book as follows:


Claude Garrec, Henri Paul’s Closest Friend: 31 Jan 08: 124.15:
Hough: Q. Did he have any ambition to become the head of security?
A. No

Claude Garrec = Witness name
Henri Paul’s Closest Friend = Witness’ position or relevance
31 Jan 08 = Date of testimony at the inquest
124 = Page number – note that page numbers appear at the bottom of each page on the inquest website transcripts
15 = Line number on the page
Hough = Lawyer doing the questioning – there is a list of lawyers and who they represent near the front of this book
Q = Statement made by the lawyer or questioner
A = Statement made by the witness or answerer

The inquest website15 contains a large number of significant items of evidence: photos, documents, letters and so on. It is important to note that none of this evidence is stored in numerical or subject order – the easiest way to locate these items is by scrolling down the evidence list looking for the specific reference number you are seeking. The reference numbers, which always begin with the prefix code “INQ”, will often be found in the footnotes or endnotes in this book.

In addition, the website has several interesting and useful videos that are available for viewing by the public. These are also not as easy to access as the transcripts. To reach the videos, click on “Evidence”, then click on any date on the calendar, then scroll down or up until you come to an item of evidence that is obviously a video. When you click on that item, a page will open up that will give you access to all of the videos on the website.

Throughout this book underlining of words or phrases has been used as a means of emphasising certain points, unless otherwise stated.

“Jury Didn’t Hear” appears in bold before:

  1. Any evidence that was not heard during the inquest
  2. Written documents from the Coroner not seen by the jury.

“Jury Not Present” appears in bold before any statement made in court where the jury wasn’t present.

There are several people who have provided invaluable support that has helped enable these volumes to be completed. Full acknowledgements are included in Part 1 and the final volume.

Word usage:

“Autopsy” and “post-mortem” are synonymous – “autopsy” is generally used in France, whereas “post-mortem” is generally used in the UK.

KP = Kensington Palace, Diana’s home.

Sapeurs-Pompiers = Paris Fire Service

BAC = Blood Alcohol Concentration

“Cours la Reine”, “Cours Albert 1er”, “Avenue de New York” and “Voie Georges Pompidou” are all names for the same riverside expressway that runs into the Alma Tunnel. The parallel service road is also known as “Cours Albert 1er”

Fulham Mortuary = Hammersmith and Fulham Mortuary

Imperial College = Charing Cross Hospital16

MI6 = SIS = Secret Intelligence Service

MI5 = SS = Security Service