I thank Valerie Brandes and Jazzmine Breary at Jacaranda Books for believing in my work from the start. You have provided me with such an incredible means for expression, and for that I am truly grateful.
My editor, Lucy Llewellyn, for her excellent work in sculpting this book from a lump of rock to something more akin to (hopefully!) a polished gem. It’s been a blast working with you!
All those involved in the completion of this book, including the copyeditor, the proofreader, and friends and family who read and critiqued the book.
My family and friends for their patience and support when I was at times forced to become a social recluse whilst working on this book. I feel so very fortunate to have such great people surrounding me.
My mother, Julita Walczak, for inspiring in me a love of books and all beings. And for, in my final moment of panic and doubt, making me realise that it’s totally okay to write a love story.
My father, Marek Walczak, for his enthusiasm and sparks of inspiration when I came into pickles at certain points of the story – especially that one time in Thetford Forest.
Both my parents for igniting in me a love for the outdoors and the natural world. For their continued belief in me and for their support, despite the odds.
My sister, Zosia Walczak, for very probably having been my biggest inspiration to be creative in the first place. For our most recent deep chats about this funny ol’ thing called life and the nature of reality and existence, while gazing up at the moon or during long walks, or while dancing like no one’s watching in the early hours.
All the libraries and charity shops that have over the years made books more accessible to me.
And finally, life – this weird and wonderful thing – for being the greatest inspirer of them all.