Chapter Thirteen
Aiden stared at Madison, his tongue sticking to the top of his mouth. She palmed his dick and his whole body tensed. It was damn uncomfortable in his jeans, especially with her hot little hand on him.
“What do you say?” Her gaze was heavy-lidded and her pupils had grown until she seemed to be eating him up with her eyes.
“I do trust you.” He wrapped his hand around her wrist and pulled her busy fingers away from his erection. Somewhere along the road, he had grown to trust her. He couldn’t say when, but he did, and that alone was unusual. Everyone lied or cheated, maybe even killed, for the right price.
He slid his hand down to her thigh and nudged her legs apart with his knee. She hooked her knee over his hip and tucked her chin down, staring up at him through her lashes. Her heat seared him through his jeans, but he wasn’t about to pounce on her so soon after her orgasm. Madison might look like a hard-bodied pinup sex goddess on wheels, but it was camouflage. There was no mistaking her hesitance earlier, which only further proved just how real she’d been with him from the start.
“Comfortable?” he asked.
She snuggled closer, her head pillowed on his arm. If he wanted to, he could bury his face in her hair and inhale the fragrance he was coming to associate with her.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He smoothed a hand over her hair and kissed the crown of her head. It wasn’t the gesture of a casual lover. Tangling with Madison was not in his best interests. She was a woman who would want—and deserve—far better than he could give her. But he was only human, still subject to the urges of the flesh. And right now his body wanted one thing—to be inside of her.
She placed a hand to his chest, her fingers spread wide so he couldn’t see her face, but he didn’t need to. He’d already committed it to memory.
A Japanese-styled phoenix perched on her shoulder, poised as if about to dive down her arm, while the tail feathers fanned across Madison’s back.
“Why the phoenix?” he asked. People chose tattoos for a variety of reasons. His were to remember, while some wanted to forget.
Madison picked her head up and met his gaze.
“I’d think it’s obvious. Rebirth.” She extended her left arm, twisting it. It was almost entirely encased in bright colors, except for a few places around her wrist where it was just black lines on flesh. “We chose each flower and all the elements to tell the rebirth story in its prime. The lotus flowers at my wrist will finish it.”
He threaded his fingers with hers and brought them to his lips.
Fuck it.
Madison deserved pleasure, and he’d give it to her. Damn the rest.
He kissed the back of her hand, her wrist, the first lines of the tattoo and up her forearm to her shoulder. Her chest stopped moving and he held perfectly still. He’d already begun to learn what it took to ease her into lovemaking, and he liked how responsive she was once she let go of her inhibitions.
Aiden nuzzled her neck, waiting. She tipped her head to the side and he zeroed in on that spot, the place where neck met shoulder. He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to the spot and she gasped, sucking down lungfuls of air. A little moan escaped her lips and he smiled. Her hands grasped his shoulders while her head dropped back on the pillow. He had a suspicion no one had ever taken their time, wringing every drop of pleasure from her body.
He shifted, rolling her until he was once more on top of her, the blanket spread out over them, a thin shield against the rest of the world. They weren’t in much danger of being spotted unless some late-night boater came in off the water, but Madison might not realize that. Besides, there was something liberating about the perception of being out on the open water.
Her hips rocked up against him and he pressed his face against her shoulder for a moment.
Damn, she knew how to move. Their bodies aligned perfectly. She was just the right height, too.
Aiden inhaled her scent and willed his throbbing dick to pipe down. There was more of her he hadn’t yet tasted or touched.
Her hands roved over his shoulders and chest until they framed his face, pulling him up and sealing her lips over his. She clung to him, pressing their mouths together until he felt the brush of her teeth against his lips. He liked a little roughness from time to time, and he’d be willing to bet Madison knew how to play dirty.
He tore his mouth from hers, working his way swiftly down her neck. She arched her back, as if she knew where he was going—that or her breasts were feeling neglected. He released the catch on her bra with a twist of his fingers.
“Practice much?” She grinned at him.
“Once or twice.” He didn’t want to think about anyone else—except her. “Had to make sure I got it right for you.”
“How considerate.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hiding them, but she surprised him by drawing the garment up and tossing it away.
Madison was now completely naked. He lifted up, taking a moment to admire her. She was soft in places, and toned in others. Tattoos dotted her body, creating a story he couldn’t fully appreciate. Yet.
“Babe, in case I don’t get a chance to say this later, you’re beautiful.”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes.
Aiden captured her chin between his fingers and lowered his weight once more onto her, pinning her to the mattress.
