Your thoughts are far more powerful than you have ever imagined them to be. They are the starting point of all change, and so the source of all change is within you. You have the power to change conditions inside your body, and you have the power to change those outside it.
At times you may find that you are not able to change circumstances, but you nevertheless have a unique opportunity — to change yourself. Sometimes that’s the whole point! And as you change yourself, the effects of the “new you” vibrate throughout the entire world, making it a better place.
You are more beautiful than you have ever believed yourself to be. You are a part of God (or the equivalent in other spiritual and religious traditions) that can never, ever be separate from God. This infinite source of all things is in every cell in your body and is revealed in every moment of your life.
Your Higher Self is a fragment of God that is simply more aware of its heritage than you are. It has encoded a general theme for your life into your DNA, and through this and other experiences you have an infinite number of unique opportunities to experience your godliness.
This theme is your life’s purpose. Try to discover it. Look within yourself for what brings you most joy — that is where you will find it. Then, as you allow yourself to experience the feelings of joy, fascination, wonder, awe, excitement, and enthusiasm that the idea of living your inspiration brings, you will find that things around you will change so that your dream becomes your reality.
And it is not only your own life that will be affected. Every thought, feeling, word, or act sends ripples throughout the world, making a difference in the lives of other people.
But the most important aspect of your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions is where they come from. Helping someone through genuine compassion, for instance, is far more powerful than doing so out of a sense of guilt or a desire to be recognized for your kindness. In the same way, intentionally crushing an insect has a destructive effect. It is the thought behind the act, however insignificant, that is important. It’s the thought that counts.
So look at yourself honestly. Honestly! Examine your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. Then make any changes that you believe are necessary until what you project to the world is consistent with what you wish to see in the world.
The world will change as we change. It can’t do anything else because it is part of us. Your degree of honesty with yourself will determine the speed of the changes and how profound they are. Eventually, as we learn to see God in ourselves, in everyone else and in everything else, the changes will be massive.
To begin with, try to live by the three simple rules: love for self, love for others, and love for nature. Try to see the love — the kindness, compassion, honesty, forgiveness, and gratitude — all around you, regardless of how well it is hidden. See that the world is already beautiful and, in so doing, choose more of the beauty than the pain. You don’t need to hate the pain. You only need to choose something else.
Choose love, choose peace, choose kindness, choose honesty, and extend your hand in forgiveness and trust. Let these new choices color the actions of your life from this day onward. Then you will see the beauty and magnificence that are already present around you and you will believe that everything is indeed perfect.
Such faith can move mountains!