Alongside my private practice, I was still working within the conventional medical setting. When I met with the team psychologist and spoke about incorporating my heightened intuitive and perceptual abilities in my therapeutic work, she was open and interested. As I detailed some of the deeper hidden causes of my clients’ physical ill health or emotional challenges, she was very supportive. Before long she referred a client to me, after she’d exhausted all possible avenues of conventional cognitive-based therapy.
I met with Philip several days later. He had been told my approach honoured the spiritual dimensions of life, and was a more expansive therapy and healing. Philip was a harrowed-looking man in his late thirties. His dull eyes, burdened shoulders and clasped hands spoke of a joyless life. Philip seemed depressed and flat. He’d already been to several medical specialists whose results were inconclusive. A clinical psychologist had suggested Philip consider drug-based options, but Philip wasn’t keen to take that path.
As soon as I met Philip, I sensed a powerful unseen presence around him, as well as a significant sense of foreboding. I saw intuitively how it was adversely impacting Philip’s ability to function and engage in life.
The reason for Philip’s connection to this spirit presence needed to be clarified, understood and released, to ensure his psychological and spiritual health. I needed to do more than identify this presence, as many psychics do, I needed to understand the underlying psychological factors that had given rise to this relationship. My focus was to empower Phillip, by offering him insight as to what had led the spirit to become attached to him, then to assist him to discover what toxic emotional residue and contaminating self-beliefs were creating his emotional, mental and physical ill health. I had come to see these spirit attachments as teachers and illuminators, offering us insight, personal growth and the opportunity to free ourselves from those things that limit us.
Initially, I listened to how troubled his life had become over the last six months. Relieved by my openness, he felt able to share his many paranormal experiences, no longer fearful he’d be judged ‘crazy.’ Taking a few moments he stared into his hands, then eventually his eyes found mine and he began to describe an ongoing feeling of a presence around him, especially at night. He said this presence brought with it a very real feeling of darkness. Anguished, he went on to describe haunting nightmares, which involved his two deceased brothers. Philip was worried they seemed to be encouraging him to join them in the ‘spirit world.’
Philip also spoke of a range of additional symptoms: lethargy, periodic body pains, disturbed sleep patterns, depression and occasional suicidal thoughts. In the preceding months, he’d lost interest in his job and was often unable to go to work, due to his emotional or physical state. Nothing of significance had shown up in his medical tests, so he was no nearer to a solution.
At that point in our session, he stopped and looked at me with penetrating eyes. Then as he continued, I could feel the presence of someone else in the room, to the right behind Philip. I began sharing what I sensed and saw. This unique therapeutic perspective I’d developed sat between psychic and psychological perspectives. The psychic perspective gave insight and understanding to a myriad of unseen metaphysical and spiritual factors that influenced my clients’ physical and emotional health, as well as their life and lifestyle. It also offered a ‘whole person’ viewpoint, recognising the soul and its importance to feeling fully whole. The psychological perspective highlighted past adverse experiences and how they create limiting thoughts, perceptions and beliefs: how certain habits and behaviours were actually products of early life trauma, and how we develop unhealthy or self-limiting ways to adapt to these traumas. This approach offered clients clear steps to release their limiting habits and perceptions, so they could return to a state of authentic power. Each perspective enhanced the other, and enabled me to more effectively see and understand the bigger picture. It gave me a larger vision of their potential, enabling me to then offer them safe passage through life’s more challenging experiences.
The relief on Philip’s face was obvious, as I honoured his psychic awareness. Emotionally vulnerable, he quietly shared how grateful he was that I could offer him a form of assistance that recognised the many dimensions of life he had experienced.
I gently led Philip in a process to connect him with a powerful beam of white light, and asked him to see that light spreading out to fill the room. Then we visually and energetically ‘sealed’ the room to create a sacred space of healing. Inviting him to close his eyes and take a deep and relaxing breath, I asked him to look around in his mind’s vision and describe who or what he saw.
