I consider myself to be blessed in being surrounded by so many kind, patient, understanding, and generous people, and would like to thank a few of them here.
I would like to thank my life partner, Elizabeth Caproni. Her never-ending love and support have been an inspiration to me and have often lifted me and guided me along my current path. Without her, this book would never have gained its present form.
I would also like to thank my parents, Janette and Robert Hamilton, who brought me into this world, loved me, and supported me throughout every endeavor of my life, and who taught me from an early age that “it’s the thought that counts.”
I would also like to thank Elma and Peter Caproni, who made me a part of their family and loved me and supported me through numerous challenging times.
I am also grateful for the many friends, past and present, who helped guide me on my spiritual path. In particular I will always remember the journey of Spirit Aid and all who participated in it.
For doing an excellent job of editing this book, I would like to thank Lizzie Hutchins. I am also very grateful to Michelle Pilley at Hay House UK for making me feel so welcome in the Hay House family.
A great big thank-you to all who patiently read this book and offered me feedback: Margaret McCathie, Kenny McCathie, June Moore, Siobhan Moore, Ann Brocklebank, Stan Giles, Liz Ivory, Bryce Redford, Joyce Bunton, Dave Clarkson, Olivia Barham, Kenny McDougall, Seth Gardiner, and Andrea Lomas. I would also like to thank Thom Hartmann and Louise Hay for endorsing the book.
For helpful answers to some of my questions regarding Chapter 3, I would like to thank Professor Eric Kandel, year 2000 Nobel Laureate in Medicine. I would also like to thank Dr. Ernest Rossi for helpful answers and for taking the time to send me some important scientific publications on psychosocial genomics that helped Chapter 3 develop into its present form. This help was given having never seen the book.
I would also like to thank Glasgow University, the Homoeopathic Hospital in Glasgow, and Paul Stevens in the Koestler Parapsychology Unit of Edinburgh University for helping me to obtain valuable scientific information for the book.
To all the scientists who have painstakingly carried out the research that I have reported in this book, you have helped many people to recognize that what they always thought might be true really is.