The intensity of Shylo’s loss was savage, battering everyone in its wake. Bewildered, my mind endlessly searched for clues as to why she had taken her life. Sitting alone by the bedroom window, I stared out into the nothingness, trying to comprehend what more I could have done. Suddenly, from somewhere behind me, I sensed the energy change. I was about to receive further insight. Eager to communicate with Shylo, I stood up and grabbed a pen and notepad.
Shylo walked into the room with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, her beautiful face so young and soft. Tears flooded my eyes as I wrestled with an avalanche of emotions. I felt incredibly grateful that I could communicate with her from the other side.
‘It’s strange ’cause they can’t hear me,’ she began softly. ‘So I have to do things to let them know I’m here. With you, it’s easy. I just talk with you and you hear me. ’Cause of the link. Heaven cam,’ she said, with a lovely smile.
‘Is that what it is then?’ I said, returning her smile. ‘Well, that’s why I can sometimes see what you’re experiencing. A good thing this heaven cam is, sweetheart. I’m so grateful you can speak to me, and that it’s helping you.’
‘Kids are coming here all the time. Different kids from all over,’ she continued.
‘You mean passing over? You mean taking their lives?’
‘You have to tell them ... tell them that the choice is final. There’s no going back. No waking up and it’s all back the way it was. Once you’re here, they won’t let you go back. You’re here and that’s it.’ Her words were powerful, perceptive.
‘They can’t get it up here,’ she continued, pointing to her head. ‘They don’t understand what life is. How this all is. I can see now the things you told me about in our sessions, things you could see. Now I can see. And it’s amazing. Mum and I used to talk about it. Our ideas of life. But we didn’t get close to what it’s really like here. You just can’t believe it.
‘There are people coming and going from here all the time. Decisions ... planning ... amendments ... according to the higher plan for each person. Life here is on lots of different levels. There are different areas, and each area organises and takes care of a specific group. Like a hospital has different wards and buildings, but they’re organised in a way that helps people with similar needs.’
Shylo was looking more sporty and fit, and vibrant too. Yet this was not how I knew her to be. Was there going to be anymore she had to share?
Shylo continued: ‘Kids have got to hear this message. We have to get this message to them, then they won’t do what I did.’
‘But what is it we can share Shylo, to really reach them and change them?’
‘You!’ she said firmly. ‘You’ve really helped me and my mum. They need to know that there is no going back, once they have ended their life. Their life on earth is over. It’s finished.’
‘But for some people, Shylo, that would be a relief. To kids who feel lost and confused that may seem inviting. To have no more confusion, no more complication, no more overwhelming thoughts or feelings. What can you tell them from where you are, that will make a difference? What is it that you see now, that makes the difference?’ I asked.
‘From the moment I stepped back away from myself, and saw others coming towards me, I just knew straightaway that I had taken an action (long pause) I had ended something ... and I only realised from being outside of it and looking back at the life I had ... I suddenly realised how special and important and significant that life really was.
‘I realised how much my actions, my choices had affected the people who knew me. I saw life moving on without me being a part of it. Without me being able to talk to anybody, to tell them it was a mistake. That I didn’t mean what occurred. If I had the opportunity over again ... I would never throw away the choice to remain there.
‘You don’t realise how special life is, until you get here. Other people come here after being through painful experiences, and they are happy and relieved to be brought here. But young people who choose in a moment to take their life almost always feel their choice ... was not one they would make if they were given a second chance.
‘My brother talks to me. Tell him that what he feels when he talks, I hear and feel too. I’m trying to help him understand he hasn’t lost me. Tell Mum she looked beautiful today,’ she said, with love in her heart for the woman she loved and admired.
This was the day of Shylo’s funeral. It was extraordinary to me that Shylo was visiting to communicate about life in spirit.
‘Over here we celebrate life,’ she continued. ‘We realise that being on earth, living and being able to do the things there, is such a privilege. We don’t usually see it till we are here—till we have gone. It’s like having a vacation then going home and realising how your life was so much more complete while you were away.
‘We get taught here. There are others who instruct us, sort of like a coach. They help grow our understanding of things. Everyone wants to be a part of helping those who have recently arrived in spirit to best come to terms with being here. We gather into groups to learn and understand the pathway we’ve taken, and how to make different choices next time that would take us in a different direction. It also gives us the time to share how we feel about what happened. We listen as others heal. We learn from the wisdom they share with us, as they come to close the memory of their earth life and begin their lives here again.
‘After a while, we all feel okay about our new lives here. The first days after leaving earth can be pretty hard to adjust to, because we wished we hadn’t taken the steps we did, because we realise the actions we’ve taken to get here. We often sit here and share with our teachers how different things could have been if we had chosen to continue our lives there on earth instead. That’s the game of life. For each person, in every day of their life there where you are, there is so much more opportunity to choose and create the experience you want and the result you want. As we discover how the big picture actually works, we know how to make the best choices. As we learn that life is a great privilege, and that we really do always have choices, we can choose to live. If we had really understood that before we took the actions we did, none of us would be here.’
Shylo paused, then continued: ‘My teachers are sharing this with you through me. They send their love and thank for you for what you’re doing for us.’
‘Thank you!’ I whispered, feeling a special warmth in my heart. I paused for a moment, wondering how I could possibly get this message out.
‘Just tell them how much we all want them to understand how awesome life is there!’ Shylo replied. ‘Before you choose a life there, you actually plan where and when and who you will be with. So you choose your family, where in the world you live, and kinda create what time frame you’re gonna take to learn the things you need to learn.
‘In your recent pathway from Canada to Eastern United States to Ashland where you are now receiving our messages, you actually planned this route in spirit, to give you the experience and ready yourself for your future work. If you chose to pull out of what you had planned, then you would have altered your capacity to learn and become a more elevated soul. You would have denied yourself a great learning experience.’
‘What do you do once the phase is over of realising earthly life is precious and that you’d make different decisions if you had another chance?’ I asked. ‘What do you do then, honey?’
‘When we feel we are ready, we can move into a new role. Everything here is through choice. Here we can decide to do different things, based on what learning we feel we most need. Some might choose to be around certain people having life challenges in your world, to be their support person. Others might choose to be around their family members more. They might feel they need to do that, so they can adjust to being here more easily. They might feel they are offering support to their family, and in that way rebalance the pain created by the choices they made in coming here.
‘Some might choose to be available to help others who are leaving earth to return here. They may need to give service to someone who has passed over and needs help to come to terms with being back here. If it’s someone who hasn’t spent too long in your world, then one of us will assist them as a young person to relate to their new life here, to help them feel more comfortable. Sort of like a big brother or sister. Every arrival here is prepared. No matter how many are coming here, no matter their circumstances, everyone is welcome.’
At that moment, I was aware of an older woman joining Shylo in the room and asked: ‘So it’s really about creating the optimum environment for people to come back to spirit?’
‘So many things are happening so fast,’ said Shylo. ‘I like talking with you. I have so much to say that I want others to hear. People like you are a bridge. We need you to speak for us. We want to make a difference. You have to talk about who you see and what you see. You have to talk to people about life here. It’s really important.’
Shylo’s insights impacted on me significantly. I made a note to myself to remember to copy the communication directly into my computer, so I didn’t lose what she had shared. For a brief moment, I thought I may have to rework a word or two to make it flow better.
Shylo immediately interjected: ‘Don’t change a word! I like what I said!’