Chapter 5


With my game face on, I calmly sat in the governor of New York’s oversized plush office. I made a few phone calls and fronted like I was a member of his New York campaign team. He owed me a favor, but he didn’t know it yet. He was one of my few customers I dealt with in my underground world. He purchased some counterfeit bills to replace some of the taxpayers’ money he stole from the MALCOLM AND MARTIN MAKE A CHANGE FUND. Money that was supposed to be used to help promote minority business opportunities. Because many blacks didn’t know about the fund, it was easy to exploit. And his crooked ass took $1.3 million from it last year. I wasn’t stupid. I kept track of each and every person who entered my hidden world. Initially, I found people who were in desperate situations and needed money. My way of helping them out was by providing fake bills. After a while, I earned a reputation for having the best “authentic-looking” fake money, and that’s why certain people with money problems sought me out. To protect myself, I hired a runner to screen all potential customers. Through him, I found out I had a potential customer coming down from Albany who wanted a large amount of money as soon as possible. The person checked out; they weren’t law enforcement, but it was close.

The place where they wanted to meet my runner was at some mansion in New Rochelle. It was owned by a corporation, owned by another corporation, owned by another. My curiosity was piqued. So I did some digging. And when I found out who really owned that property, I was floored.

A man named Cliff Barnes met with my runner. Turns out, he was the silent business partner of the most powerful man in New York.

The governor!

I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. When I found out that the person who made the purchase was strongly connected to him, I followed them the day the drop was made and saw him hand Governor Wyzask the package of counterfeit bills. I snapped a picture of the exchange, and I now had my evidence, which I planned to use to my advantage. If he didn’t want to be exposed, he needed to cooperate. And that was easy. All he had to do was sit and listen to what I had to say.

“How can I help you, Mrs. Williamson?” the governor asked as he walked in. He sat down and gave me a fake smile. “You must know some powerful people, if you were able to get a meeting with me on such short notice.”

“I know who I need to know.” My face was still and stoic. I wanted him to know I meant business.

“Have we met before?” he asked.

“Not exactly. Let’s just say we’ve done business together.”

“I’m not really sure what you mean by that. What kind of business? Personal or for the good people of New York?” He smiled. This muh’fucka didn’t have a clue what I had over his head. But he was about to find out.

“Let me be straight with you, Governor . . . I drove all the way here to Albany because I have an issue that only you can resolve. I’d like to show you something.”

“All right,” he said slowly. His tone was curious, and he loosened his tie.

“I’d like a pardon for my husband. He’s in federal prison right now, but—” The governor put his hand up and shook his head.

“Okay, let me stop you right there. First and foremost, I have no idea who your husband is and why you’re really here. Second, if he’s in federal prison, I cannot help you. I deal with matters of New York State only. Sorry you came all the way here, ma’am, but he needs to file a commutation pardon request with the president.”

“Actually, I have a better idea. He needs to be charged with a state crime. He’ll be summonsed to leave on a writ to deal with the pending charges you created. Then he will be moved to a New York State prison. After that, he’ll get pardoned . . . by you. Then, I will board a private jet and leave this country with my husband and son.” He looked at me as though I asked him to marry his own mother.

“Get out! I’m calling the police. How dare you come in here with this insanity!” He picked up the phone.

“Put the phone down, motherfucker,” I said as I crossed my legs. “If you’re calling them, tell them to pick your crooked ass up as well. I know what you’ve been doing.” He placed the black office phone back on the receiver.

“What are you talking about?”

I turned my phone’s screen in his direction and played a video. It showed him taking the package that I knew had the money in it. Counterfeit money.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Governor, sir. You see, this video I have is proof that you are the true recipient of $1,300,000 of false money. Counterfeit. Fake. Falsely printed bills. I think you understand! You purchased them for $300,000, and, as a matter of fact, you have another order pending. Does that refresh your memory?” I didn’t give him a chance to even respond. I kept on talking. “You stole the money from a fund for black people. You just figured nobody would find out. Turns out, I do a thorough check on every customer I deal with. So like I said, you’ll be calling the district attorney out of Queens and charging my husband with something. I’ll let you pick the charge. And then you will pardon him. You’re up for reelection this year. I’d hate for this information to get out and go public. Or even get to the FBI.”

I could see the steam coming from his head, and I sensed fear. I knew I had him in my pocket, and he’d do anything to keep from being exposed.

“Are you done?” he asked with his face screwed up.

“Actually, no. One more thing . . . I want a meeting with crooked-ass Judge Brenda Doom. She’s federal.”

“I can’t guarantee you that.”

“Oh yes, you can. Not only are you going to guarantee it, but you’re going to set it up!” I’d never blackmailed anyone in my life, but I had to do something. I couldn’t let my husband go down in a crooked-ass justice system, where everybody who handed out justice was crooked as well! I had my king on my back and my son on my shoulders, and I’d be damned if I allowed this bullshit to split up my family!