The tactical athlete must have strong hips, lower back muscles, and legs in order to move gear over any terrain like hills, sand, or stairs. The following exercises help build the foundation of fitness for any athletics program as well as the tactical professions. Also, for those seeking to gain weight, adding 2 to 3 serious lower body training days per week will assist with spurring growth, power, and strength.
Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Drop your buttocks back as though sitting in a chair. Concentrate on squeezing your glutes during the upward motion. Keep your heels on the ground and knee over your ankles. Your shins should remain vertical at all times. Extend your buttocks backward. Do not keep your buttocks over your feet or extend your knees over your feet. This exercises the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.
Perform Squats (see this page) with a barbell or dumbbells. You can also try kettlebell goblet squats. Grab the kettlebell with both hands, keeping your arms close to your chest with elbows pointed down. Continue moving up and down in the squatting positions for the required repetitions for the set.
Add a kettlebell (or dumbbell) to the squat. Explode with your legs and hips to swing the kettlebell (or dumbbell) above your head when standing and between your legs when squatting. Keep your head up and your back straight.
Keep your chest up high and your stomach tight. Take a long step forward and drop your back knee toward the ground. Stand up on your front leg, bringing your feet together, and repeat with the other leg. Make sure your knee never extends past your foot (in other words, keep your shin vertical).
Add weight to your walking lunges as shown here with sandbags, kettlebells, and water jugs.
Using a box about 20 inches in height, jump up onto the box and straighten your torso and hips to complete the motion. Step or jump down and repeat. If you are new to box jumps, it is recommended to jump up to the box and step down. Many people with tight calves tend to injure the Achilles tendon if they have not properly warmed up or prepared for this dynamic plyometric exercise.
Perform a bicep curl, then press the dumbbells over your head with a military press, and go straight into a triceps extension. Repeat in reverse order to return to the starting position.
Follow MJDB #1 (this page), and add in a squat when your hands are in the down bicep position (by your hips).
Follow MJDB #2 (this page), and add a squat thrust and 1 to 5 push-ups.