What Is Tactical Fitness?
Tactical Fitness is a new fitness genre, which I personally define as: The ability to perform military, police, firefighting and other personal survival-related skills, such as running, rucking, swimming, buddy rescue, climbing, jumping, and equipment carry, which require full-body strength, muscle coordination, stamina, speed, agility, and cardiovascular conditioning.
Who Does Tactical Fitness Apply To?
Tactical Fitness primarily applies and refers to the type of fitness needed to assist active duty military, law enforcement, firefighters, and other first responders. However, it also applies to those seeking the first responder professions. We call them the Heroes of Tomorrow. Tactical Fitness also applies to everyone who wants to be in better condition to survive. Whether it is surviving natural disasters or rescuing your family from a burning home before firefighters and paramedics arrive, Tactical Fitness is the difference between life and death in these circumstances. Are you fit enough to save yourself or your family from dangerous situations?
Many of those in the business of defending our country and our communities are required to know how to correctly prepare their workouts to best suit the needs of their demanding schedules and jobs. For those not in the military, police, or firefighter professions, just having the ability to save themselves or rescue family members from situations requiring endurance, strength and physical discipline (such as by carrying them or swimming with them out of danger) is reason enough to train in a certain manner, to a certain standard.
So, how can you train to improve your tactical fitness? Standard physical fitness tests (PFTs) like push-ups, sit-ups, 1.5-mile runs, sit and reach tests, blood pressure tests, and body fat measurements are common enough, but serve primarily as basic health and fitness tests; these standard PFTs are not Tactical Fitness Tests. Passing a standard PFT simply means that you have the upper body and core strength, as well as cardio health, to perform your job at a basic level. This “basic level” is defined as the level of fitness required to be able to operate to a minimum standard, and not die from the exhaustion of your efforts.
The differences between standard PFTs and Tactical Fitness Tests (or job performance tests) are vast. There are multiple physical dimensions required in tactical fitness which are not tested for in a standard PFT. This is primarily because those in professions which benefit from tactical fitness are often called upon to go above and beyond the level of fitness these standards indicate. Therefore, in order to create a job performance foundation to be “tactically fit,” it is essential to incorporate some elements of the job itself as part of the test. This not only ensures the accuracy of the test and the value of passing it, but will also grant the ability to perform well in some of the most dangerous jobs in the world—defending and protecting our country and communities.
Who Are the Heroes of Tomorrow?
We all are! While men and women in tactical professions (such as firefighters, military, and law enforcement) are required to use tactical skills every day, we are all Heroes of Tomorrow. You never know when you may have to save someone or fight for your own life. This can include fighting against Mother Nature in extreme weather, combating another human, or any other dangerous situation where you unexpectedly find yourself having to protect yourself or your loved ones. Are you ready for this fight? The Heroes of Tomorrow Program will get you in shape to help you prepare for any situation!
About the Heroes of Tomorrow Program
As a former Navy SEAL, certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS), and fitness author I originally developed the Heroes of Tomorrow Program based on my database of workouts designed to help people pass the physical fitness standards of several military occupations and law enforcement agencies.
While working as an instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy, I saw the caliber of students who were selected to attend the four year military college. Amazed that over 50 percent of the incoming freshman class failed to meet the minimum physical requirements of the Navy Physical Fitness Test (PFT), I began to investigate the present physical levels of the “heroes of tomorrow” in other military branches and law enforcement agencies. It was not shocking to learn that as our nation grows increasingly overweight and obese, our young men and women who seek military or law enforcement careers are doing the same and failing even the minimum physical standards.
I saw this as a serious issue affecting men and women across the country—not only those professionals themselves, but those who rely on them every day. If many of our young people are not capable enough to perform 20 push-ups or 40 sit-ups, or run a mile in under 7 to 8 minutes, how can they perform physically demanding jobs and protect the safety of our nation in times of war or civil unrest, during natural disasters, or in other dangerous situations?
The Heroes of Tomorrow program is dedicated to creating a community where we honor the heroes of yesterday and today, including the thousands of firefighters, law enforcement officers, and military personnel who have dedicated their lives to protecting the citizens of the United States and the world.
The Heroes of Tomorrow program was originally intended for young men and women who seek to better their physical fitness to pursue a career in the armed forces, law enforcement, or public safety. But we are all Heroes of Tomorrow and anyone can benefit from the Tactical Fitness workouts in the Heroes of Tomorrow Program. Our primary mission statement—setting yourself a standard of physical excellence that not only meets your minimum requirements, but also allows you to work to your full potential—should resonate with anyone.
By following the workouts in this book, you will:
• Have a greater chance of surviving dangerous situations or completing tactical training
• Be less stressed at physical events (in fact, physical events will become stress relievers, not stress increasers)
• Have greater ability and confidence for any situation
• Develop a mindset where merely striving for the minimum is not an option
• Be strong enough to compete—not just survive—in life and in training