“I’m not just saying that because you’re naked. I wouldn’t be this hard for just any hot piece of ass.” How did he put the sense of normalcy she gave him into words? What could he say to make her understand that she really was special to him?
Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. Maybe it was his tone, or perhaps she got the clue. Whatever this was, however short-lived, it was special.
“Sorry, it’s just—thank you.”
He bent his head and kissed her mouth, savoring the taste of her. Her hands traveled down his back until her fingertips could push under the band of his underwear. He wanted to let her strip him, he hadn’t fulfilled his mission yet.
Aiden scooted down her body until he could push her breasts together, plumping the round mounds. She had a good handful, not too big for his tastes, and still small enough they wouldn’t be in the way when she skated.
“What are you—?”
“Sh, I’m getting acquainted with them,” he said.
“What?” She lifted her head and blinked at him.
“They were sad I didn’t spend more time with them earlier.” He managed to say it with a straight face. Madison let her head drop back onto the pillow without further comment.
He studied her dusky nipples. Her chest rose and fell with her accelerated breathing. The peaks were already constricted, another sign of her arousal, one that made him feel a little satisfaction.
Aiden licked one breast, then the other. Her breathing hitched, and she let out a quiet, high-pitched moan. She tried to shift under him. Her thighs squeezed, hugging him closer.
He sucked her right nipple, flicking his tongue over the tight bud while she continued to buck and shift mindlessly under him. Her hands clutched at his shoulders and the back of his head, pressing him closer.
If at all possible, her evident arousal only turned him on more. He liked knowing that each lick and suck drove her inhibitions further away from mind. There was no doubt she was here—with him—in this moment.
Madison wiggled her arms between them, plumping her breasts while she reached for the waistband of his jeans. He grabbed her wrists, hauling her arms up above her head and got in her face.
“Aiden,” she whimpered, silencing the command on his lips. Her voice was full of pure passion, desire, everything he wanted to show her. “Aiden, don’t make me beg.”
He released her hands and kissed her, allowing her to clutch his face and deepen the kiss. Her tongue thrust into his mouth and her legs held him in place while she undulated against him.
If he had his way, this proud woman would never beg for a thing.
Aiden pushed up, tearing his mouth from hers.
Madison blinked up at him and brought an arm across her chest to cover herself, her brow creased in such a manner that she looked pained. He slid the blanket off his shoulders and covered her.
“You never beg, understand me?” He pressed his mouth to hers in a hard, punishing kiss. The moment her fingers grazed his flesh he straightened.
He was a man of control. Without it, his people could die. Innocents around them would be casualties. He couldn’t afford to relax that hold on himself, and yet, since he’d met Madison, she’d done nothing but distract and throw him off balance in the most delicious ways possible. Did she realize what she did to him? If she had any idea, she didn’t show it.
Aiden tabbed open his jeans and toed off his boots, ignoring the laces in favor of getting naked faster. One boot clattered to the deck, followed by the other. He paused to toss his wallet on the deck before hooking his thumbs in his jeans and underwear. Her eyes grew slightly larger when he tugged the clothing down over his hips and hissed as he freed his erection. He kicked out of the denim and stared down at her.
Madison’s hair was spread over the pillows. He could make out almost every detail of her face, her hands clutching the blanket and even her toes sticking out the end. She was beautiful, and she was a survivor, and she was his—for tonight, or however long it took to set her free.
“I have a condom.” He swiped his wallet up and flipped through its contents looking for the packet.
“I had a checkup a few weeks ago before the season started. I don’t have anything.”
“Me either.” He pulled the condom from his wallet and knelt on the mattress. He couldn’t remember the last woman he’d bedded, didn’t want to.
She rolled to her side, head propped in her hand. If she wanted to watch, who was he to stop her?
He tore open the packet and held the end of the condom while he rolled it on slower than he might otherwise. She bit her lip watching the progress of his hands. He had to stifle a groan at that. Every soft sigh and needy moan had already done a number on his control. Christ, if this went on much longer, he didn’t know what he’d do.
“I’m going to fuck you,” he said far rougher than he intended.
Madison’s eyes widened and she licked her lips, but there was no protest.
He crawled toward her and she pulled the blanket back, giving him a glimpse of her breast, down to her stomach and that little cluster of curls. Something about the neatly trimmed hair had made him a little crazy earlier.
Aiden slid under the blanket, drawing it over their bodies as she hooked a leg over his thigh. He rolled with her, until he had her under him once more. He kissed her, bracketing her shoulders with his hands and moving against her. He couldn’t remember the last time—if ever—a woman had made him this crazy with lust.