Without hesitation, he described his brothers. I then guided him through a process to uncover why they had remained connected to him. ‘They see me as a source of life, a link to the physical world, because they haven’t fully separated from it,’ Philip replied. We then examined the underlying beliefs he held about his brothers, prior to their passing. ‘As a child, I was always told to take care of them, to be responsible,’ he said reflectively. ‘They were my responsibility. Whatever happened, it was my fault.’
In two short sentences, Philip had uncovered his long-held belief that he was responsible for his brothers, no matter the circumstances. So, even in the light of their accidental deaths, he still felt guilty and blamed himself. This constrictive belief kept him tethered to them, powerfully influencing his adult life, even though this belief had been instilled in him as a young child.
When I asked Philip to look at the nature of this limiting belief as a colour and shape, he easily described seeing the belief as a spiralling metallic object, which he described as being wedged down alongside his heart. This was clearly a storage point for Philip’s shame and guilt. He was still holding responsibility for his brothers’ passing. Connected to it was a small stream of energy, an energetic tube or cord, which continued to transfer energy between Philip and his brothers. The energy cord had an unhelpful low frequency, corresponding with the low frequency emotional debris and limiting beliefs trapped in Philip’s body.
This moment gave Philip an important insight. He had a sudden clarity around his challenges and why they were happening.
I then led Philip into the next part of the therapeutic process: to release the energy that had accumulated like debris near his heart. With reverence and love, we needed to clear the energetic ‘structures’ that had been set up between Philip and his brothers, to assure their safe transition to the other side, and to allow Philip to move forward with his life. Aided by my intuition and the loving sacred energy that surrounded us, I began to clear all energetic structures around Philip’s heart.
For the next and final stage, I knew intuitively I would need the powerful loving assistance of the angelic realm. So I called upon the higher protective power of Archangel Michael to open a door to the next dimension, and to assist Philip’s brothers into the light.
Suddenly, the room filled with a beautiful, loving presence. ‘I can see him!’ Philip exclaimed. ‘He’s here, the angel. He’s right here and he must be seven feet tall, and he has a hood over his head.’
I was flooded with a powerful feeling of love and light, as the majesty of this archangel filled the space with a profound feeling of love. The brothers were then gently led into a tunnel of light by this beautiful angel. Seated opposite Philip with my eyes closed, I could still see and sense what Philip was seeing, within my mind’s vision.
After a few moments and with a calm reverence, Philip said his brothers had disappeared. The angel returned alone. At that moment there was a noticeable shift in our immediate environment, from the light and loving higher presence of the angel, to a darker heavier feeling of foreboding. Aware now of another in spirit form, I prepared myself for what I sensed was to come.
Philip had earlier described riding alone on his bike, when all of a sudden there appeared a figure of a priest sitting on a fence and laughing in an eerie, mocking tone. Then without any forewarning, a sudden violent burst of energy pushed his bike over. Philip fell to the ground terrified. As he looked up, the ‘priest’ had disappeared, leaving him extremely frightened and disturbed. It didn’t help that he had no-one to talk to about this who he felt would understand or believe him. He felt concerned people would think he was mentally unstable.
How often I had heard this.
As we continued, I began to sense the spirit’s mounting resistance. I took a deep breath and sensed a swelling of love and compassion that spread effortlessly through my being. This expanded state of love and compassion placed me in the most beneficial spiritual elevation for the next important piece of Philip’s healing.
It helped that by now I was in a state of grace. I was reassured of the power of love that came with this amount of assistance and that I wasn’t alone here. Powerful ‘unseen’ beings of light were guiding me.
Once again, I led Philip into the same process to locate the energy cords he had with this spirit, and to source the beliefs that had drawn this spirit who was now attached to him. Philip shared that, during school, he was often teased and tormented by his peers. This had set up the belief that he was undeserving of love, of a life of abundance and kindness. His father was harsh and uncaring, further cementing this limiting script.
Working intuitively, I explained to Philip that this spirit also needed much love, and that he was a powerful reflection of Philip’s own emotional needs. With the assistance of the archangel, this spirit would now be able to discover how much love was waiting for him on the other side.
