13 Stem-Changing Verbs—Class I

Stem-changing verbs change the last vowel of the stem under certain conditions.

In stem-changing verbs of Class I (-ar or -er verbs), the e or o of the stem changes to ie or ue, respectively, in all the forms, except nosotros and vosotros, of both the present indicative and the present subjunctive.

Present Indicative:


Present Subjunctive:


What would the present subjunctive of (1) pensar (2) entender be?


What would the present indicative of (1) contar and (2) volver be?


Other Verbs of Class I:


Para practicar

A. Write the verb in the present indicative in the subject indicated:



B. Write the verbs in the present subjunctive in the subject indicated:


Mastery Test

A. Translate into English:

1. se acuestan _________________________

2. me acuerdo _________________________

3. ella vuelve _________________________

4. Ud. caliente _________________________

5. mostremos _________________________

6. perdéis _________________________

7. que Uds. revuelvan _________________________

8. enciendas _________________________

9. él aprobó _________________________

10. me sentaba _________________________

11. costó _________________________

12. nevará _________________________

13. confieso _________________________

14. ellos devuelven _________________________

15. cierre Ud. _________________________

B. Translate into Spanish:

1. you (pl., fam.) lost _________________________

2. I hope that they understand _________________________

3. it’s possible that we will meet _________________________

4. do you (s., fam.) close? _________________________

5. you (s., fam.) do not understand _________________________

6. they moved _________________________

7. I was moving _________________________

8. they may show _________________________

9. you (s., fam.) move _________________________

10. we warmed _________________________

11. I am lighting _________________________

12. they do not lose _________________________

13. I may bite _________________________

14. I hope that you (s., fam.) will stir _________________________

15. it costs _________________________