He rocked into her, loving the way her breasts pressed against him, how she moved with him.
He rose to his knees between her thighs and grasped his dick with one hand. He touched her folds and found them damp. She gasped and arched into the touch, lifting her hips in a lust-crazed plea. He placed the head of his cock against her entrance and glanced up her body. Her gaze snagged his, and the thrumming in his veins redoubled. He thrust and her lids dropped, groaning.
He gripped her thighs and eased deeper into her pussy, glancing down to glimpse their joined flesh.
Aiden withdrew and thrust again, sinking deep inside of her. He lowered to his elbows, hovering above her while she gasped. Her face creased, eyes squeezed shut and her mouth open. He watched her, holding still while her body adjusted to him. Her gasps turned to little moans. She began to shift, her hands coming to rest on his back.
He bent, kissing her brow, the tip of her nose, and the corner of her mouth. She turned toward him and he sealed his lips over hers. She cupped the back of his head and hooked her leg higher over his thigh.
He levered up a bit and flexed his hips, grinding them together. Her eyes widened and he felt her inner muscles clamp down on him, hugging him tight. He withdrew slowly, all the way until only the head of his cock remained within her, and slid back in. She groaned, the pitch of her mewls taking on a new, pleasurable note. Her body was soft under his, yielding to the intrusion with ease.
Aiden rocked into her before withdrawing once more. He set a steady rhythm, in and out, adjusting the tilt of her hips until she clawed at his shoulders. Her panting increased in pitch and her eyes stared at him, without seeing him.
He would make sure she came.
Madison tossed her head back, her groan rising as the breath left her and her pussy tightened around him. He slowed his rhythm, but gave her no respite, fucking her through her orgasm until she whimpered. She pushed at his shoulder and he stopped. Was two orgasms too much? Was that her limit?
She inhaled deeply, her breasts lifting to graze his chest. Her eyes slid open and she smiled up at him.
“Sorry, I couldn’t breathe there at the end.”
He would have chuckled if he weren’t so hard.
Her brows drew down. “You didn’t—come?”
“No.” What did he do?
“Oh.” Once more she smiled sheepishly. She stretched her arms toward him, twining them around his neck. “What can I do? Tell me.”
He opened and closed his mouth.
“What if... want me on top?” she asked.
Madison riding him, her perky breasts bouncing, her hair caught in the breeze and the moonlight shining down on her like some water goddess? Hell yes!
He rolled them so fast she squealed and laughed, clutching his shoulders. She sprawled over his chest. She pushed up, unmindful of her nudity. He covered her breasts with his hands. Those were for his eyes only.
She placed her hands on his chest, leaning forward so her hair fell over her shoulder. Her smile was more carefree and easy than he’d seen it yet. She rose and fell, her gaze centered on him. He squeezed her breasts, giving himself over finally to the myriad of sensations.
He wrapped his hands in her hair, pulling her down roughly until he could crush their mouths together and thrust up into her over and over again. The base of his spine began to tingle. He thrust his tongue into her as he came, wrapping his arms around her, rocking against her.
She collapsed on his chest, her breath hot against his neck, her hair tangling in his eyelashes, tickling his nose. He wouldn’t trade this for anything.
He tugged the blanket up over them and closed his eyes.
Being with Madison warmed a part of him that had lain dormant. She gave him a sense of normalcy, despite how unusual their meeting was. Moments like these, they could be anyone, anywhere. Just two people, losing themselves in lust for each other.
It wouldn’t always be like this. That was their reality.
What was it about her that tied him in knots? He hadn’t exactly lived the life of a monk, but he wasn’t new to the theory of friends with benefits. Everyone had their needs. Fucking Madison should have scratched that itch—if she’d been anyone else. No, he was the fool to think rocking the boat a bit would work this attraction out of his system.
He couldn’t offer her more than freedom from Dustin’s shadow, but maybe once this mess was cleared up, they could take a weekend. A couple of days without the shop, racing, or the Hoovers to enjoy each other in the most carnal ways.
* * *
“I cannot believe you are a Cowboys fan.”
Madison tossed her head back and laughed. Her microwave special sausage and biscuit crumbled in her fingers, hitting the table, but she didn’t care. Since last night on the deck, Aiden hadn’t mentioned Dustin, their deal, or anything remotely connected. It was as if they’d flipped a switch and stepped into a different, happier time. With the exception of the cops on guard and Aiden taking a security stroll before bed, it had been like living in a dream.