Then, with greatest reverence, I spoke directly to the spirit presence. Sending him my love, I explained he would soon return to the light source with the angel, who had come to offer him assistance and support. I reassured him that there would be no judgement, as he moved into the other side beyond the veil. I assured him that there was only love there—radiant unconditional love. In that same moment, I felt the room overflowing with light and love. As always, the higher intervention for Philip was breathtaking.
Philip described another energy cord as ‘a chain from his ankles to the spirit.’ So we carefully removed this connection at Philip’s ankles, being sure to delicately remove every part of the energy structure, including the deeper memory of worthlessness that had embedded itself in the cellular layers of his ankles. I then asked Philip if he was ready to release the spirit from around him. ‘Yes, yes!’ he replied emotionally.
Speaking directly and with compassion to the spirit presence, I thanked it for creating this opportunity for Philip’s spiritual and emotional growth. I then assured the spirit that, as Philip had received the deeper learning from this, it was Philip’s conscious choice now to let go of the limiting experience between them, which in turn would help release the spirit into the light. I once again called on Archangel Michael to assist.
Taking a moment to feel the strength and presence of this beautiful luminous angel, I asked Philip to see the tunnel of light opening up behind the angel. Next, I gently requested Archangel Michael to support the spirit presence into the light. I invited Philip to watch the angel, as he guided the spirit into the light. As he did so, Philip saw the chains being taken by the angel into the light, so they could be cleared and transformed into light.
Suddenly, Philip exclaimed with tears rolling down his face, ‘I can see the angel! He has picked him up, and he is taking him in his arms into the light.’
The unconditional love and compassion of this angel was majestically demonstrated by the angel carrying the spirit cradled in his arms. I felt so spiritually moved. Thanking the angel for his assistance and love, I asked Philip to let me know once the angel had fully entered the light and closed the entrance.
‘They’ve gone’ he said, moments later. I looked into Philip’s face as he opened his eyes, and was astonished at the transformation. The darkness around his face, especially his eyes, had disappeared and his eyes were now bright and glowing. They sparkled with light. The relief and release he felt were obvious.
We were both so moved and humbled by this profound experience. It transcended words. Moments later, I noticed two hours had slipped by. It seemed like less than an hour. I smiled at Philip. ‘Doesn’t this room feel wonderful? Can you feel the light in here?’
‘Yes,’ he replied, clearly moved. ‘This has been one of the most incredible experiences of my life.’
‘How do you feel then?’ I continued gently.
‘Like I could run down the street and shout for joy to anyone who could hear me.’
It was several weeks before I saw Philip again. He explained he was physically and emotionally better than he had been in years. His eyes seemed clear and bright, and he’d had no further sleep disturbances. He also said he no longer experienced any pain, and had returned to work with great enthusiasm.
Later that week, I met with his referring psychologist. She had received an impromptu visit from Philip and couldn’t believe the significance in his transformation. ‘He looks about ten years younger and has so much life in him now,’ she told me, impressed.
Philip’s journey, together with others I was involved with from that point on, fuelled my enthusiasm to continue to work within this broader therapeutic model of health and healing. I began to see how vital it was to understand and acknowledge my clients as spiritual beings, to see that within the deeper layers of their personal challenges were spiritual and energetic dimensions that needed attention. So, assisting them to find resolution would naturally have to include spiritual and energetic considerations too. It was absolutely clear to me now that we needed to understand health and healing as a journey of the soul. The value of old lingering stories also needed to be acknowledged, if we were to heal the whole person.
The spiritual dimension seemed a crucial element in our lives and in our ability to fully evolve. Frequently, this profound aspect of ourselves had been sadly ignored. Lying hidden within the deeper layers of our emotional or physical challenges was critical information that was so often unrecognised. By acknowledging that, the healing possibilities were astonishing.
As challenging as it was, I couldn’t ignore these profound experiences that were now shaking the very foundations of my life. Everything I thought I was and understood about myself was rapidly disappearing. The remaining me yearned to know more, longed for an understanding hand to hold, a loving heart to come home to.
Sadly, my marriage could not offer me the relationship I ached for. Was there someone else who would be able to meet me in this new place of spiritual and emotional authenticity? If so, where was that special someone? The more I longed for my deeper spiritual and emotional needs to be fulfilled, the greater my yearning became.