6 Progressive Tenses

Progressive tenses are compound tenses consisting of the appropriate tenses of estar and the present participle.

Present Participle: The present participle is formed by adding the ending -ando or -iendo to the infinitive stem.


Note:    The present participle has only one form; it does not distinguish person or number.

Estar    to be (in a state or condition)    (see page 112 for complete verb).

Present Progressive: The present progressive is formed with the present tense of estar plus the present participle. It is used to describe action thought of as in progress.


Past Progressive: The past progressive is formed with the imperfect tense of estar plus the present participle. It describes action which was in progress at a given moment in the past.


Note:    The present and past progressive tenses are used to express present or past (imperfect) action when that action is thought of as continuing or in progress. They are thus a more vivid, dramatic substitute for the present and imperfect, respectively. The estar verb indicates the person and number of the subject; the participle always remains the same.

Para practicar

Write the present participles of the following infinitives:


Write the present progressive form that corresponds to the subject:



A. Write the past progressive form for the subject indicated.

1. Juan (llevar) _________________________

2. tú (estudiar) _________________________

3. vosotros (trabajar) _________________________

4. Pepe y yo (subir) _________________________

5. ellas (correr) _________________________

6. mi amigo (escuchar) _________________________

7. los niños (jugar) _________________________

8. nosotros (escribir) _________________________

9. tú (comer) _________________________

10. ella (partir) _________________________

11. ella y yo (tomar) _________________________

12. él y ella (acabar) _________________________

13. yo (responder) _________________________

14. ellos (decidir) _________________________

15. él (cubrir) _________________________

B. Change the present and imperfect verbs so that they express action in progress, keeping the original subject.

1. reciben _________________________

2. trabajábamos _________________________

3. abrís _________________________

4. preguntabais _________________________

5. no escuchaba _________________________

6. vivimos _________________________

7. bebe _________________________

8. Uds. asistían _________________________

9. vendes _________________________

10. Ud. no tomaba _________________________

11. enseñaba _________________________

12. contestáis _________________________

13. Ud. estudia _________________________

14. no comía _________________________

15. aprendo _________________________

Mastery Test

Express each English verb two ways:



Repaso (Future, conditional, progressive)

Write in Spanish:

1. you (pl., for.) will attend _________________________

2. I was admiring _________________________

3. you (s., fam.) will offend _________________________

4. I should bother _________________________

5. you (pl., fam.) are looking for _________________________

6. you (s., for.) would not discuss _________________________

7. I was insisting _________________________

8. she is studying _________________________

9. I will go up _________________________

10. he would admire _________________________

11. they were responding _________________________

12. he is not bothering _________________________

13. will they discuss? _________________________

14. he was working _________________________

15. you (s., fam.) are not running _________________________

16. he will listen _________________________

17. she was entering _________________________

18. we are spending _________________________

19. we would cover _________________________

20. they were cleaning _________________________

21. I will not open _________________________

22. you (pl., fam.) would lose _________________________

23. you (s., for.) are calling _________________________

24. he will clean _________________________

25. you (s., fam.) will teach _________________________

26. you (pl., fam.) are working _________________________

27. he will throw _________________________

28. I was writing _________________________

29. they are drinking _________________________

30. she would admire _________________________

31. we were calling _________________________

32. he was discussing _________________________

33. I will admire _________________________

34. you (s., for.) would bother _________________________

35. they will spend _________________________

36. you (pl., for.) would write _________________________

37. they were deciding _________________________

38. he will respond _________________________