“Hey, it’s one of the few things my daddy left me with. Besides, they’re America’s team.” She picked up the broken pieces of her breakfast and popped them in her mouth.
“If they were America’s team they’d actually win.” He glanced at her from across the table and paused. “What?”
“Nothing.” She ducked her head, concentrating on the leftover crumbs. He was so different than what she’d expected him to be. Especially now. She might not know the secret, dangerous stuff about him, but she’d learned that he could laugh, make jokes and they could talk about so many things. It wasn’t hard to think about a future where they tried exhausting all the topics, but that was a line of thought that led to disappointment. This magical moment would be over soon.
“What?” he asked again.
She sighed and rolled her eyes. His determination in all things was either remarkable or annoying.
“Nothing, really, you’re just cute when you get all worked up.”
“I don’t think the Cowboys are an accurate representation of America.” He set his second biscuit down and steepled his fingers.
Oh boy, he must really have lots of thoughts on this topic. Not only did he have opinions, but a wealth of knowledge about the most random topics. She folded her hands in her lap, prepared to listen to what would be no doubt another interesting look into the man.
“We’ve got so much going for us as Americans. We’re innovative, we’ve got all the freedoms to explore and create, not to mention the opportunity. Here, we don’t have to worry about digging wells, we worry about finding different ways to change a tire, grow an apple. We don’t have the same problems as the rest of the world. We’ve done so many wonderful and amazing things. Like the Tin Lizzie.”
“The what?”
“The Model T?”
“Oh.” Cars. She should have known.
“What Henry Ford did changed the world. His assembly line production made a car that wasn’t just for the wealthy. He wanted to make something the common person could buy. Did you know he changed his assembly line because three of his workers—uneducated men—said they had an idea? He didn’t shut them up. He took what they said and not only changed how cars were produced for the common man but the assembly line. Cars revolutionized the class system. It made a new way for people to live and provide for their families. Take that and look at a dozen—a hundred—other things we’ve done.”
She could care less about old cars and whatever he was talking about. It was the fervor in which he spoke, the conviction that captured her.
He leaned back in his seat and glanced away, but she doubted it was her kitchenette he was seeing. “I’ve been to some seriously fucked up places, and it makes me appreciate what we have here. The freedoms, the education, even our government—at least they aren’t beheading people for choosing to think differently. If we don’t like the president we can say so.”
“The Chevelle and the Challenger—they’re American cars, aren’t they?” Maybe it was a stupid question, but she didn’t know a thing about automobiles.
“Yes, ma’am. That’s all I drive. Nothing against foreign makes, but when I drive . . .” He leaned toward her, elbows on the table, gaze trained on her. “When I drive, it’s like I’m somewhere else. A car is pure energy at that point, it’s all in how you direct it. Call me a kook, but I want to know that when I go to that place where it’s just me, the car, and the road, I want to know that the energy behind it isn’t kids on penny wages or factories in shit conditions. I want to know where every piece comes from.”
“I get it.” She smiled, and found that she’d leaned toward him while he spoke, chin propped on her hand. Unlike him, she’d barely ever been outside of Florida. She could only imagine what life was like in other countries much less another city, how seeing the conditions he described changed a person.
Aiden’s smartphone chimed and he glanced at the screen, that inner light that had begun to glow last night snuffed out in the blink of an eye.
It was time to return to the real world.
In the span of a second, she could sense the fun, easygoing, and opinionated man who’d shared her bed leave and the deadly man of secrets return. She sighed and swept the crumbs off the table and into her hand. If last night and this morning was all she could have, she’d have to cherish it.
“What time do you need to be at work?” he asked.
“I thought the airport opened earlier than that.”
“It does, usually, but because of the storm we’re starting late today.” Too bad they hadn’t slept in. Her eyes had popped open at seven. Aiden had already been awake, drawing lazy patterns on her arm. Saying good morning was better than good night with him. “Ugh. And I need to find a ride.”
“I’ll take you.” He tapped the screen of his phone, scrolling through what appeared to be a lengthy text message.
Aiden stood and stretched, the muscles of his chest rippling. She’d mapped the width and breadth of his chest with her mouth this morning, and just the memory made her body go warm.
“I’m going to need my shirt back,” he said.
“You sure about that?” She glanced down at herself, clothed only in his T-shirt.
“I am.”
“Trying to dress me?”
“Babe, I’m only interested in undressing you.”
She smiled and ducked her head, feeling goofy and giddy and dangerously close to wanting more than a single night with this man. It was a recipe for heartache, and she was already gathering the ingredients.